NCC's Annual General Meeting on April 8

NCC's Annual General Meeting on April 8

The Annual General Meeting of NCC AB shareholders will be held on April 8 at
China Teatern in Stockholm. Among other motions, NCC's Board of Directors
proposes that a dividend of SEK 11.00 per share plus an extraordinary dividend
of SEK 10.00 per share be paid. 

The Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Ax:son Johnson, Tomas
Billing, Ulf Holmlund, Fredrik Lundberg and Marcus Storch. Anders Rydin has
declined re-election and Ulla Litzén is proposed as a new Member of the Board. 
It is proposed that Tomas Billing be elected Chairman of the Board. 

Shareholders representing more than 50 percent of the total voting rights in the
Company propose the re-election of the members of the Nomination Committee.
These members are Viveca Ax:son Johnson, Ulf Lundahl and Mats Lagerqvist. It is
proposed that Viveca Ax:son Johnson be chairman of the Committee. 

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting approve a
dividend of SEK 11.00 (8.00) per share for the 2007 fiscal year plus an
extraordinary dividend of SEK 10.00 (10.00) per share. The Board proposes
Friday, April 11, 2008 as the record date for dividends. If the Annual General
Meeting approves the Board's proposal, it is estimated that VPC AB will
distribute dividend payments on Wednesday, April 16. 

It is proposed that director fees totaling SEK 2,535,000 be paid, with the
Chairman of the Board receiving SEK 575,000, the Deputy Chairman of the Board
receiving SEK 460,000 and each other member who is not employed by the Company
receiving SEK 375,000.

It is proposed that the registered accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers AB be
elected company auditor, with Håkan Malmström as auditor-in-charge. The
accounting firm is to be elected up to the end of the 2012 Annual General

It is also proposed that the Board be authorized by the Annual General Meeting
to repurchase the Company's shares on one or more occasions up to the next
Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at China Teatern, Berns Salonger,
Berzeli Park in Stockholm. Registration for the meeting will begin at 3.30 p.m.

Appendix: Invitation to Annual General Meeting

For further information, please contact:
Ulf Thorné, Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, +46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70
214 77 27

All of NCC's press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the
Nordic region. NCC had in 2007 sales of fully SEK 58 billion, with 21,000


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