MEUR                        10-12/2007   10-12/2006        2007      2006
Net sales                         37.9         16.6        97.5      50.2
Operating result before            4.9          1.9        13.3       4.1
IFRS3 items
% of net sales                    13.0         11.5        13.6       8.1
Operating result                   3.6          1.7        10.8       3.6
% of net sales                     9.6         10.5        11.0       7.3
Result before taxes                3.1          1.7         9.5       3.5
Result for the period              2.2          1.4         7.0       2.6
Equity ratio, %                   41.9         52.0        41.9      52.0
Net gearing, %                    53.9         35.2        53.9      35.2
Earnings per share, eur           0.10         0.09        0.38      0.16
Earnings per share                                                       
(diluted), eur                    0.10         0.09        0.38      0.16
Equity per share, eur             2.93         2.30        2.93      2.30
Dividend proposal, eur                                     0.16      0.10

CEO Pekka Eloholma comments the fourth quarter and the whole year 2007:

"The  last quarter was the highest in company history both regarding  the  net
sales 37.9 MEUR (growth 129%) and EBIT 3.6 MEUR (10% of net sales)."

"During  year 2007 our net sales grew by 94% to 97.5 MEUR. The net sales  grew
both  in  Finland (by 15%) and especially in the Baltic (by 75%). The  organic
growth  in Sweden is estimated to have been over 20%. The group EBIT was  10.8
MEUR (11% of net sales). The order backlog grew strongly during the year to an
all-time-high level of 41.6 MEUR."

"For  Affecto, year 2007 was a year of strong growth and internationalization.
The  Component  Software  acquisition combined to Affecto's  Swedish  business
turned  Affecto  into  a  truly Nordic wide service  provider.  Had  Component
Software  been  part of Affecto for the whole year, our pro  forma  net  sales
would have been approx. 127 MEUR."

"Strong growth in Baltic continued and the business was expanded to Poland."

"Positive  development  is  expected to continue during  year  2008,  but  the
effects  of the global economic developments on Affecto's business environment
are hard to estimate. The company seeks to reach net sales of approx. 140 MEUR
in  2008.  The  profitability  of the whole  year  2008  is  expected  not  to
materially change from 2007."

Additional information:

CEO Pekka Eloholma, +358 205 777 737
CFO Satu Kankare, +358 205 777 202
SVP, M&A, Hannu Nyman, +358 205 777 761

This  report  is unaudited. The amounts in this report have been rounded  from
exact numbers.


Affecto's  net sales in 10-12/2007 was 37.9 MEUR (10-12/2006 16.6  MEUR).  Net
sales  in  Finland  was 11.6 MEUR (11.1 MEUR), in Baltic area  7.5  MEUR  (4.6
MEUR),  6.9  MEUR in Sweden (0.9 MEUR) and 11.9 MEUR (0.0 MEUR)  in  Norway  &
Denmark. Net sales grew by 129%. In Finland growth was 5% and in Baltic it was

In  line  with the normal annual cycle, the fourth quarter was the largest  by
net sales, mainly due to the license sales concentration to the quarter.

Sales of geographical segments based on location of assets

Net sales, MEUR        10-12/2007   10-12/2006       2007       2006
Finland                      11.6         11.1       41.7       36.3
Baltic                        7.5          4.6       22.9       13.1
Sweden                        6.9          0.9       17.7        0.9
Norway & Denmark             11.9          0.0       15.2        0.0
Eliminations                  0.0          0.0        0.0        0.0
Group total                  37.9         16.6       97.5       50.2

In  10-12/2007  net sales of BI segment was 21.7 MEUR (4.7 MEUR),  Operational
solutions 13.9 MEUR (9.4 MEUR) and Cartographic solutions 2.3 MEUR (2.5 MEUR).
The  acquisitions  done  in 2006 and 2007 have had impact  mostly  on  the  BI

Affecto's  EBIT  was 3.6 MEUR (1.7 MEUR). EBIT in Finland was  1.3  MEUR  (1.6
MEUR),  Baltic EBIT was 1.5 MEUR (0.7 MEUR), EBIT in Sweden was 0.3  MEUR  and
EBIT in Norway & Denmark was 1.0 MEUR.

Operating result of geographical segments based on location of assets

Operating result, MEUR   10-12/2007   10-12/2006       2007       2006
Finland                         1.3          1.6        4.4        4.6
Baltic                          1.5          0.7        5.4        0.5
Sweden                          0.3          0.0        1.5        0.0
Norway & Denmark                1.0          0.0        1.2        0.0
Group management               -0.6         -0.5       -1.7       -1.5
Group total                     3.6          1.7       10.8        3.6

According to IFRS3 requirements, 10-12/2007 EBIT includes 1.3 MEUR (0.2  MEUR)
of  depreciation of intangible assets related to acquisitions.  A  significant
part  of  the depreciation is related to Sweden and Norway & Denmark segments.
In whole year such depreciation amounted to 2.5 MEUR (0.4 MEUR).

Fourth  quarter  was  reasonably  good  in  Finland,  and  business  developed
steadily.  During  the  quarter,  new orders were  received  e.g.  from  Alko,
Wärtsilä  and  the Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs. The profit  decreased  in
Finland  due  to  the  investments in growth and  the  weak  profitability  in
cartographic solutions.

The  net sales and profit in Baltic improved significantly compared to Q4/2006
thanks to good resource utilization rate due to continuing large projects.  In
the  insurance sector, the projects in South Africa and Poland continued.  New
orders were received e.g. from Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Lithuanian
National  Paying  Agency.  A  few large license deals  were  done  during  the
quarter, total impact on net sales 1.9 MEUR.

During  the  quarter, the Component Software business in Sweden was integrated
to  Affecto  Sweden, which integration work somewhat decreased the  number  of
workdays available to customers. New orders were received from eg. Vin&Spirit,
Ecophone and ICA.

Norway   &  Denmark  segment's  development  was  positive  and  prices   were
increasing.  The business was developed by recruiting new consultants  and  by
founding   a   Microsoft  BI  unit.  New  orders  were  received   from   e.g.
Kredittillsynet (Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) and Agder Energi.

YEAR 2007

Affecto  builds  versatile  IT solutions for companies  and  organisations  to
improve  their  efficiency in business and to support  the  related  decision-
making. With Affecto's Business Intelligence solutions organisations are  able
to  integrate  strategic  targets  with their  business  management.  Business
Intelligence  solutions  enable  the further  processing  and  utilisation  of
information  generated by ERP and other IT systems. The company also  develops
operational   solutions,  such  as  Geographic  Information   Systems   (GIS),
Enterprise  Content Management (ECM) and versatile customer specific  software
services.  These solutions assist organisations in collecting, organising  and
analysing   available  digital  information  in  support  of  their   business
processes.  Affecto offers Business Intelligence solutions  in  its  operating
areas  in the Nordic countries and Baltic countries. In operational solutions,
the company has a presence in Finland, Norway and in the Baltic region.

Affecto is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. The company has subsidiaries in
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.


The  most  significant event in 2007 was the acquisition of Component Software
Group ASA through a public tender offer in August 2007. Component Software has
been  included  in  Affecto's consolidated accounts since  1  September  2007.
During the year 2007, the Affecto name and new corporate visual identity  were

Affecto's  net  sales in 2007 was 97.5 MEUR (2006: 50.2 MEUR).  Net  sales  in
Finland was 41.7 MEUR (36.3 MEUR), in Baltic area 22.9 MEUR (13.1 MEUR),  17.7
MEUR  in Sweden (0.9 MEUR) and 15.2 MEUR (0.0 MEUR) in Norway & Denmark. Sales
growth was 94%. In Finland growth was 15% and in Baltic it was 75%.

The  sales  growth  was based on good demand for services in  all  our  market
areas.  Especially the Baltic business developed very positively  compared  to
year 2006.

Intellibis, acquired in December 2006, and the Swedish operations of Component
Software,  acquired  in  August  2007, form  the  Swedish  segment.  Component
Software's business in Norway and Denmark forms the Norway & Denmark segment.

In  2007  net  sales  of  BI  segment was 48.1 MEUR (11.9  MEUR),  Operational
solutions  39.9  MEUR  (28.7 MEUR) and Cartographic solutions  9.5  MEUR  (9.7
MEUR). The acquisitions done in 2006 and 2007 have had impact mostly on the BI


Affecto's  EBIT was 10.8 MEUR (3.6 MEUR). EBIT in Finland was  4.4  MEUR  (4.6
MEUR),  Baltic EBIT was 5.4 MEUR (0.5 MEUR), EBIT in Sweden was 1.5 MEUR  (0.0
MEUR) and EBIT in Norway & Denmark was 1.2 MEUR (0.0 MEUR).

According  to  IFRS3 requirements, 2007 EBIT includes 2.5 MEUR (0.4  MEUR)  of
depreciation of intangible assets related to acquisitions. A significant  part
of  the  depreciation is related to Sweden and Norway & Denmark  segments.  In
year  2008 the IFRS3 depreciation is estimated to total 2.9 MEUR and  in  2009
approx 2.8 MEUR.

The   profit  in  Baltic  improved  significantly  thanks  to  good   resource
utilization rate due to ongoing large customer projects. The profit  decreased
in Finland due to the weak profitability in cartographic solutions.

R&D  expenditure in 2007 totaled 0.9 MEUR (0.5 MEUR), i.e. 0.9% of  net  sales
(0.9%).  The  expenditure  has  been booked  as  costs,  except  in  Component
software's ECM business, where 0.1 MEUR has been capitalized in balance sheet.

Taxes for the period have been booked as taxes. Net profit for the period  was
7.0 MEUR, while it was 2.6 MEUR last year.

Order backlog totaled 41.6 MEUR at the end of period (24.2 MEUR). Affecto  has
a  well diversified customer base. Ten largest customers generated approx. 20%
of group revenue in 2007.


At the end of the reporting period, Affecto's balance sheet totaled 162.1 MEUR
(2006: 78.7 MEUR). Significant part of the growth is due to the acquisition of
Component Software Group ASA in August 2007. Equity ratio was 41.9 (52.0%) and
net gearing was 53.9% (35.2%).

The additional consideration for ZenPark, acquired in 2006, was determined  to
be 0.67 MEUR and it was paid during third quarter.

The  financial  loans  were 46.9 MEUR as at 31 December  2007.  The  interest-
bearing  net  debt was 33.9 MEUR. For the Component Software acquisition,  the
company  negotiated a financing package, which also included the rearrangement
of the previous debts.

The company's cash and liquid assets were 13.0 MEUR (5.5 MEUR). Cash flow from
operating activities for the reported period was 10.4 MEUR (2.6 MEUR) and cash
flow from investments was -28.3 MEUR (-14.2 MEUR).

The  acquisition cost of Component Software ASA, acquired in August 2007,  has
been   determined  provisionally  in  the  end  of  the  year.  The  estimated
acquisition cost totals to 52.5 MEUR and it had 26.2 MEUR effect on cash flow.
Of  the amount, allocations have been made to intangible assets in respect  of
customer relationships, technology and order backlog totaling 9.5 MEUR, net of
deferred taxes. 38.6 MEUR has been recorded as goodwill.

Investments  in non-current assets excluding acquisitions were 1.4  MEUR  (1.1
MEUR) during the period.


The  number  of employees was 1129 persons at the end of the reporting  period
(745  persons). Approx. 370 persons were based in Finland, 165 in Sweden,  165
in Norway & Denmark, and 420 in Baltic states. The average number of employees
during  the  period  was  897  persons (605).  The  growth  of  personnel  was
significantly  impacted  by  the  acquisition  of  Component  Software,  which
increased  the  personnel by over 200 employees. The number of  employees  has
also  grown organically, especially in Baltic, where the number has  grown  by
approx. 35% during the year.

The  company announced on 2 October 2007 that it starts co-operation procedure
in  Finland  due  to financial and productional reasons in  its  HR  solutions
business  belonging  to  company's  Operational  solutions  segment   and   in
Karttakeskus unit belonging to company's Cartographic segment. As  the  result
of the negotiations the employment of four persons ended.


During  year 2007 Affecto has continued to implement its growth strategy.  The
most  significant  act  was the acquisition of Component  Software  through  a
public tender offer. The acquisition strengthened Affecto's position in Sweden
and opened business in Norway and Denmark.

The  group's business is managed through four country units. Finland,  Baltic,
Sweden and Norway & Denmark are also the primary IFRS segments.


In  2007  net sales in Finland was 41.7 MEUR (36.3 MEUR) and it grew  by  15%.
EBIT was 4.4 MEUR (4.6 MEUR). The business developed steadily during the year.
The  demand  for  various  services was reasonably  good  and  was  increasing
especially  regarding  BI services. The unit prices of  consultant  work  have
remained  stable or even risen somewhat. The profitability of the cartographic
solutions was weak, which was the main cause in the decrease in EBIT.

The growth of IT services market in Finland is rather slow, but the growth  of
our  specialty  segments  like BI is expected to  exceed  the  average  market
growth.  The  customers' activity has continued to be good.  New  orders  were
received from, among others, Nokia, Church of Finland, Alko, Aurinkomatkat and
various ministries.

Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland)

The  Baltic  business mostly consists of projects related to  large  customer-
specific  systems. Projects are typically larger and tender  processes  longer
than in Finland or in Nordic. The business is mostly classified to Operational
solutions, but also includes BI solutions.

In 2007 the Baltic net sales grew by 75% and was 22.9 MEUR (13.1 MEUR). Baltic
EBIT  was  5.4  MEUR  (0.5  MEUR). The business has developed  very  favorably
compared to last year, and the resource utilization rate and profitability  is
high in all countries. The steady continuing work on large projects has helped
to  keep  the utilization rate very high during the whole period.  The  public
sector  entities in Baltic have continued to invest in IT systems.  The  order
backlog  offers stable resource utilization for near future. During the  year,
new  orders  were  received e.g. from the insurance company  Commercial  Union
Polska, Latvian Social Insurance Institution, Lithuanian Ministry of Education
and Estonian Ministry of Economy.

The company is actively recruiting more employees. During the year, the number
of employees in Baltic grew by over 100 persons. The Baltic countries enjoy  a
high  demand  for  competent workforce, which is predicted to increase  salary
levels. EITO (European Information Technology Observatory) forecasts that  the
IT  services  will grow by over 13% p.a. in the next few years  in  all  three
Baltic countries.

Affecto  has  founded  a  new subsidiary in Poland, where  the  insurance  and
utilities sectors are initially targeted as the customers. The plan is to grow
the  number  of employees to approx. 15 in initial phase during the  next  few


Affecto has expanded its business to the Sweden by acquiring Intellibis AB  in
December 2006. In addition, the segment includes the Swedish BI operations  of
Component Software for September-December 2007.

In  2007  the net sales in Sweden was 17.7 MEUR (0.9 MEUR) and EBIT  1.5  MEUR
(0.0  MEUR).  Year ago, Affecto had business in Sweden only in  December.  The
reported EBIT includes approx. 1.2 MEUR IFRS3 depreciation. The integration of
Swedish operations is estimated to have caused approx 0.3 MEUR costs in Q4.

The business in Sweden has developed positively during year 2007 and combining
the  Component  Software  operations to Affecto has further  strengthened  the
position as a leading BI solution provider. The business is estimated to  have
grown by over 20%. The price development has been positive and the utilization
rate  has  remained  high. The demand for general IT  services  in  Sweden  is
expected  to  grow  by  some 5%, while the BI services are  expected  to  grow

Norway & Denmark

The  segment  comprises Component Software's, acquired at the end  of  August,
operations in Norway and Denmark. Only the business in September-December  has
been reported as part of Affecto.

The  net sales was 15.2 MEUR in September-December and EBIT was 1.2 MEUR.  The
reported EBIT was negatively affected by an IFRS3 depreciation of 0.9 MEUR.

Business Intelligence business developed positively and especially the  growth
of consulting services was good. BI service offering has been enlarged e.g. by
increasing  the  offering  of  Oracle and Microsoft  technologies.  The  price
development has been positive thanks to good demand for services.  During  the
year,  new  orders  were received from e.g. The Norwegian Labour  and  Welfare
Administration (NAV), Agder Energi and Forca.

The  Contempus  business,  an ECM business reported  as  part  of  Operational
Solutions, also developed steadily. The sales efforts were increasingly  aimed
outside Nordic countries.

Business review by secondary segments 2007

Business intelligence (BI) net sales was 48.1 MEUR (11.9 MEUR). The growth  is
largely  explained by the acquisitions of ZenPark and Intellibis in late  2006
and  of  Component Software since September 2007, but also the organic  growth
has  been  good.  Customers'  interest  is  increasingly  focusing  on  larger
solutions and continuous service. During year 2007 Affecto has further widened
its solution offering e.g. by increasing the number of SAP BI consultants,  by
strengthening CPM/planning and Microsoft resources.

According  to Datamonitor's recent research, the global BI solution market  is
expected  to  grow  annually by over 12% and to double in size  by  2012.  The
recent  acquisitions where the largest global software companies have acquired
BI  software producers highlight the interest for the sector. The most  recent
examples  are the SAP's acquisition of Business Objects and IBM's  acquisition
of Cognos.

Net  sales of Operational Solutions grew by 39% and was 39.9 MEUR (28.7 MEUR).
The  growth is to a large extent explained by the strong growth of the  Baltic
operations,  where  large projects continued steadily. The insurance  solution
project  in South Africa continued and may lead to a new project to  the  same
client,  the project in Sweden ended and the project in Poland was ramped  up.
Affecto  has established a subsidiary in Poland in order to be able  to  offer
its  insurance sector related services also there. In Finland, the demand  for
solutions was good and the utilization rate of project resources was good. The
demand for Norwegian Contempus solutions grew moderately.

Cartographic  Solutions  businesses net sales was 9.5  MEUR  (9.7  MEUR).  The
demand  for  digital  geographic content and related  services  grew.  Affecto
continues  to  operate the Finnish land parcel identification system  for  the
next  three  years. The sales of maps and other printed products  remained  at
last year's level, but the profitability of the unit was weak.


Affecto  operates in the market that is directly affected by  changes  in  the
general economic conditions and the operating environments of its customers. A
general  economic downturn may lead to a decrease in overall  customer  demand
for services. The competition in market tightens continuously. This could have
a  negative effect on the business, operating results and financial  condition
of Affecto.

Affecto's  continued success depends to a significant extent on its management
team  and  personnel.  The loss of the services of any member  of  its  senior
management  or  other key employee could have a negative impact  on  Affecto's
business  and  the  ability  of  the company to  implement  its  strategy.  In
addition,  Affecto's success depends on its ability to hire,  develop,  train,
motivate and retain skilled professionals on its staff.

Affecto's  success depends also on good customer relationship. Affecto  has  a
well diversified customer base. Ten largest customers generated approx. 20% of
group revenue in 2007.

Acquisition  of Component Software has increased the amount of  (third  party)
licenses  sold  and  their relative share of Affecto's net  sales.  This  will
increase  the  fluctuation in sales between quarters  and  will  increase  the
difficulty  of  accurately  forecasting  the  quarters.  In  whole  year  2007
Component  Software's  license sales totaled approx. 7 MEUR.  Other  parts  of
Affecto  had license sales of approx. 6 MEUR in 2007. The license  sales  have
mostly  impact on the last month of each quarter and especially on the  fourth

The  damage  risks  of  Affecto are normally related to  personnel,  property,
processes  and data processing. The realization of these risks might  lead  to
injuries  of personnel, property damages or interruption of business.  In  the
operations  the  target of Affecto is to prevent these  risks  to  realize  by
quality  operations and anticipatory risk management actions. The  realization
of  such risks is mainly prevented by guidelines for occupational health, work
safety  and  information security as well as emergency plan.  For  the  damage
risks,  which  can  not be prevent by own actions, are covered  with  adequate

Currently,  corporate tax rates in Latvia and Lithuania  are  below  those  of
several  other member states of the European Union, and therefore  Latvia  and
Lithuania   provide  a  favorable  environment  for  commercial   enterprises.
Furthermore, the income tax regulation of Latvia and Lithuania allow for local
businesses to structure their operations in a cost-efficient way. For example,
certain  software  development activities are treated  as  so-called  creative
activities,  which is cost beneficial for the enterprises.  When  joining  the
European  Union on 1 May 2004, Latvia and Lithuania committed to  the  ongoing
harmonization  of the laws and regulations of the member states.  At  present,
the European Union leaves regulation relating to taxation to the discretion of
its member states. However, there can be no assurances that the European Union
will  not impose requirements on its member states to harmonize their taxation
system which, in the case of Latvia and Lithuania, could result in an increase
in corporate tax rates and restrictions on the opportunities of local business
to  structure  their operations to the extent currently possible. Furthermore,
there  can  be  no assurances that Latvia and Lithuania will not independently
decide to implement tax reforms or that the interpretation of current tax laws
by courts or fiscal authorities will not be changed retroactively with similar
effects.  Harmonization imposed by the European Union or domestic tax  reforms
or  changes  in  the interpretation of current tax laws by  courts  or  fiscal
authorities  in Latvia and Lithuania could have a material adverse  effect  on
the business, operating results and financial condition of Affecto.

In  seeking  future  growth, the strategy of Affecto  is  partially  based  on
expansion  through acquisitions of other operators in the IT services  market.
The  inability  to  find  new  target companies or  the  lower  than  expected
profitability  of acquisitions made, could have a material adverse  effect  on
the business, operating results and financial condition of Affecto.

The  board  of directors and the audit committee is responsible for  Affecto's
internal control and risk management. Company's management is responsible  for
and performs practically the internal control and risk management.


The Annual General Meeting held on 28 March 2007 decided to change the name of
the parent company to Affecto Plc.

The wholly owned subsidiary ZenPark Oy has merged to Affecto Finland Oy at  30
June 2007. Zenpark Media Oy has been liquidated on 20.6.2007.

In August 2007, Affecto has acquired Component Software Group ASA from Norway.
The   acquisition  of  Component  Software  is  described  more   closely   in

Affecto has founded a subsidiary in Poland.


The  Annual General Meeting of Affecto Plc, which was held on March 28,  2007,
adopted  the  financial  statements  for 1.1.-31.12.2006  and  discharged  the
members  of  the  Board  of Directors and the CEO from liability.  The  Annual
General  Meeting decided that a dividend of EUR 0.10 per share be  distributed
for the year 2006.

Aaro Cantell, Heikki Lehmusto, Pasi Mäenpää, Jukka Norokorpi and Esko Rytkönen
were  re-elected  and  Pyry Lautsuo was elected as members  of  the  Board  of
Directors.  The  Board  re-elected Aaro Cantell  as  Chairman.  The  APA  firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers  Oy was re-elected auditor of the  company  with  Merja
Lindh, APA, as auditor in charge.

The  Annual  General Meeting accepted the Board's proposal  for  changing  the
company name and Articles of Association. The changes were registered  at  the
Finnish trade register on 2 April 2007.

The   Annual   General  Meeting  accepted  the  Board's  proposals   for   the
authorizations given to the Board of Directors.

According  to the Articles of Association, the General Meeting of Shareholders
annually  elects the Board of Directors by a majority decision.  The  term  of
office  of  the  board members expires at the end of the next  Annual  General
Meeting of Shareholders following their election. The Board appoints the  CEO.
The  Articles of Association do not contain any special rules for changing the
Articles of Association or for issuing new shares.

The  group  management  team was modified at the end of  November.  The  group
management  team  comprises of the following persons since  1  December  2007:
Pekka  Eloholma,  Åge  Lönning,  Satu  Kankare,  Hannu  Nyman,  Hilkka  Remes-
Hyvärinen,   Tuula  Wäyrynen,  Kestutis  Uzpalis,  Martin  Hultqvist,   Håvard
Ellefsen,  Claus Kruse, Stig-Göran Sandberg and Ray Byman. Eloholma,  Lönning,
Uzpalis and Hultqvist form the executive team.


The Extraordinary General Meeting held on 10 July 2007 authorized the Board to
decide  on  the  directed share issue (max. 4 800 000 shares) needed  for  the
acquisition of Component Software, and elected Mr. Haakon Skaarer as  a  board
member  conditional  to the completion of the Component Software  acquisition.
Mr. Skaarer is a board member since 28 August 2007.


The  Board did not use the authorizations given by the previous Annual General
Meeting. Those authorizations ended on 28 March 2007.

The  complete  contents of the new authorizations given by the Annual  General
Meeting  held  on  28  March 2007 have been published in  the  stock  exchange
release regarding the Meetings' decisions.

The  Annual  General Meeting decided to authorize the Board  of  Directors  to
decide to issue new shares and to convey the company's own shares held by  the
company in one or more tranches. The share issue may be carried out as a share
issue  against  payment or without consideration on terms to be determined  by
the  Board of Directors and in relation to a share issue against payment at  a
price  to be determined by the Board of Directors. A maximum of 3 400 000  new
shares  may  be issued. A maximum of 1 700 000 own shares held by the  company
may  be  conveyed. In addition, the authorization includes the right to decide
on  a  share  issue without consideration to the company itself  so  that  the
amount of own shares held by the company after the share issue is a maximum of
one-tenth (1/10) of all shares in the company. The authorization shall  be  in
force until the next Annual General Meeting.

The  Annual  General Meeting decided to authorize the Board  of  Directors  to
decide to acquire the company's own shares with distributable funds. A maximum
of 1 700 000 shares may be acquired. The authorization shall be in force until
the next Annual General Meeting.

In addition, the Extraordinary General Meeting held after the review period on
10  July 2007 authorized the Board to decide on the directed share issue (max.
4  800 000 shares) needed for the acquisition of Component Software. Based  on
this  authorization,  4  499  947 new shares were issued  to  shareholders  of
Component Software. The share issue was registered at the trade register on 28
August 2007.


The company has only one share series, and all shares have similar rights.  As
at  31  December 2007, Affecto Plc's share capital consisted  of  21  516  468
shares. The company owns 36 738 treasury shares, which corresponds to 0.2%  of
all shares.

In  2007,  the  highest  share price was 5.18 euro, lowest  price  2.90  euro,
average  price 4.09 euro and closing price 4.23 euro. Trading volume was  23.5
million shares, corresponding to 109 % of the number of shares at the  end  of
period. The market value of shares was 90.9 MEUR at the end of the period.


The following flagging announcements have been given during 2007:
10 April 2007: Ownership of Mika Laine exceeded 5%
27 August 2007 related to Component Software acquisition: Ownership of Eqvitec
funds  decreased  below 15%, ownership of Fenno Rahasto decreased  below  10%,
ownership  of  Mika  Laine  decreased  below  5%  and  ownership  of  Arendals
Fossekompani group exceeded 5%
2 October 2007: Ownership of Eqvitec funds decreased to 0%, ownership of Fenno
Rahasto decreased to 0% and ownership of Mika Laine exceeded 5%
18 December 2007: Ownership of Aaro Cantell exceeded 5%

The  company  had total of 1 321 owners on December 31, 2007 and  the  foreign
ownership  was  32%.  The list of the largest owners  can  be  viewed  in  the
company's  web site. Information about ownership structure and option  program
is  included as a separate section in the financial statements. The  ownership
of  board members, CEO and their controlled corporations totaled approx.  6.0%
(5.7% shares and 0.3% options).


Affecto  published  on 11 June 2007 that the company had  made  a  combination
agreement  with Component Software and had intention to make a  public  tender
offer for Component Software's shareholders.

Oslo  Börs  approved the Offer document and the Finnish Financial  Supervision
approved the prospectus on 20 July 2007. The public tender offer period  began
on  25  July  2007 and ended on 22 August 2007. Affecto's board  of  directors
decided on 27 August 2007 to complete the tender offer.

As  a consequence of the tender offer, the number of Component Software shares
transferred to Affecto at completion of the tender offer was 5 551 442  shares
representing  about  95.3%  of all issued shares  in  Component  Software.  In
accordance  with  the  terms and conditions of the public  tender  offer,  the
consideration  for  one Component Software share was NOK  40.03  in  cash  and
0.81063 new Affecto shares.

A total of 4 499 947 new Affecto shares were issued. Affecto's new shares were
registered  in  the trade register on 28 August 2007 and the  trading  of  new
shares  together with Affecto's old shares started on 28 August  2007  at  OMX
Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy. The new shares give the same shareholders' rights
as Affecto's old shares.

Oslo  Börs approved the offer document related to the mandatory offer and  the
compulsory acquisition on 19 September 2007. The mandatory offer period  began
on  19 September 2007 and ended on 17 October 2007. The trading with the share
in  Oslo Börs ended on 19 September 2007, when all shares were transferred  to
Affecto. Component Software's listing officially ended 24 October 2007.

The name of Component Software Group has been changed to Affecto Norway AS.

If  Component Software had been part of Affecto the whole year 2007,  the  pro
forma  net  sales would have been approx. 126.8 MEUR, operating profit  before
IFRS3 depreciation approx. 15.1 MEUR and EBIT approx. 11.4 MEUR.


In  January  2008,  Affecto has published information about  new  projects  in
Finland,  Lithuania  and Latvia. Affecto will deliver a  new  case  management
solution  to  the Finnish Ministry of Education, an IT solution to  Lithuanian
Ministry  of Education to improve processes of education institutions  and  an
EMCS system to Latvian State Revenue Service.

Mr.  Darius  Lazauskas has been appointed as a member of the group  management
team as of 1 February 2008.


The  company  has two strong business lines: the strongest growth expectations
are  focused on the growing business intelligence market but at the same  time
the  company wants to further strengthen its position in delivering  demanding
and customer specific operational IT solutions.

The company aims to be the leading business intelligence solution provider  in
the  Nordic, Baltic and CEE regions. Furthermore, the company aims to  be  the
most  competent and quality focused provider of geographic information systems
(GIS), enterprise content management (ECM) and other operational solutions  in
selected industries and regions.

The  growth target for the company for 2007-2009 is that net sales exceed  160
million  euros  in  2009.  The growth target will be reached  through  organic
growth supplemented by acquisitions. At the same time the company seeks to  be
one of the most profitable IT services company within its market region.


Distributable funds of the parent company of the group on 31 December 2007 are
25  356 088.63 euros. Board of Directors proposes that from the financial year
2007  a dividend of 0.16 euros per share will be paid, a total of 3 436 756.80
euros  with  the  outstanding number of shares at the  end  of  the  financial
period,  and the rest is carried forward to the retained earnings account.  No
material  changes  have  taken place in respect  of  the  company's  financial
position  after the balance sheet date. The liquidity of the company  is  good
and  in  the opinion of the Board of Directors proposed distribution of profit
does not risk the liquidity of the company.


Positive development is expected to continue during year 2008, but the effects
of the global economic developments on Affecto's business environment are hard
to estimate. The company seeks to reach net sales of approx. 140 MEUR in 2008.
The  profitability of the whole year 2008 is expected not to materially change
from 2007.

The company does not provide exact guidance for net sales or EBIT development,
as  single  projects  and timing of license sales may  have  large  impact  on
quarterly sales and profit.

Affecto Plc
Board of Directors

It is possible to order Affecto's stock exchange releases to be delivered
automatically by e-mail. Please visit the Investors section of the company

A briefing for analysts and media will be arranged at 12:30 at Restaurant
Savoy, Eteläesplanadi 14, Helsinki.


Financial information:

1. Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of
changes in shareholders' equity
2. Notes
3. Key figures
4. Calculation of key figures

1. Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of
changes in shareholders' equity


(1 000 EUR)                       10-12/07   10-12/06       2007       2006
Net sales                           37 907     16 566     97 474     50 194
Other operating income                  11         28         80        138
Changes in inventories of              -51       -107        109        287
finished goods and work in
Materials and services              -8 571     -3 668    -19 851    -13 177
Personnel expenses                 -18 433     -7 847    -48 635    -23 996
IFRS3 depreciation                  -1 288       -175     -2 536       -409
Other depreciation, amortization      -355       -340     -1 231       -963
and impairment charges
Other operating expenses            -5 590     -2 723    -14 651     -8 432
Operating result                     3 630      1 736     10 758      3 642
Finance costs (net)                   -489        -26     -1 300       -184
Result before income tax             3 141      1 710      9 458      3 458
Income tax                            -894       -307     -2 477       -824
Result for the period                2 248      1 403      6 981      2 633
Attributable to:                                                           
Equity holders of the Company        2 248      1 403      6 981      2 633
Minority interest                        0          0          0          0
Earnings per share for result                                              
attributable to the equity
holders of the Company
(EUR per share)
Basic                                 0.10       0.09       0.38       0.16
Diluted                               0.10       0.09       0.38       0.16


(1 000 EUR)                                 12/2007    12/2006
Non-current assets                                            
Tangible assets                               1 939      2 110
Goodwill                                     84 196     43 579
Other intangible assets                      18 249      7 550
Deferred tax assets                           2 297        594
Available-for-sale financial assets              64         57
Other non-current receivables                   190         93
                                            106 936     53 983
Current assets                                                
Inventories                                   1 792      2 095
Trade receivables                            28 848     11 508
Other receivables                             9 876      4 230
Current income tax receivables                  166      1 036
Available-for-sale financial assets             106        578
Financial assets at fair value through           35         24
profit or loss
Restricted cash                                 659        381
Cash and cash equivalents                    12 974      4 906
                                             54 455     24 758
Assets held for sale                            679          0
Total assets                                162 070     78 741
Equity attributable to equity holders                         
of the Company
Share capital                                 5 105      5 105
Share premium                                25 404     25 404
Reserve of invested non-restricted           21 188      1 960
Other reserves                                  108         11
Treasury shares                                -106       -106
Retained earnings                            11 265      6 717
                                             62 964     39 092
Minority interest                                 0          0
Total shareholders' equity                   62 964     39 092
Non-current liabilities                                       
Borrowings                                   43 906     14 014
Deferred tax liabilities                      5 159      2 007
Other long-term liabilities                     532      2 232
                                             49 597     18 252
Current liabilities                                           
Borrowings                                    3 000      5 032
Trade payables                                6 965      2 627
Other liabilities                            38 138     12 580
Current income tax liabilities                1 407      1 158
                                             49 510     21 397
Total liabilities                            99 107     39 649
Total shareholders' equity and              162 070     78 741


(1 000 EUR)                                      2007       2006
Cash flows from operating activities                            
Result for the period                           6 981      2 633
Adjustments to profit for the period            7 842      2 442
                                               14 823      5 076
Change in working capital                                       
Decrease (+) / increase (-) in trade and      -15 826     -1 814
other receivables
Decrease (+) / increase (-) in inventories        303         30
Decrease (-) / increase (+) in trade and       14 211        475
other payables
Change in working capital                      -1 312     -1 309
Interest and other finance cost paid           -1 689       -429
Interest and dividend received                    364        289
Income taxes paid                              -1 751     -1 024
Net cash generated by operating activities     10 434      2 604
Cash flows from investing activities                            
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash      -26 967    -13 262
Purchases of tangible and intangible assets    -1 410     -1 118
Proceeds from sale of tangible assets              35         41
Sale of business/subsidiaries                      44         45
Proceeds from sale of financial assets              0         39
Increase of other non-current                       0         30
Net cash used in investing activities         -28 299    -14 225
Cash flow from financing activities                             
Issue of share capital                           -777          2
Increase of interest-bearing liabilities       48 400     12 447
Repayments of interest-bearing liabilities    -20 531     -5 938
Purchase of treasury shares                         0       -509
Dividends paid to company's shareholders       -1 698     -1 540
Net cash generated in financing activities     25 394      4 462
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash            7 530     -7 159
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning      5 485     12 639
of the period
Translation adjustment                            -42         -1
Change in fair value of financial assets            0          6
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the    12 974      5 485


(1 000 EUR)      Share   Share  Reserve of  Other  Trea-   Ret.  Mino- Total
                capital premium  invested  reserve  sury  earn-  rity  equity
                                   non-       s    shares ings & inte-
                                restricted                trans- rest
                                  equity                   lat.
Shareholders'     5 105  25 404      1 960      11   -106  6 717     0 39 092
equity 1
January 2007
Translation                                                 -736         -736
Share options                                   88                         88
Available-for-                                   9                          9
sale financial
Result for the                                             6 981        6 981
Dividends                                                 -1 698       -1 698
Share issue                         19 228                             19 228
Shareholders'     5 105  25 404     21 188     108   -106 11 264     0 62 964
equity 31
December 2007

(1 000 EUR)       Share   Share Reserve of   Other  Trea-   Ret. Mino-  Total
                capital premium   invested reserve   sury  earn-  rity equity
                                      non-       s shares ings & inte-
                                restricted                trans-  rest
                                    equity                  lat.
Shareholders'     4 619  22 856          0      55      0  6 023    20 33 573
equity 1
January 2006
Translation                                                    5            5
Share options                                  -48            55            7
Available-for-                                   4                          4
sale financial
Result for the                                             2 633        2 633
Dividends                                                 -1 540       -1 540
Purchase of                                          -509                -509
treasury shares
Sell of                                476            403   -403          476
treasure shares
Share issues        486   2 548      1 485                              4 519
Put/Call                                                     -56          -56
Acquisition of                                                     -20    -20
Shareholders'     5 105  25 404      1 960      11   -106  6 717     0 39 092
equity 31
December 2006

2. Notes

2.1. Basis of preparation

This  financial statements bulletin has been prepared in accordance  with  the
IFRS  recognition and measurement principles and applying the same  accounting
policies as in the 2006 annual consolidated financial statements. This interim
report  does  not  comply  with  all of the requirements  of  IAS  34  Interim
Financial Reporting.

The  group  has adopted the following standards and interpretations  from  the
beginning  of 2007: IFRS 7 Financial instruments - Disclosures, and  Amendment
to  IAS  1 - Capital disclosures. The adoption of IFRS 7 and the amendment  to
IAS 1 will expand disclosures presented in the annual financial statements.

2.2. Segment information

Primary reporting format - geographical segments based on location of assets

Segment result:

(1 000 EUR)                  10-12/07  10-12/06   1-12/07   1-12/06
Total sales                                                        
  Finland                      11 612    11 073    41 707    36 267
  Baltic countries              7 486     4 628    22 918    13 083
  Sweden                        6 906       881    17 654       881
  Norway & Denmark             11 904         0    15 195         0
  Eliminations                      0       -16         0       -36
  Group total                  37 907    16 566    97 474    50 194
Segment result (operating                                          
  Finland                       1 325     1 612     4 406     4 641
  Baltic countries              1 520       673     5 390       497
  Sweden                          334       -22     1 468       -22
  Norway & Denmark              1 004         0     1 199         0
  Group management               -553      -527    -1 705    -1 474
  Group total                   3 630     1 736    10 758     3 642

Secondary reporting format - business segments

Segment revenue:

(1 000 EUR)                  10-12/07  10-12/06   1-12/07   1-12/06
Total sales                                                        
  BI                           21 715     4 737    48 093    11 863
  Operational Solutions        13 869     9 362    39 900    28 715
  Cartographic Solutions        2 324     2 483     9 481     9 652
  Other (incl.                      0       -16         0       -36
  Group total                  37 907    16 566    97 474    50 194

2.3. Contingencies and commitments

The  group  has  a  contingent  asset of 87 thousand  Latvian  lats  (EUR  123
thousand) relating to a court case in Latvia. Riga Regional Court published  a
judgement,  according to which adverse party was sentenced to pay 87  thousand
Latvian lats to a group company of Affecto (Mebius IT). The adverse party  has
appealed to the Supreme court of the Republic of Latvia and demanded to change
the decision.

In  respect of the acquisitions of Intellibis AB, additional consideration  of
up  to  4.0  MEUR  is payable in 2008. At the end of the reporting  period  an
additional consideration has been estimated to amount to 4.0 MEUR,  which  has
been recorded as non-interest-bearing liability.

The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating
leases as of 31 December 2007:

1 000 EUR                                        31.12.2007   31.12.2006
Not later than one (1) year                           3 013        2 346
Later than one (1) year, but not later than           5 197        3 792
five (5) years
Later than five (5) years                                 0            0
                                                      8 210        6 138


1 000 EUR                                        31.12.2007   31.12.2006
Debt secured by a mortgage                                              
 Financial loans                                     47 000       19 031

The  above-mentioned debts are secured by bearer bonds with capital  value  of
52.5  million euro. The bonds are held by Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj and  secured
by  a  mortgage  on  company assets of the group companies. In  addition,  the
shares in Affecto Finland Oy and Affecto Norway AS have been pledged to secure
the financial loans above.

Other securities given on own behalf:                                   

  Pledges                                               855          696

Pledges given on own behalf consist of restricted cash of 0.3 MEUR (0.4 MEUR),
time deposits of 0.3 MEUR (0.0 MEUR) and short term receivables at an amount
of 0.3 MEUR (0.3 MEUR).

Derivative contracts

1 000 EUR                                        31.12.2007   31.12.2006
Interest rate swaps:                                                    
Nominal value                                        23 500        5 000
Fair value                                               35           24

3. Key figures

                                   10-12/07   10-12/06     2007     2006
Net sales, 1 000 eur                 37 907     16 566   97 474   50 194
EBITDA, 1 000 eur                     5 274      2 251   14 525    5 014
Operating result before IFRS3         4 918      1 911   13 294    4 051
depreciation, 1 000 eur
Operating result, 1 000 eur           3 630      1 736   10 758    3 642
Result before taxes, 1 000 eur        3 141      1 710    9 458    3 458
Net income for equity holders         2 248      1 403    6 981    2 633
of the parent company, 1 000
EBITDA, %                            13.9 %     13.6 %   14.9 %   10.0 %
Operating profit before IFRS3        13.0 %     11.5 %   13.6 %    8.1 %
depreciation, %
Operating result, %                   9.6 %     10.5 %   11.0 %    7.3 %
Result before taxes, %                8.3 %     10.3 %    9.7 %    6.9 %
Net income for equity holders         5.9 %      8.5 %    7.2 %    5.2 %
of the parent company, %
Equity ratio, %                      41.9 %     52.0 %   41.9 %   52.0 %
Net gearing, %                       53.9 %     35.2 %   53.9 %   35.2 %
Interest-bearing net debt,           33 933     13 743   33 933   13 743
1 000 eur
Gross investment in non-current         465        322    1 410    1 118
assets (excl. acquisitions),
1 000 eur
Gross investments, % of sales         1.2 %      1.9 %    1.4 %    2.2 %
Research and development costs,         460        123      910      476
1 000 eur
R&D -costs, % of sales                1.2 %      0.7 %    0.9 %    0.9 %
Order backlog, 1 000 eur             41 560     24 167   41 560   24 167
Average number of employees           1 119        688      897      605
Earnings per share, eur                0.10       0.09     0.38     0.16
Earnings per share (diluted),          0.10       0.09     0.38     0.16
Equity per share, eur                  2.93       2.30     2.93     2.30
Average number of shares, 1 000      21 480     16 430   18 533   16 058
Number of shares at the end of       21 480     16 980   21 480   16 980
period, 1 000 shares

Calculation of key figures

EBITDA                         = Earnings before interest, taxes,
                                 depreciation and amortization
Equity ratio, %                = Shareholders' equity + minority     *100
                                 Total assets - advances received    
Gearing, %                     = Interest-bearing liabilities -      *100
                                 cash, bank receivables and
                                 securities held as financial asset
                                 Shareholders' equity + minority
Interest-bearing net debt      = Interest-bearing liabilities - cash
                                 and bank receivables
Earnings per share (EPS)       = Result for the period to equity holders
                                 of the Company
                                 Adjusted average number of shares
                                 during the period
Equity per share               = Shareholders' equity
                                 Adjusted number of shares at the end of
                                 the period
Market capitalization          = Number of shares at the end of period
                                 (excluding treasury shares) x share
                                 price at closing date


