TDC Financial Statements for 2007

Highlights for 2007
• Revenue down by 1.6% to DKK 39,321m, due to lower revenue from traditional
landline telephony, lower mobile termination and roaming prices and an
unfavorable development in the Swiss exchange rate. This was partly
counterbalanced by more mobile, broadband and cable-TV customers. Adjusted for
acquisition and divestment of companies, revenue was down by 0.9%. 
• EBITDA down by 3.8% to DKK 12,498m, due to lower revenue and higher costs due
to sale and leaseback of properties, outsourcing of IT services, higher
consultancy fees and higher cable damage expenses. This was partly countered by
a positive net impact from acquisition of Invitel and divestment of Bité.
Adjusted for acquisitions and divestments of companies, EBITDA was down by
• Net income up by 137.2% to DKK 8,167m. Net income was positively impacted by
special items of DKK 5,360m  and negatively impacted by fair value adjustment
of DKK 181m. 
• Net interest-bearing debt down by DKK 13,821m to DKK 41,400m.
• Equity up by 6,856m to DKK 10,427m.
• Proposed dividend payment of DKK 3.60 per share compared with DKK 3.50 in

Outlook for 2008
• Revenue is expected to increase slightly, due to the full-year effect of
HTCC's acquisition of Invitel, and growth in YouSee and Mobile Nordic. 
• Net income from continuing operations, excluding special items and fair value
adjustments, is expected to increase 10%-20%. More efficient operations and
decreasing interest expenses will be only partly offset by higher taxes from
the full-year effect of new tax legislation. 

Please read the full report attached to the link below.

For further information please contact TDC Investor Relations at +45 6663 7680.

Noerregade 21
0900 Copenhagen C


release 03-2008 financial statements for 2007.pdf