Warrants och certificates: The trading of Certificates moves to a new submarket (30/08)

The OMX Nordic Exchange wants to improve the visibility of certificates by making the trading easier in Stockholm and Helsinki. As of March 10 2008, the certificates will have their own submarket and will no longer belong to the warrants submarket.

Moving the certificates to a new submarket is a natural step, because they essentially differ from warrants: certificates are longer-term investment products while warrants are more of a short-term product. Certificates are securities that track different underlying instruments, for example an equity basket, an equity index or a price of a commodity. 

Certificates have a market making facility, which makes it possible for investor to trade certificates any time during the exchanges’ opening hours. A number of certificates are “Open-end”; meaning that there is no fixed expiry date specified. 

If you have any questions regarding the notice, please contact Krister Santana, Business Developer; +46 8 405 6572, krister.santana@nasdaqomx.com.

OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm

