Decisions of shareholders extraordinary general meeting

Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on  Martch 7th in 2008 passed
the following decision:

1. Issue of convertible bonds and increase of authorized capital 

1.	A.To issue convertible bonds (hereinafter CB) of the Company under the
following conditions: 
1.1.	Amount of issued CB is  200 000 (two hundred thousand) units;
1.2.	Nominal value of one CB is 100,- Lt (one hundred Litas);
1.3.	Overall value of issued CB is  20 000 000Lt (twenty million Litas);
1.4.	Term for distribution of CB is 21 (twenty one) day after the day of
approval of the prospectus at the Securities Commission of the Republic of
Lithuania (this day is not included)). 
1.5.	The shareholders of the Company has the right to acquire CB by the right
of priority proportional to the nominal value of the shares they own at the day
of this Meeting during the period of 14 (fourteen) days after the start of
distribution of the CB. After the end of this period the right to acquire CB
also have all other persons until the end of the term of distribution; 
1.6.	CB give the following rights: after termination of  the term for buying
out of the shares to get agreed interest or change CB to the Company‘s shares
by the resolution of this Meeting and  by the ratio set forth by the contract
of subscription for the CB; 
1.7.	The CB are changed to the following shares:
1.7.1.	class - ordinary personal shares;
1.7.2.	Number - 18 (eighteen) units;
1.7.3.	Nominal value is - 1,- Lt (one Litas);
1.7.4.	Rights are granted:	to participate in the managemnet of the Company	to receive dividends;	to receive a part of the company‘ property after its liquidation;	to receive shares free of charge if the authorized capital of the
Company is increaesed from the Company‘s means;	to acquire issued shares or bonds of the Company by the right of
priority barring exceptions set forth by the articles of the Company and legal
acts;	to lend to the Company according to the procedures set forth by the
law;	to sell or pass round otherwise all or a part of own shares, to leave
them by testament to other persons;	to participate and vote at the General Meeting of the Shareholders.
The right to vote may be prohibited or limited in cases set forth by the legal
acts of the Republic of Lithuania, also when the ownership right of the share
is disputable;	to receive information about activities of the Company by the
procedure set forth by the Articles of the Company or legal acts;	other property and non-property rights ste forth by the Articles of
the Company or by the legal acts. 
1.8.	The ratio to change CB to the shares is 1:18 (one CB is changed to 18
1.9.	The date for buying out of the CB is the  367th day after the termination
of the term for distribution of the CB. The CB are changed to the shares at the
day of the buying out of the CB.Bonds holders can express the desire to convert
CB no later than 5 working days prior the date ofterm of buying out CB. 
1.10.	Maximum annual rate interest is  16 % (sixteen per cent);
1.11.	The procedure for paying interest : the interest is paid  once while
buying out the CB; 
1.12.	The CB are bought out in Litas or Euros; 
B.	After termination of the term for buying out the CB and CB changed to the
Company‘s shares being available the authorized capital of the Company is
increased by the sum of nominal value of changed shares. 

2.	Change of the Articles of the Company 
2.1.	To change the article 9.1.11 of the Articles of the Company into the
following wording: 
“The information regulated by the Company is published  and inserted into the
Central Database of Regulated Information by the procedure set forth by the
article 28 of the Securities Law of the Republic of Lithuania“ 
To approve the new wording of  the Articles of the Company. 
2.2. After termination of the term for buying out the CB and CB changed to the
Company‘s shares being available to change the Articles of the Company and to
approve their new wording having set the amount of increased authorized capital
and number of shares.
3.	Authorization.
To authorize (with the right to renew authorization) and to oblige the Director
General of the Company: 
3.1.	to sign contract with the dealer of public turnover of securities UAB FMĮ
“Orion securities“, code 1220 33915, concerning actions related to
implementation of resolution of this Meeting to issue CB; 
3.2.	to sign contracts for bonds  leaving to define other provisions of the
contracts to his own discretion; 
3.3.	having changed the wording of the point 9.1.11 of the Articles of the
Company to sign the changed Articles of the Company and submit to the registrar
of the register of legal persons; 
3.4.	to sign the changed Articles of the Company with increased authorized
capital and number of shares and submit to the registrar of the register of
legal persons; 
3.5.	to carry all other actions related to implementation of the resolutions of
this Meeting. 

Managing Director   
Gediminas Ceika
+370 315 56206