FirstNorth: Labs2 AB transferred back from the observation segment (30/08)

Labs2 AB transferred back from the observation segment
Labs2 AB was placed on the observation segment on January 8th, 2008 after the company announced a delay of the ongoing share issue due to lack of payments from some guarantors. The share issue has been paid and the Certified Adviser of Labs2, Tamm & Partners Fondkommission AB, and the Exchange is of the opinion that Labs2 AB shall be transferred back to its ordinary position.   
With reference to what is stated above, OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB has decided that, the shares in Labs2 AB (ISIN code SE000426470 and order book ID 24072) will be transferred back to its ordinary position. 

The shares will be transferred with effect from Thursday, February 28th, 2008.

If you have questions regarding this Announcement, please contact Issuer Surveillance at 
+46 8 405 70 50.

