Convocation of the annual general meeting

On 11th of April, 2008, at 14.00 hrs, the annual general meeting is 
convened on the initiative and upon the decision of the Company's 
Management Board. The general meeting will take place at the 
headquarters of  Pramprojektas AB, K.Donelaicio 60, Kaunas.  The 
shareholders' accounting day is the 4th of April, 2008. 

1. The Company's annual report for the year 2007.
2. The Company's auditor opinion.
3. Approval of the Company's annual financial statements for the year 
4. Appropriation of the Company's profit (loss) for the year 2007.
5. Election of the firm of auditors and fixing of payment terms.

Draft resolutions are available to the shareholders from the 1st of 
April, 2008, on workdays at 9.00 - 17.00, at the headquarters of  
Pramprojektas AB, K.Donelaicio 60, Kaunas. 

For more information, please call tel.: +370 37 223355, +370 37 322282.

Audrone Vaiciulyte
Securities specialist
+370 37 404151