Unaudited results of 2007

In 2007 the turnover of the JSC „Anyksciu Vynas“ increased 38% in comparison
with 2006 and  amounted to  LTL 46 565 thousand  (EUR 13 486 thousand). The
Company worked profitably and got LTL 727.4 thousand (EUR 210.7 thousand) of 
unaudited net profit. In 2006 the Company earned LTL 2, 118 thousand (EUR 613.4
thousand) of net profit. 

In 2007 the Company planned to get LTL 40 million (EUR 11.6 million) of  the
turnover and LTL 1.0 million (EUR 0.3 million) of  the profit. 
During the reported year all the wholesale traders of the JSC „Anyksciu Vynas“
bought  more production. We did not reached the planned net profit because of 
the increased production cost price when the price of the raw material and
material increased; because of the less sold apple concentrated juice amount
than we planned; because of the investment in the renewal and advertisement of
such trademarks as vodka „Ledo“, brandy „Forum“, spirit drink „Bobeline“;
because of considerably increased tax of the glass bottle put in the local
market  - LTL 937 thousand (EUR 271.4  thousand), in comparing with 2006;
because of  the negative influence of LTL 96 thousand (EUR 27.8  thousand) of 
the postponed profit taxes to the net profit. 

Mr.Marius Gudauskas