Teleca's rights issue: full proposal adopted

Teleca's rights issue: full proposal adopted

Not for distribution in the United States of America, Canada, Japan or

•	Rights issue of approximately SEK 152 million 
•	Subscription price of SEK 11
•	Issue ratio of 2:9 (9 old shares entitle to 2 new shares)
•	Subscription period 1-18 April 2008
•	Fully guaranteed by Symphony Technology Group
•	Extraordinary shareholders' meeting on 7 March 2008

Following its announcement on 12 February 2008, the board of directors of Teleca
has now adopted its full proposal regarding the rights issue. 

Nine existing shares will entitle the shareholders to subscribe for two new
Teleca shares of the same class at SEK 11 per share.

The board has convened an extraordinary shareholders' meeting to be held on 7
March 2008. The formal notice of the extraordinary shareholders' meeting will be
made public today. 

Symphony Technology Group now owns 15.3 per cent of the share capital of Teleca
and is Teleca's largest shareholder. Symphony has undertaken to subscribe for
its pro rata share of the rights issue and to subscribe for any remaining shares
not taken up by others.

Thus, the rights issue will be fully subscribed, meaning that approximately 13.9
million new shares will be issued for a total consideration of approximately SEK
152 million.


7 March 2008 	
Extraordinary shareholders' meeting to resolve on the rights issue

25 March 2008 	
First day of trading in the Teleca share excluding right to participate in the
rights issue

27 March 2008 	
Record day for participation in the rights issue, i.e. shareholders registered
in the share register of Teleca as of this day will receive subscription rights
for participation in the issue

1-15 April 2008 	
Trading in subscription rights

1-18 April 2008 	
Subscription period

A prospectus containing full terms and conditions and information regarding
Teleca will be made public and distributed to the shareholders before the
commencement of the subscription period.

For more information, please contact.
Christian Luiga, CFO, Teleca AB, mobile +46-703751604
Mattias Stenberg, Investor Relations Manager, Teleca AB, mobile +46-706119616

Teleca is a worldleading supplier of software services to major players of the
mobile device industry. The company offers tailored solutions, systems design
and the integration of software and hardware for mobile phones. Teleca has more
than 2,000 employees in 11 countries in Asia, Europe and North America and is
quoted on the small cap list of the Nordic Exchange

This press release does not constitute an offer of any securities of Teleca. The
rights issue is not directed towards shareholders or other investors in the
United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia or other countries where
participation would require further prospectuses, registration or other measures
than those pursuant to Swedish law. No shares, interim shares, subscription
rights or other securities of Teleca have been or will be registered under the
United States Securities Act of 1933, under the securities laws of any state of
the United States or under any province law in Canada. There-fore, no new
shares, interim shares, subscription rights or other securities of Teleca may be
offered or sold, renounced, taken up or delivered in the United States or Canada
except pursuant to an exemption from registration.

