Annual General Meeting of Icelandair Group hf. 2008

The Annual General Meeting of Icelandair Group hf. will be held on Tuesday 11
March 2008 at the Hilton Reykjaík Nordica at 16:00 


1. Presentation of the report of the Board of Directors on the activities of
the Company in 2007. 
2. The accounts of the Company for 2007, including an audit report, submitted
for confirmation. 

3. Decisions taken concerning the disposal of the profit of the Company during
the fiscal year, incl. dividends. 

4. Motion on amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company, if

5. Presentation for approval of a proposal from the Board of Directors
concerning the Icelandair Group hf. remuneration policy. 

6. A decision made on the remuneration of the Board of Directors.

7. Election of Board of Directors.

8. Election of auditing firm. 

9. Any other lawfully submitted business. 

Announcements of candidacy for seats on the Board of Directors shall be
submitted in writing at the Company Headquarters on Reykjavík Airport 5 days
prior the Annual General Meeting. Announcements of candidacy shall include, in
addition to the name of the candidate, the candidate's ID number and address,
information on principal occupation, other directorships, education, experience
and shareholdings in the Company. Notices should also include information on
any relations with the Company's principal business partners and competitors
and with shareholders holding more than a 10% share in the Company. 

If any shareholder wishes to have a specific item of business included on the
Agenda for the meeting a request to such effect should be submitted at the
Company headquarters at Reykjavík Airport at the latest 7 days prior to the
Annual General Meeting. 

The Company's annual accounts and finalised motions will be laid open at the
Company's headquarters at Reykjavík Airport for inspection by shareholders 7
days prior to the meeting. Ballots along with other documents will be available
at the Hilton Reykjavík Nordica at the meetings. 

The Board of Directors of Icelandair Group hf.