Insiders´ dealing

26 February 2008                                                                
Company announcement no. 02-08                                                  

Statement of leading management and related parties' trade with Søndagsavisen   
a-s shares                                                                      

Pursuant to the Danish Securities Trading Act §28a is hereby given notification 
that the following transaction has taken place:                                 

| Name    | Reaso | Date of    | Transac | Number of | Market     | Market     |
|         | n     | transac-   | tion    | traded    | price of   |            |
|         |       | tion       |         | shares    | traded     |            |
|         |       |            |         |           | shares     |            |
| Mads    | CEO   | 25         | Purchas |  36,698   | DKK        | Copenhagen |
| Dahl    |       | February   | e       |           | 1,000,387  | Stock      |
| Anderse |       | 2008       |         |           |            | Exchange   |
| n       |       |            |         |           |            |            |

For further information please contact Mads Dahl Andersen, CEO, phone: + 45 39  
57 75 00.                                                                       

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Søndagsavisen a-s                                                               

Mads Dahl Andersen