Concordia Maritime invites you to a teleconference on 
20 February, 2008, 10:00 CET.

The Final Accounts for 2007  (published February 19)  will be presented and
questions answered.
Hans Norén, President 
Göran Hermansson, Financial Manager
Phone: 		+44 (0)20 7162 0025 or
		+46 (0)8 5052 0110
Conference title: 	Concordia Maritime

Recorded conference is available until 28 February.
Phone 	+44 (0)20 7031 4064 alternatively
	+46 (0) 8 505 203 33
	Code: 784712

Concordia Maritime AB (publ) is an international tanker shipping company
concentrating on the product tanker segment. The company has ordered ten
vessels, which are being built in accordance with the MAX concept. These
vessels, P-MAX, are product tankers of about 65,200 dwt.
The MAX concept means that the vessels are designed for maximum loading capacity
in shallow waters. In addition to having mandatory double hulls, they have been
designed according to a new concept for safer oil transportation with double
main engines in two completely separate engine rooms, double rudders and
steering gear, two propellers and double control systems. The ultimate in
transport economy and safety.

