List of NeuroSearch announcements in 2007 and in January - March 2008


List of NeuroSearch announcements in 2007 and in January - March 2008           

In accordance with section 27a of Consolidated Act about Securities Trading     
etc., we hereby issue a complete list of NeuroSearch announcements in 2007 and  
in January - March 2008. All announcements are available under the IR section of
our homepage                                               

| Date        | No       | Headline                                            |
| 03.01.2007  |  01-07   | NeuroSearch issues financial calendar for 2007      |
| 01.03.2007  |  02-07   | Notice concerning release date for the NeuroSearch  |
|             |          | financial statements 2006                           |
| 05.03.2007  |  03-07   | NeuroSearch A/S - Financial statements 2006         |
| 07.03.2007  |  04-07   | NeuroSearch's license partner Abbott initiates      |
|             |          | clinical Phase II study with ABT-894 in Attention   |
|             |          | Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)               |
| 08.03.2007  |  05-07   | List of NeuroSearch announcements in 2006 and in    |
|             |          | January - March 2007                                |
| 13.03.2007  |  06-07   | NeuroSearch increases its share capital in          |
|             |          | connection with employees' exercise of warrants     |
| 13.03.2007  |  07-07   | Report of transactions with shares and related      |
|             |          | securities of NeuroSearch by persons discharging    |
|             |          | managerial responsibilities and person/companies    |
|             |          | closely associated with these                       |
| 15.03.2007  |  08-07   | Report of transactions with shares and related      |
|             |          | securities of NeuroSearch by persons discharging    |
|             |          | managerial responsibilities and person/companies    |
|             |          | closely associated with these                       |
| 23.03.2007  |  09-07   | Report of transactions with shares and related      |
|             |          | securities of NeuroSearch by persons discharging    |
|             |          | managerial responsibilities and person/companies    |
|             |          | closely associated with these                       |
| 23.03.2007  |  10-07   | Report of transactions with shares and related      |
|             |          | securities of NeuroSearch by persons discharging    |
|             |          | managerial responsibilities and person/companies    |
|             |          | closely associated with these                       |
| 09.04.2007  |  11-07   | Notice convening annual general meeting in          |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 10.04.2007  |  12-07   | NeuroSearch's license partner Astellas initiates    |
|             |          | clinical Phase Ib study with ACR16 in patients with |
|             |          | schizophrenia                                       |
| 24.04.2007  |  13-07   | NeuroSearch and GlaxoSmithKline initiate second     |
|             |          | clinical Phase II study with NS2359 in depression   |
| 25.04.2007  |  14-07   | NeuroSearch A/S - Q1 Report 2007                    |
| 25.04.2007  |  15-07   | Report on ordinary general meeting held in          |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 26.04.2007  |  16-07   | Notice convening extraordinary general meeting in   |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 14.05.2007  |  17-07   | Report on extraordinary general meeting held in     |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 24.05.2007  |  18-07   | NeuroSearch's license partner Abbott initiates      |
|             |          | clinical Phase I study with ABT-107                 |
| 01.06.2007  |  19-07   | Executive Order no. 226 of 15 March 2007 regarding  |
|             |          | issuers' obligations                                |
| 13.06.2007  |  20-07   | NeuroSearch updates on pipeline progress and status |
| 30.07.2007  |  21-07   | NeuroSearch's license partner Abbott initiates      |
|             |          | clinical Phase I study with ABT-560                 |
| 22.08.2007  |  22-07   | NeuroSearch A/S - H1 Report 2007                    |
| 07.09.2007  |  23-07   | NeuroSearch's license partner Abbott initiates      |
|             |          | clinical Phase II study with ABT-894 in neuropathic |
|             |          | pain                                                |
| 17.09.2007  |  24-07   | NeuroSearch announces breakthrough tesofensine      |
|             |          | results from clinical Phase IIb study in obesity    |
|             |          | (“TIPO-1”)                                          |
| 01.10.2007  |  25-07   | NeuroSearch files Clinical Trial Application for    |
|             |          | the initiation of a clinical Phase III programme    |
|             |          | with ACR16 in Huntington's disease in Europe        |
| 31.10.2007  |  26-07   | NeuroSearch today publishes an offering circular in |
|             |          | connection with a rights issue of up to a maximum   |
|             |          | of 2,765,593 new shares with a nominal value of DKK |
|             |          | 20 each at DKK 280 per share (the “Offering”)       |
| 31.10.2007  |  27-07   | NeuroSearch announces revised financial calendar    |
|             |          | for 2007 and financial calendar for 2008            |
| 01.11.2007  |  28-07   | Indication from A.J. Aamund A/S and Asger Aamund    |
|             |          | regarding participation in NeuroSearch's rights     |
|             |          | issue                                               |
| 27.11.2007  |  29-07   | NeuroSearch A/S completes preemptive rights issue   |
| 28.11.2007  |  30-07   | NeuroSearch A/S - Q3 Report 2007                    |
| 28.11.2007  |  31-07   | Notice convening extraordinary general meeting in   |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 01.12.2007  |  32-07   | NeuroSearch A/S' share capital and voting rights    |
| 03.12.2007  |  33-07   | NeuroSearch issues new shares in connection with    |
|             |          | exercise of warrants                                |
| 03.12.2007  |  34-07   | NeuroSearch initiates clinical Phase I study with   |
|             |          | NSD-644 as a potential new pain treatment and       |
|             |          | receives milestone payment under the alliance with  |
|             |          | GlaxoSmithKline                                     |
| 10.12.2007  |  35-07   | Report on extraordinary general meeting held in     |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 11.12.2007  |  36-07   | Notice convening extraordinary general meeting in   |
|             |          | NeuroSearch                                         |
| 18.12.2007  |  37-07   | NeuroSearch initiates clinical Phase I study with   |
|             |          | ACR343 as a potential new treatment for Parkinson's |
|             |          | disease                                             |
| 21.12.2007  |  38-07   | Report on extraordinary general meeting held in     |
|             |          | NeuroSearch A/S                                     |
| 28.12.2007  |  39-07   | NeuroSearch A/S' share capital and voting rights    |
| 04.01.2008  |  01-08   | NeuroSearch announces the end of stabilisation      |
|             |          | period in connection with the rights issue,         |
|             |          | completed November 2007                             |
| 17.01.2008  |  02-08   | NeuroSearch issues 185,755 new shares to the        |
|             |          | sellers of Carlsson Research AB as milestone        |
|             |          | payment relating to the start of ACR343 Phase I     |
|             |          | study                                               |
| 22.01.2008  |  03-08   | NeuroSearch announces revised financial calendar    |
|             |          | for 2008                                            |
| 23.01.2008  |  04-08   | NeuroSearch has issued 185,755 new shares in a      |
|             |          | directed issuance to the sellers of Carlsson        |
|             |          | Research AB                                         |
| 31.01.2008  |  05-08   | NeuroSearch A/S' share capital and voting rights    |
| 03.03.2008  |  06-08   | NeuroSearch publishes positive and confirmatory     |
|             |          | results from TIPO-2, a clinical metabolic study     |
|             |          | with tesofensine for the treatment of obesity       |
| 04.03.2008  |  07-08   | NeuroSearch A/S Financial statements 2007           |

Asger Aamund                                                                    
Chairman of the Board                                                           

Contact person:

Hanne Leth Hillman, Vice President, Director of IR & Corporate Communications,
telephone:+45 4460 8212 or 4017 5103 

NeuroSearch (NEUR) is a Scandinavian biopharmaceutical company listed on the OMX
Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S. Our core business covers the development of     
novel drugs, based on a broad and well-established drug discovery platform      
focusing on ion channels and CNS disorders. A substantial part of the company's 
activities are partner financed through a broad alliance with GlaxoSmithKline   
(GSK) and collaborations with among others Abbott and Astellas. The drug        
pipeline comprises 12 clinical (Phase I-III) development programmes: ACR16 in   
Huntington's disease (Phase III in preparation), tesofensine in obesity (Phase  
III in preparation), NS2359 in depression (Phase II) and ADHD (Phase II) in     
partnership with GSK, ABT-894 in ADHD (Phase II) and pain (Phase II) in         
partnership with Abbott, ACR16 in schizophrenia (Phase I) in partnership with   
Astellas, ACR325 in bipolar disorder/Parkinson's disease (Phase I), ABT-107 as  
well as ABT-560 for the treatment of various CNS diseases - both (Phase I) in   
collaboration with Abbott, NSD-644 in pain a.o. (Phase I) in partnership with   
GSK and ACR343 in Parkinson's disease (Phase I). In addition, NeuroSearch has a 
broad portfolio of preclinical drug candidates and holds equity interests in    
several biotech companies.


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