27.55% of JSC Latvian Shipping Company shares put under arrest

Correction: the English version added

Joint stock company Latvian Shipping Company (LSC) has received for execution a
resolution on putting 55 099 352 of LSC shares under arrest, which was adopted
by Economic Police Department of the Central Criminal Police Department. The
resolution has been affirmed by the Riga City Central District Court on
February 13, 2008. 

According to the resolution, the aforementioned arrest has been put within the
framework of criminal procedure No. 11810015305 under which conclusion of
disadvantageous charters and vessel repair contracts of LSC implemented by
former LSC officials is being investigated. As a result of the mentioned
contracts (both charter and repair), corresponding to the resolution of the
police, LSC has incurred losses to the tune of 50 million USA dollars. 

Criminal procedure on the aforementioned actions has been commenced in 2005
corresponding to features of offence provided for in the section No.197 of the
Criminal Law, namely for neglectful fulfilment of employment duties. Police
informs that on November 30, 2007, the aforementioned criminal procedure was
additionally qualified in accordance with the features of offence provided for
in the paragraph No. 3 of the section No. 177 of the Criminal Law, namely for
large scale fraud committed in a group of persons. 

Police informs that part of the money defrauded as a result of the charters and
repair contracts was transferred to current accounts of foreign companies Ojay
Limited and Eastgate Properties Ltd. As pointed out by the police, the director
and authorized representative of such offshore companies as Skeena Overseas,
Luzero Limited, Recoletos Limited and Larock Limited that were involved in this
and other fraudulent transactions is Ņina Gļebova who has previously
participated in LSC shareholders' general meetings as the authorized
representative of Ojay Limited and Eastgate Properties Ltd. 

In order to ensure development of the property-related matters in the criminal
procedure, as well as possible confiscation of property, police has adopted a
resolution on arresting 55 099 352 of LSC shares, which is 27.55% of the fixed
capital of LSC. 

LSC has accepted the aforementioned resolution of police for execution.

Marita Ozoliņa-Tumanovska
Head of LSC Public Relations Department
Tel.: +371 67020120, 29287169
E-mail: marita.ozolina@lscgroup.lv