- ICEQ comprised the following at the end of 21 February 2008 -

ISK	17.261.039	
ATOR	6.649.769	
BAKK	3.251.308	
EXISTA	10.152.474	
FL	7.357.119	
GLB	25.094.106	
HFEIM	1.119.894	
ICEAIR	723.491	
KAUP	1.271.953	
LAIS	18.494.697	
MARL	369.570	
OSSR	367.199	
SPRON	11.177.119	
STRB	20.063.946	
TEYMI	4.800.623	
ICEQ		1.752.681

Investors are advised to read the ICEQ prospectus on Kaupthing Bank's Fund
Center, www.kbsjodir.is, or on the news page of the Iceland Stock Exchange:

Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf.