Revenue for January-December was EUR 128.4 million (119.7), an increase of 7.3  
per cent.  Growth was especially robust in the Swedish, Norwegian and Polish    
markets. The profit before taxes was EUR 7.6 million (3.7), including capital   
gains from the sale of assets totalling EUR 2.5 million (1.1). The              
equity-to-assets ratio was 46.7 per cent (42.4) and the gearing ratio was 16.0  
per cent (53.0).                                                                

Accounting policies                                                             

The financial statements release has been prepared in compliance with the       
recognition and measurement policies of the IFRS. The same accounting policies  
have been applied as in the 2006 financial statements.                          

Market situation                                                                

The demand for office furniture began to grow in 2006 and this trend has        
continued. In early 2007, the furniture sector in the Nordic countries          
experienced some restructuring involving private equity investors. These changes
are not expected to have a material effect on Martela's competitive position in 
the short term, at least.                                                       

Group structure                                                                 

There were no changes in Group structure during the financial year or the       
comparison period.                                                              

Segment reporting                                                               

Martela has one primary segment, which is the furnishing of offices and public  
spaces. The revenue and result are as recorded in the consolidated financial    
statements. The Group's secondary reporting segment is its customers by         
geographical location.                                                          


Revenue for January-December grew to EUR 128.4 million (119.7), an increase of  
7.3 per cent.  Revenue for the fourth quarter grew to EUR 37.0 million (36.8),  
an increase of 0.4 per cent.                                                    

Invoicing by main market areas, January-December                                
|               |     1-12 | Percentage |  1-12 2006 | Percentage |  Change, % |
|               |     2007 |            |            |            |            |
| Finland       |     85.8 |      66.7% |       83.0 |      69.3% |       3.4% |
| Scandinavia   |     26.4 |      20.5% |       22.3 |      18.6% |      18.3% |
| Other regions |     16.5 |      12.8% |       14.5 |      12.1% |      13.7% |
| 1)            |          |            |            |            |            |
| Total         |    128.7 |     100.0% |      119.8 |     100.0% |       7.4% |

1) The Polish market accounts for more than one half of the invoicing under     
'Other regions'. The growth in Poland was 34 per cent.                          

Quarterly invoicing by main market areas                                        

|               | 1/06 | 2/06 |  3/06 |  4/06 |  1/07 |  2/07 |  3/07 |   4/07 |
| Finland       | 19.0 | 18.4 |  19.5 |  26.1 |  19.6 |  20.7 |  20.7 |   24.8 |
| Scandinavia   |  5.1 |  4.6 |   6.2 |   6.4 |   6.5 |   5.9 |   6.8 |    7.2 |
| Other regions |  2.8 |  4.3 |   3.0 |   4.3 |   3.9 |   3.7 |   3.8 |    5.1 |
| Total         | 26.9 | 27.3 |  28.8 |  36.8 |  30.0 |  30.3 |  31.3 |   37.1 |

Group result                                                                    
The Group result continued to grow according to plan in the final quarter and   
operating profit was EUR 2.6 million (2.8). The January-December profit before  
taxes increased to EUR 7.6 million (3.7). This includes EUR 2.5 million (1.1) in
non-recurring income from the sale of property, of which EUR 1.0 million was    
recognised in the first quarter from ownership rearrangements at the Bodafors   
plant. The property ownership was outsourced and some 50 per cent of the        
factory's surface area was leased back on a long-term lease. The property at our
Oulu facility was also divested in the second quarter, bringing EUR 0.9 million 
in capital gains. Operations in Oulu will continue under a long-term lease.     
The operating profit for January-December, excluding non-recurring items, was   
EUR 5.8 million (3.4), which was 4.5 per cent (2.8) of revenue.                 

Result by quarter-year                                                          

|             |  1/06 |  2/06 |  3/06 |  4/06 |  1/07 |  2/07 |  3/07 |   4/07 |
| Revenue     |  26.9 |  27.2 |  28.8 |  36.8 |  29.9 |  30.4 |  31.2 |   37.0 |
| Other       |   0.2 |   0.6 |   0.1 |   0.5 |   1.7 |   1.3 |   0.0 |    0.0 |
| income      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |
| Operating   |  -0.1 |   0.9 |   0.8 |   2.8 |   1.7 |   2.6 |   1.4 |    2.6 |
| profit      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |
| Operating   | -0.2% |  3.2% |  2.9% |  7.7% |  5.6% |  8.5% |  4.7% |   7.0% |
| profit, %   |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |
| Profit      |  -0.3 |   0.6 |   0.7 |   2.7 |   1.5 |   2.4 |   1.3 |    2.4 |
| before      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |
| taxes       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |

Key figures                                                                     

|                              |      2007 |      2006 |      2005 |      2004 |
| Revenue                      |     128.4 |     119.7 |     102.2 |     100.7 |
| Change in revenue, %         |       7.3 |      17.1 |       1.5 |      -1.4 |
| Operating profit excluding   |       5.8 |       3.4 |       1.1 |      -2.6 |
| non-recurring items          |           |           |           |           |
| Operating profit excluding   |       4.5 |       2.8 |       1.1 |      -2.6 |
| non-recurring items, %       |           |           |           |           |
| Return on investment, %      |      19.6 |      11.0 |       4.3 |      -2.2 |
| Return on equity, %          |      19.8 |      11.4 |      -0.5 |      -8.1 |
| Equity-to-assets ratio, %    |      46.7 |      42.4 |      40.8 |      39.3 |
| Gearing ratio, %             |      16.0 |      53.0 |      62.8 |      56.4 |
| Average staff                |       663 |       626 |       610 |       662 |
| Revenue/person (EUR 1,000)   |     193.7 |     191.3 |     167.6 |     152.2 |

Capital expenditure                                                             

The Group's gross capital expenditure for January-December was EUR 3.2 million  
(1.8). EUR 0.7 million of this was attributable to the ownership rearrangements 
at the Bodafors plant, as a result of which the long-term lease liability for   
the part leased back was recognised in the consolidated balance sheet in        
accordance with the IFRS. The remaining capital expenditure concerned production
replacements and IT investments.                                                


The Group employed 663 (626) people on average, up by 5.9 per cent. At the end  
of 2007, the Group employed 655 people (632).		                                 

Average staff by region                                                         

|                             |     1-12/07 |      1-12/06 |         Change, % |
| Finland                     |         518 |          501 |              3.4% |
| Scandinavia                 |          71 |           75 |             -5.3% |
| Poland                      |          74 |           50 |             48.0% |
| Group total                 |         663 |          626 |              5.9% |

Staff by quarter-year                                                           

|                   | 1/06 | 2/06 | 3/06 | 4/06 | 1/07 | 2/07 |  3/07 |   4/07 |
| Average staff     |  611 |  632 |  636 |  632 |  629 |  660 |   664 |    661 |
| Staff at end of   |  600 |  660 |  629 |  632 |  628 |  689 |   644 |    655 |
| period            |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |        |
| Revenue/person,   | 44.0 | 43.0 | 45.3 | 58.3 | 47.5 | 46.0 |  47.0 |   56.0 |
| EUR 1,000         |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |        |

Temporary labour employed in the summer months by the Finnish units raises the  
figures for the second and third quarters.                                      

Product development                                                             

Product development and collection management is the responsibility of two      
Group-level organisations: the 'Office' business unit, which is responsible for 
workstation furniture, and the 'Surroundings' business unit, which is           
responsible for furniture for lobbies and other public spaces.                  

During 2007, product development employed 22 people (21) and product development
expenses accounted for 2.4 per cent (2.1) of revenue.                           

The Pinta workstation collection was launched at the Stockholm Furniture Fair in
the first quarter of 2007. Pinta is based on a single, uniform range of         
tabletops, with base options to suit specific customer needs. At the Stockholm  
fair, Martela also introduced screen and storage solutions that improve         

In April, the Surroundings business unit introduced new furniture for           
surroundings at the Milan Furniture Fair in Italy. They included Stefan         
Lindfors' Menu chair and Samuli Naamanka's Sides chair.                         

The environment                                                                 

The aim of Martela's environmental management policy is to provide customers    
with durable, long-lasting products that promote safety and high quality in the 
working environment, and whose production harms the natural environment as      
little as possible.                                                             

Martela Oyj applies the ISO 14001:2004 standard in its environmental management.
The aim of the environmental management programs is to reduce the environmental 
load of Martela's products throughout their life cycles, and to increase the    
reuse and recycling of materials. Martela pays particular attention to the      
recycling and potential re-use of discarded furniture by offering recycling     
services to its customers. Martela Oyj's environmental system certification will
be valid until the end of 2008 and also covers Kidex Oy's operations. P.O.      
Korhonen Oy also has its own certified environmental system. Environmental      
management is discussed in the annual report.                                   


Cash flow from operating activities for January-December was EUR 9.9 million    
(0.9). Cash flow from investing activities was EUR 0.7 million positive as a    
result of the sale of property. EUR 1.2 million in loans were granted to        
Alexander Management Oy to finance the acquisition of shares for a three-year   
share-based incentive system. Interest-bearing liabilities decreased by EUR 2.7 
million from the beginning of the year, and totalled EUR 14.4 million (17.1) at 
year-end. Liquid assets amounted to EUR 9.7 million (3.9) at the end of the     
period. The equity-to-assets ratio rose to 46.7 per cent (42.4) and gearing     
improved correspondingly to 16.0 per cent (53.0).                               

Cash flows by quarter-year                                                      

|                | 1/06 | 2/06 | 3/06 |  4/06 |  1/07 |  2/07 |  3/07 |   4/07 |
| Cash flow from |  2.6 |  0.0 | -2.1 |   0.4 |   2.6 |   2.3 |  -1.9 |    6.9 |
| operations     |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| Cash flow from | -0.1 |  0.2 |  0.1 |   0.9 |   0.8 |   0.9 |  -0.4 |   -0.5 |
| investing      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| Cash flow from | -1.0 | -1.0 |  1.2 |  -2.2 |  -2.5 |  -1.2 |   0.6 |   -1.8 |
| financing      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| Change in      |  1.5 | -0.7 | -1.0 |  -0.9 |   1.0 |   2.0 |  -1.8 |    4.6 |
| liquid assets  |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| Liquid assets  |  5.0 |  6.5 |  5.7 |   4.8 |   3.9 |   4.9 |   6.9 |    5.1 |
| at start of    |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| period         |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| Liquid assets  |  6.5 |  5.7 |  4.8 |   3.9 |   4.9 |   6.9 |   5.1 |    9.7 |
| at end of      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |
| period         |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |        |


During January-December, 1,159,509 (1,076,693) of the company's A shares were   
traded on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, corresponding to 32.7 per cent   
(30.3) of all A shares. The value of trading was EUR 10.0 million (7.3). The    
increase was partly caused by the acquisition of shares in the first quarter by 
Alexander Management Oy for the three-year share-based incentive system. A total
of 143,166 shares were acquired for EUR 1.2 million in cash. The value of a     
share was EUR 6.50 at the beginning of the year and EUR 8.35 at the end. During 
the review period the share price was EUR 10.35 at its highest and EUR 6.39 at  
its lowest. At the end of December, equity per share was EUR 7.2 (6.1).         

Treasury shares                                                                 

Martela did not buy back any of its own shares in 2007. On 31 December 2007,    
Martela held 67,700 of its own A shares, which had been purchased at an average 
price of EUR 10.65. Martela's holding of treasury shares amounts to 1.6 per cent
of all shares and 0.4 per cent of all votes.                                    

2007 Annual General Meeting                                                     

The Annual General Meeting of Martela Oyj was held on Tuesday, 20 March, 2007.  
The AGM adopted the financial statements and discharged those responsible for   
the accounts from further liability. The AGM decided, in accordance with the    
Board of Directors' proposal, to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.25 per share.   
The meeting elected Heikki Ala-Ilkka, Tapio Hakakari, Heikki Martela, Pekka     
Martela, Jori Keckman and Jaakko Palsanen as members of the Board of Directors  
for the next term. Matti Lindström was elected as the staff representative and  
Raimo Santala as his deputy.                                                    

Reino Tikkanen, Authorised Public Accountant, was elected as the auditor of the 
company, with KPMG Oy Ab as the deputy auditor.                                 

The AGM also approved the Board of Directors' proposals detailed in the Meeting 
notice to authorise the Board to acquire and/or dispose of the company's own    

The authorisation applies to the company's A shares and to a maximum of 5 per   
cent of the company's share capital or 207,780 A shares. The shares may be      
assigned as part of the salary and incentive system, as consideration when the  
company acquires property associated with its business operations and as        
consideration in any merger or acquisition, in a way and to the extent decided  
by the Board of Directors. Assignment of shares can also be carried out in      
public trading on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki. The authorisation is valid  
for 12 months from the decision of the Annual General Meeting.                  

The new Board of Directors convened after the Annual General Meeting and elected
Heikki Ala-Ilkka as Chairman and Pekka Martela as Deputy Chairman.              

Share-based incentive system                                                    

On 14 February 2007, Martela's Board of Directors decided on a share-based      
incentive system for key personnel for 2007-2009. The number of A shares that   
can be earned through the system depends on the attainment of targets. The      
maximum bonus for the whole system is 153,000 Martela Oyj A shares and cash to  
the amount needed to cover taxes and similar charges, estimated to approximate  
the value of the shares to be paid. The company has outsourced management of the
incentive system to Alexander Management Oy, which acquired all the necessary   
shares from OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki during the first quarter with a EUR 1.2
million loan granted by Martela.                                                

Post-balance sheet events                                                       

Non-business-related assets were sold in early 2008, which will improve the     
result of the first quarter by some EUR 0.6 million.                            

In the beginning of 2008, Martela made a decision to found a company in Russia. 
According to its plan, the company will import and market Martela products and  
promote the Martela brand in Russia. Sales to key customers will take place     
through the new company directly and to other customers through the Martela     
dealer network. Until now, Martela's sales in Russia have taken place from      
Finland through local dealers.                                                  

Short-term risks                                                                

The greatest risks to the profit development is related to the continuation of  
economic growth in general and the consequent trend in overall demand for office
furniture. The price trend of materials and components purchased also affects   
the future outlook.                                                             

2008 Annual General Meeting and the Board's profit distribution proposal        

Martela Oyj's Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 1 April 2008. The 
Board of Directors will propose to the AGM that the Board be authorised to      
acquire and convey the company's own shares, and to amend the articles of       
association mainly to conform with the new Limited Liability Companies Act which
came into force in 2006. Furthermore, the Board of Directors will propose that a
dividend of EUR 0.50 per share be distributed for 2007. The parent company's    
distributable funds amount to EUR 31,665,067.06. Shareholders registered in the 
shareholder register maintained at the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd
on the record date for dividend payment, Friday, 4 April 2008, will be entitled 
to the dividend as proposed by the Board. Dividend payments will be made on     
Friday, 11 April 2008. The notice of Annual General Meeting will be published in
a separate stock exchange announcement.                                         

Board members and auditors                                                      

Shareholders representing a total of over 50 per cent of the company's votes    
have informed the company that they will propose that the following current     
members be re-elected to the Board: Heikki Ala-Ilkka, Tapio Hakakari, Jori      
Keckman, Heikki Martela, Pekka Martela and Jaakko Palsanen. The above-mentioned 
shareholders have also announced that they will propose that Reino Tikkanen,    
Authorised Public Accountant, be re-elected as the company's auditor, and that  
KPMG Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, be re-elected as deputy, until the end  
of the next AGM.                                                                

Outlook for 2008                                                                

The Group's result for 2008 is expected to improve on 2007. The outlook is      
supported by the solid order books of early 2008 and the continuing growth of   
office construction.                                                            

GROUP INCOME STATEMENT (EUR 1000)                                               

                                      2007      2006      2007      2006        
                                      1-12      1-12     10-12     10-12        

Revenue                            128.445   119.727    36.992    36.845        
Other operating income               3.023     1.429     0.068     0.568        
Employee benefits expenses         -28.723   -27.562    -7.834    -8.373        
Operating expenses                 -91.236   -85.763   -25.819   -25.335        
Depreciation and impairment         -3.231    -3.332    -0.825    -0.868        

Operating profit/loss                8.278     4.499     2.582     2.837        
% of turnover                          6.4       3.8       7.0       7.7        
Financial income and expenses       -0.726    -0.798    -0.181    -0.143        

Profit/loss before taxes             7.552     3.701     2.401     2.694        
% of turnover                          5.9       3.1       6.5       7.3        

Income tax                          -2.165    -0.977    -0.714    -0.484        

Profit/loss for the period           5.387     2.723     1.686     2.209        
% of turnover                          4.2       2.3       4.6       6.0        

Basic earnings per share, eur          1.3       0.7       0.4       0.5        
Diluted earnings per share, eur        1.3       0.7       0.4       0.5        

GROUP BALANCE SHEET (EUR 1000)                   31.12.2007    31.12.2006       


Non-current assets                                                              
 Intangible assets                                    0.633         0.662       
 Tangible assets                                     14.151        15.784       
 Investments                                          0.053         0.062       
 Deferred tax assets                                  0.240         0.776       
 Pension receivables                                  0.035         0.018       
 Receivables                                          0.623         0.000       
 Investment properties                                1.203         1.166       
Total                                                16.938        18.468       

Current assets                                                                  
 Inventories                                         13.635        11.938       
 Receivables                                         23.536        24.792       
 Financial assets at fair value through                                         
 profit and loss                                      2.004         1.943       
 Cash and cash equivalents                            7.686         1.968       
Total                                                46.861        40.641       

Total assets                                         63.800        59.109       

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          

Equity attributable to equity holders                                           
of the parent                                                                   
 Share capital                                        7.000         7.000       
 Share premium account                                1.116         1.116       
 Other reserves                                       0.117         0.117       
 Translation differences                             -0.129        -0.129       
 Retained earnings                                   22.060        17.542       
 Treasury shares                                     -0.721        -0.721       
 Share-based incentives                               0.067         0.000       
Total                                                29.510        24.925       
Non-current liabilities                                                         
 Interest-bearing liabilities                        10.453        12.844       
 Deferred tax liability                               1.553         0.175       
Total                                                12.006        13.019       

Current liabilities                                                             
 Interest-bearing                                     3.969         4.271       
 Non-interest bearing                                18.315        16.894       
Total                                                22.284        21.165       

Total liabilities                                    34.290        34.184       

Equity and liabilities, total                        63.800        59.109       

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (EUR 1000)                                       
                 Share    Share    Other   Trans.  Retained  Treasury   Total   
                 capital  premium  reserves diff.  earnings    shares           
                          account                  and share-                   
                                                   based inc.                   

01.01.2006        7.000    1.116    0.117  -0.108   15.432    -0.721   22.836   
Translation diff.                          -0.021                      -0.021   
Profit/loss for                                                                 
the period                                           2.723              2.723   
Total recognized                                                                
income and expense                                                              
for the fin.year                           -0.021    2.723              2.702   
Dividends paid                                      -0.613             -0.613   
31.12.2006        7.000    1.116    0.117  -0.129   17.542    -0.721   24.925   

1.1.2007          7.000    1.116    0.117  -0.129   17.542    -0.721   24.925   
Translation diff.                           0.000                       0.000   
Profit/loss for                                                                 
the period                                           5.387              5.387   
Other change                                         0.220              0.220   
Total recognized                                                                
income and expense                                                              
for the fin.year                                     5.607              5.607   
Dividends paid                                      -1.022             -1.022   
31.12.2007        7.000    1.116    0.117  -0.129   22.127    -0.721   29.510   

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (EUR 1000)                                     

                                                         2007        2006       
                                                         1-12        1-12       
Cash flows from operating activities                                            

Cash flow from sales                                  130.834     114.537       
Cash flow from other operating income                   0.550       0.364       
Payments on operating costs                          -121.090    -113.292       
Net cash from operating activities                                              
before financial items and taxes                       10.294       1.609       

Interest paid                                          -0.842      -0.691       
Interest received                                       0.082       0.048       
Other financial items                                  -0.021      -0.084       
Dividends received                                      0.001       0.003       
Taxes paid                                              0.381      -0.018       

Net cash from operating activities (A)                  9.895       0.867       

Cash flows from investing activities                                            
Capital expenditure on tangible and                                             
intangible assets                                      -2.256      -1.840       
Proceeds from sale of tangible and                                              
intangible assets                                       2.028       2.992       
Proceeds from sale of shares in subsidiaries            2.150          -        
Loans granted                                          -1.193          -        
Repayments of loans receivables                         0.011       0.006       

Net cash used in investing activities (B)               0.740       1.158       

Cash flows from financing activities                                            

Proceeds from short-term loans                          0.976       1.783       
Repayments of short-term loans                         -1.704      -1.546       
Repayments of long-term loans                          -3.108      -2.689       
Dividends                                              -1.022      -0.613       

Net cash used in financing activities (C)              -4.858      -3.065       
Change in cash and                                                              
cash equivalents (A+B+C)                                5.778      -1.041       
(+ increase, - decrease)                                                        

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of                                   
period                                                  3.911       4.963       
Translation differences                                 0.002      -0.010       
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period          9.691       3.911       

KEY FIGURES/RATIOS                                                              
                                                         2007        2006       
                                                         1-12        1-12       

Revenue EUR million                                     128.4       119.7       
Change in revenue, %                                      7.3        17.1       

Exports and international operations,                    42.8        36.7       
EUR million                                                                     
In relation to revenue, %                                33.3        30.7       

Gross capital expenditure on fixed                        3.2         1.8       
assets, EUR million                                                             
In relation to revenue, %                                 2.5         1.5       

Research and development expenses,                        3.1         2.5       
EUR million                                                                     
In relation to revenue, %                                 2.4         2.1       

Average personnel                                         663         626       
Change in personnel, %                                    5.9         2.6       
Personnel at year end                                     655         632       
Turnover / employee, EUR thousand                       193.7       191.3       

Return on equity, %                                      19.8        11.4       
Return on investment, %                                  19.6        11.0       

Equity ratio, %                                          46.7        42.4       
Interest-bearing net-debt, EUR million                    4.7        13.2       
Gearing ratio, %                                         16.0        53.0       

Key share-related figures                                                       

Number of shares, at the end of period (1000)          4155.6      4155.6       
Basic earnings per share, EUR                             1.3         0.7       
Diluted earnings per share, EUR                           1.3         0.7       
Price/earnings ratio (PE)                                 6.3         9.8       
Equity per share, EUR                                     7.2         6.1       
Dividend/share, EUR                                       0.50*       0.25      
Dividend/earnings, %                                     37.9        37.5       
Effective dividend yield, %                               6.0         3.8       
Price of A-share 31.12. EUR                               8.35        6.50      

*) Proposal of the Board of Directors                                           

The largest shareholders, 31.12.2007                                            
                                             No.of shares     % of total        
                                             (A+K-series)          votes        

Marfort Oy                                       524 574            38.8        
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company       335 400             2.1        
Suomi arvo                                    273 700             1.7           
Odin Finland                                     228 400             1.5        
Mutual Fund Nordea Nordic Small Cap              220 343             1.4        
Palsanen Leena                                   199 634             9.6        
FIM Fenno Mutual Fund                            193 900             1.2        
Pohjola P & C Insurance company                  170 000             1.1        
Suomen Argentor Oy                               162 700             1.0        
Martela Heikki                                   158 356             7.3        
Evli Alexander Management Oy                     143 166             0.9        
Martela Matti                                    115 238             7.8        
Lindholm Tuija                                    93 546             5.8        
Nordea pankki Suomi Oyj                           89 523             0.6        
Palsanen Jaakko                                   85 868             0.8        
Martela Pekka                                     69 282             8.9        
Other shareholders                             1 091 970             9.4        
Total                                          4 155 600           100.0        

The number of registered Martela Oyj shares on 31.12.2007 was 4.155,600.        
The shares are divided into A and K shares. Each A share carries 1 vote and     
each K share 20 votes in a general shareholders' meeting.                       
The company's board of directors and CEO together hold 8.4% of the shares and   
17.2% of the votes.                                                             


2007 (EUR 1,000)                                                                

Geographical segments Finland  Scandinavia     Other   Elim. Unalloc. Total     
Turnover               85.503       26.551    16.391                128.445     
Segment assets         52.337        8.197     6.791  -8.197  4.672  63.800     
Capital expenditure     2.088        0.843     0.317                  3.248     

2006 (EUR 1,000)                                                                

Geographical segments Finland  Scandinavia     Other   Elim. Unalloc. Total     
Turnover               82.920       22.364    14.414   0.029        119.727     
Segment assets         49.215       10.003     4.377  -8.684  4.198  59.109     
Capital expenditure     1.598        0.078     0.148                  1.824     

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
                                                 31.12.2007  31.12.2006         

Mortgages and shares pledged                         15.673      20.739         
Guarantees                                               -        0.115         
Other commitments                                     0.317       0.323         

Rental commitments                                   10.674       9.753         

DEVELOPMENT OF SHARE PRICE                             2007        2006         
                                                       1-12        1-12         

Share price at the end of period, EUR                  8.35        6.50         
Highest price, EUR                                    10.35        8.16         
Lowest price,  EUR                                     6.39        5.99         
Average price, EUR                                     8.64        6.82         

Annual Reports in Finnish and English will be published during the week 12.     
The first Interim Report for the period January 1 - March 31, 2008 will be      
published on April 23, 2008.                                                    

Helsinki, February 20, 2008                                                     

Martela Oyj                                                                     
Board of Directors                                                              
Heikki Martela                                                                  

For more information, please contact                                            
Heikki Martela, CEO, tel. +358 50 502 4711                                      

OMX Nordic exchange                                                             
Main news media                                                        


financial statements 2007_final.pdf