SEK: Strong position on a turbulent market - Corrected

Today SEK presents a strong financial statement for 2007. The
financial outcome totalled Skr 533.6 million. On a market
characterised during the second half year by a liquidity squeeze and
turbulence, SEK strengthened its position and was a stable and
reliable partner for the Swedish export sector.

*            Core profit for 2007 totalled Skr 533.6 million (538.1)
*            Operating profit (IFRS) totalled Skr 506.9 million
*            The volume of the new customer financial solutions
  totalled Skr 56.8 billion (63.9)
*            Borrowing was very successful and totalled Skr 108
  billion (61.3)

SEK's core profit for 2007 totalled Skr 533.6 million, compared with
538.1 million the previous year. New customer financial solutions
totalled Skr 56.8 billion, the second highest amount ever. The
proportion of lending to companies increased during the year.

In the second half of the year, the credit market was affected by
concern over the US housing market, which led to a liquidity squeeze
and turbulence. However, SEK fortified its position in the market and
provided its customers with long-term and attractive financial
solutions in times when the companies had had borrowing difficulties.
SEK broadened its product portfolio and introduced two new business
areas, the latest being Trade Finance and Customer Finance.

-          We can look back on a turbulent year that saw great
changes in the market, but where SEK could fortify its position at
the same time as being a stable and reliable partner for its
customers. SEK is doing more and more for its customers. In times of
financial concern it is particularly important for the Swedish export
sector, and thereby the Swedish economy as a whole, to have access to
a stable actor like SEK, says Peter Yngwe, CEO of SEK.

SEK's borrowing during the year has been very successful and the
long-term borrowing totalled Skr 108 billion, an increase of 46.7
billion compared to the previous year. A number of larger issues were
executed, including a 10-year global bond of USD 1.25 billion and a
3-year bond of Euro 1 billion, SEK's largest ever single borrowing. A
total of 800 transactions were executed, a record for SEK. Overall,
SEK's liquidity portfolio has increased. It is worth noting that SEK
does not have any direct exposure to the US sub-prime market.

Due to the release of the Year-end report SEK management will hold a
telephone conference call on Wednesday, February 20th, at 3 pm. Those
who wish to attend the telephone conference call can, no later than 3
pm, Tuesday February 19th, contact Carina Lindberg, Communications
Officer +46 8 613 83 86, for instructions.

For further details, please contact:
Peter Yngwe, CEO, +46 8-613 83 00, or
Johan Winlund, Head of Communication, +46 8-613 84 88.

SEK's mission is to secure access to financial solutions for export
and infrastructure. SEK offers a wide spectrum of financial
solutions, ranging from standardized loans to innovative and complex
financial products. SEK's operations are based on commercial
interests. SEK's main source of financing is the issuing of bonds on
the international capital markets. SEK's rating from Standard &
Poor's and Moody's are AA+/Aa1 respectively for long-term debt. For
more information, visit


Year-end report 2007