The European Patent Office has invalidated the LMA patent that is the foundation for the lawsuits against Ambu in Europe

The European Patent Office in Munich has ruled the European patent (EP 111 9
386) invalid, which LMA has maintained in connection with the pending lawsuits
in Germany, The Netherlands and France regarding Ambu's laryngeal mask. 

The ruling by the European Patent Office can be appealed.

Ambu is satisfied with the ruling

Ambu has since autumn 2005 been involved in a lawsuit about alleged patent

Thus in the autumn of 2005, legal proceedings were instituted against Ambu by
the company LMA before a German court with a claim being set up that Ambu with
its laryngeal mask had infringed LMA' patent on the reinforcement of the tip of
the laryngeal mask. 

During the entire proceedings, Ambu has claimed that there was in fact no
infringement of LMA' patent, and at the beginning of 2006, Ambu filed an
objection against the validity of LMA's patent to the European Patent Office in

Contact: K.E. Birk, tel. +45 7225 2000, email


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