The board of directors of Okmetic Oyj has decided to convene the annual general 
meeting of shareholders of the company on Thursday 3 April 2008 at 10.00 a.m.   
The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Finnish Aviation Museum in    
Vantaa, Finland. The Finnish Aviation Museum is located at the grounds of the   
Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport at Tietotie 3.                            

The official notice of the annual general meeting will be published in the      
Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, as stipulated by the articles of association of the

At the meeting, the participants will address the issues that according to      
section 3 of chapter 5 of the Finnish Companies Act and section 11 of Okmetic's 
articles of association fall under the jurisdiction of the annual general       

The board of directors has decided to propose at the annual general meeting that
a dividend of 0.10 euro per share be paid. The dividend will be payable to      
shareholders who are registered in the shareholders' register maintained by the 
Nordic Central Securities Depository on the dividend record date, 8 April 2008. 
The board proposes that the dividend payments be made on Thursday, 17 April     

In addition, the meeting shall be asked to decide on the following proposals of 
the board of directors:                                                         

1. Board of directors' proposal regarding its own powers to decide on new issues
and other share entitlements.                                                   

The board of directors proposes to the annual general meeting that the board of 
directors be granted the authority to decide on new issues, stock options and   
other share entitlements according to the first section of chapter 10 of the    
Finnish Companies Act as follows:                                               

The aggregate number of shares issued on the basis of the authorisation may not 
exceed 3,377,500 shares, which represents approximately 20 percent of all the   
shares of the company.                                                          

The board of directors is authorised to decide on all the terms and conditions  
concerning the issue of shares and other share entitlements. The authorisation  
relates to the issuance of new shares. Issuance of shares and other share       
entitlements can be carried out as a directed issue.                            

The authorisation is effective until the following annual general meeting of    

2. The board of directors' proposal as to the composition of the board          

The committee charged with appointing the members of the board of directors     
proposes that the annual general meeting decide to appoint five members to the  
board. The proposal is to reappoint three current members of the board, Mr Mikko
J. Aro, Karri Kaitue (Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Outokumpu Oyj) and Pekka
Salmi (Investment Director of the Finnish National Fund for Research and        
Development, Sitra), and to appoint Tapani Järvinen (President and CEO of       
Outotec Oyj) and Jarmo Niemi (President and CEO of Tecnomen Oyj) as new members.
The candidates have given their consent to the appointments.                    

3. The board of directors' proposal as to the appointment of the company auditor

The committee charged with appointing the company auditor proposes that the     
annual general meeting decide to reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised
Public Accountants, as the company auditors with Markku Marjomaa, Authorised    
Public Accountant, acting as the principal auditor, until the end of the next   
annual general meeting. The candidates have given their consent to the          

Right to participate                                                            

All shareholders, who have by no later than Thursday 20 March 2008 been recorded
as shareholders in the list of owners kept by the Nordic Central Securities     
Depository, have the right to attend the meeting.                               

Shareholders with nominee registrations can take part in the annual general     
meeting providing that they have no later than Thursday 20 March 2008 been      
temporarily added to the list of shareholders. Shareholders with nominee        
accounts held by custodian banks must contact their broker well in advance of   
the aforementioned date in order to take part in the meeting.                   


Shareholders who wish to attend the meeting should inform the head office of    
Okmetic Oyj thereof by Wednesday 26 March 2008 (address Piitie 2, Vantaa, room  
5.1.31) during office hours from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00    
p.m. Registration is also possible via email at shareholders@okmetic.com, by    
telephone on +358 9 5028 0406 or by post to Okmetic Oyj, Share Register, P.O.Box
44, FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland. Registration by post requires that the letter     
arrive before the end of the registration period.                               

Should the participant be a legal representative whom a shareholder has given   
the right to vote by proxy, this should be disclosed in connection with         
registration and the proxy statement should be left or supplied to the head     
office of Okmetic Oyj within the duration of the registration period.           

Documents on display for public inspection                                      

Financial statements documentation and aforementioned proposals by the board of 
directors are on view in the head office of Okmetic Oyj during a period of a    
week before the annual general meeting. The board of directors' proposals are   
also available on the internet at http://www.okmetic.com/www/page/investors.    

OKMETIC OYJ                                                                     

Esko Sipilä                                                                     
Senior Vice President, Finance                                                  

For further information, please contact:                                        

Senior Vice President, Finance Esko Sipilä, Okmetic Oyj,                        
tel. +358 9 5028 0286, email: esko.sipila@okmetic.com                           

Communications Manager Tuovi Ojala, Okmetic Oyj,                                
tel. +358 9 5028 0509, email: tuovi.ojala@okmetic.com                           

OMX Nordic Exchange                                                             
Principal Media                                                                 

OKMETIC IN BRIEF                                                                

Take it higher                                                                  

Okmetic is a technology company which supplies tailor-made silicon wafers for   
sensor and semiconductor industries and sells its technological expertise.      
Okmetic provides its customers with solutions that boost their competitiveness  
and profitability.                                                              

Okmetic's silicon wafers are part of a further processing chain that produces   
end products that improve human interaction and quality of life. Okmetic's      
products are based on high-tech expertise that generates added value for        
customers, innovative product development and an extremely efficient production 

Okmetic has a global customer base and sales network, production plants in      
Finland and the US and contract manufacturers in Japan and China.               

Okmetic's shares are listed on OMX's Nordic Stock Exchange under the code OKM1V.
For more information on the company, please visit our renewed website at        