TPD: Financial results of Trigon Property Development, 12 months of 2007

On 29 June 2007 a significant change occurred in the economic activity of AS    
Trigon Property Development, when the division plan of AS Trigon Property       
Development was signed pursuant to which the manufacturing unit, i.e. the       
construction materials division and furniture division were spun off from AS    
Trigon Property Development. This resolution was approved by the General        
Meeting of Shareholders on 6 August 2007. The division was entered into the     
commercial register on 19 September 2007. After the division, the main activity 
of AS Trigon Property Development is property development.                      
The financial statements for the IV quarter 2007 of Trigon Property Development 
have been prepared after the division of AS Viisnurk, reflecting the results of 
continuing operations (property development) during the 12 months of 2007.      
As at the end of 2007, AS Trigon Property Development owned one property        
development project involving 40-hectare land plot in the City of Pärnu, Niidu  
area where will be developed commercial property.                               

The balance sheet as of 31.12.2007 delivered by the present announcement        
completely reflects the assets, liabilities and equity capital of AS Trigon     
Property Development, which remained in the company after separation of AS      
Viisnurk. The balance sheet as of 31.12.2006 contains also the assets,          
liabilities and equity capital of AS Viisnurk, which were separated during the  
Comparing the currently delivered balance sheet as of 31.12.2006 with the       
consolidated annual report 2006 of AS Trigon Property Development announced     
earlier, the value of property investments and equity capital have been         
adjusted retroactively. Previously the property investments were recognised at  
historical cost principle, but in the current balance sheet the property        
investments are recognised retroactively at the fair value principle.           
According to the income statement the 12 months net profit of AS Trigon         
Property Development is 30,763 thousand EEK (includes the 9 months profit of AS 
Viisnurk in the amount of 11,875 thousand). The profit earned on continuous     
business activity (property development) of AS Trigon Property Development      
during 12 months is 18,888 thousand EEK, which was achieved through the         
increase of the fair value of property investment.                              

According to the presented income statement the earnings per share of AS Trigon 
Property Development for 12 months of 2007 is 6.84 EEK, which contains also the 
profit of AS Viisnurk. The earnings per share of AS Trigon Property Development 
for 12 months of 2007 from the continuous business activity (real estate        
development) is 4.20 EEK.                                                       

The loss per share of AS Trigon Property Development for IV quarter of 2007 is  
-0.12 EEK. Diluted earnings of AS Trigon Property Development per share are     
equal to the basic earnings per share because the Company does not have any     
potential ordinary shares with the dilutive effect on the earnings per share. 
Condensed consolidated balance sheet                                            
|                          |  EEK thous |  EEK thous |  EUR thous |  EUR thous |
|                          | 31.12.2007 | 31.12.2006 | 31.12.2007 | 31.12.2006 |
|                          |            |   restated |            |   restated |
| Cash                     |        372 |     13 138 |         24 |        840 |
| Receivables and          |         84 |     26 628 |          5 |      1 702 |
| prepayments              |            |            |            |            |
| Inventories              |          0 |     44 971 |          0 |      2 874 |
| Total current assets     |        456 |     84 737 |         29 |      5 416 |
| Investment property      |    130 000 |    128 130 |      8 309 |      8 189 |
| Property, plant and      |        789 |     57 535 |         50 |      3 677 |
| equipment                |            |            |            |            |
| Intangible assets        |          0 |        650 |          0 |         42 |
| Total non-current assets |    130 789 |    186 315 |      8 359 |     11 908 |
| TOTAL ASSETS             |    131 245 |    271 052 |      8 388 |     17 324 |
| Borrowings               |        392 |     19 409 |         25 |      1 241 |
| Payables and prepayments |        450 |     30 231 |         29 |      1 932 |
| Short-term provisions    |          0 |        221 |          0 |         14 |
| Total current            |        842 |     49 861 |         54 |      3 187 |
| liabilities              |            |            |            |            |
| Long-term provisions     |          0 |      3 047 |          0 |        195 |
| Long-term borrowings     |      2 546 |     28 511 |        163 |      1 822 |
| Total non-current        |      2 546 |     31 558 |        163 |      2 017 |
| liabilities              |            |            |            |            |
| Total liabilities        |      3 388 |     81 419 |        217 |      5 204 |
| Share capital at nominal |     44 991 |     44 991 |      2 875 |      2 875 |
| value                    |            |            |            |            |
| Share premium            |      3 537 |     11 332 |        226 |        724 |
| Statutory reserve        |      4 499 |      4 499 |        288 |        288 |
| capital                  |            |            |            |            |
| Retained earnings        |     74 830 |    128 811 |      4 782 |      8 233 |
| Total equity             |    127 857 |    189 633 |      8 171 |     12 120 |
|                          |            |            |            |            |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND    |    131 245 |    271 052 |      8 388 |     17 324 |
| EQUITY                   |            |            |            |            |

Condensed consolidated income statement                                         
|                           |      EEK |  EEK thous |  EUR thous |   EUR thous |
|                           |    thous |            |            |             |
|                           |       12 |  12 months |  12 months |   12 months |
|                           |   months |       2006 |       2007 |        2006 |
|                           |     2007 |   restated |            |    restated |
| Continuing operations     |          |            |            |             |
| Net sales                 |      342 |        536 |         22 |          34 |
| Cost of goods sold        |    (180) |      (227) |       (12) |        (14) |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Gross profit              |      162 |        309 |         10 |          20 |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Administrative and        |    (631) |          0 |       (40) |           0 |
| general expenses          |          |            |            |             |
| Gain from revaluation of  |   19 870 |     52 330 |      1 270 |       3 344 |
| investment property to    |          |            |            |             |
| fair value                |          |            |            |             |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Operating profit          |   19 401 |     52 639 |      1 240 |       3 364 |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Net financial income      |     (38) |       (39) |        (2) |         (2) |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Profit from continuing    |   19 363 |     52 600 |      1 238 |       3 362 |
| operations before tax     |          |            |            |             |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Profit from discontinued  |   11 875 |     27 908 |        758 |       1 784 |
| operations                |          |            |            |             |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Corporate income tax      |    (475) |      (438) |       (30) |        (28) |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD |   30 763 |     80 070 |      1 966 |       5 118 |
|                           |          |            |            |             |
| Basic earnings per share  |     6.84 |      17.80 |       0.44 |        1.14 |
| Diluted earnings per      |     6.84 |      17.80 |       0.44 |        1.14 |
| share                     |          |            |            |             |

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Chairman of the Supervisory Board                                               
+372 6679 200                                                          


2007 iv kv vahearuanne eng 080228.pdf