Marimekko's local distributor in Japan, Look Inc., set up a new Marimekko       
concept store (156 sqm) in Hokkaido, Sapporo on 23 February 2008. This is       
already the eleventh Marimekko store in Japan. The other Marimekko concept      
stores or shop-in-shops in Japan are located in Hakata (Fukuoka), Kobe, Kumamoto
(Kyusu), Kyoto, Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo (three stores) and Yokohama.               

Run by independent retailers, Marimekko concept stores are shops that sell      
exclusively Marimekko products and carry a comprehensive selection of           
merchandise from all the different Marimekko lines: clothing, interior          
decoration and bags. Developing and anchoring the concept store idea based on   
Marimekko's lifestyle thinking represents an important part in Marimekko's      
internationalisation strategy.                                                  

The address of the Sapporo concept store is:                                    
Fes Sapporo 1F, 3-11-5 Minami nijyo nishi, Chuou-ku, Sapporo city, Hokkaido,    

MARIMEKKO CORPORATION                                                           
Group Communications                                                            

Marja Korkeela                                                                  
Tel. +358 9 758 7238                                                            
Fax: +358 9 759 1676                                                            

Marimekko is a leading Finnish textile and clothing design company that was     
established in 1951. The company designs, manufactures and markets high-quality 
clothing, interior decoration textiles, bags and other accessories under the    
Marimekko brand, both in Finland and abroad. Marimekko products are also        
manufactured under license in various countries. In 2007, the company's net     
sales amounted to EUR 77.3 million. Exports and income from international       
operations accounted for 26.5% of the Group's net sales. The Group employs about
400 people. The company's share is quoted on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki.  
For further information, visit