Annual general meeting FIH Erhvervsbank A/S

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The Press

10 March 2008

Stock Exchange Announcement No. 5/2008 - Development of AGM

The ordinary general meeting of Finance for Danish Industry A/S (FIH
Erh-vervsbank A/S) took place on 10 March 2008 with the Agenda previously

In his statement to the meeting the chairman reviewed the most important events
and circumstances mentioned in the annual accounts and report of the Company
for 2007 including the year under review and the prospects for 2008. 

The general meeting approved the report and annual accounts and dis-charged the
directors from their obligations. The proposal of allocating the net profit in
full to reserves was also adopted. 

In addition the Board of Directors was authorized to let the company acquire up
to 10 per cent of its own shares at the market price ruling at time of
ac-quisition subject to a deviation of up to 10 per cent in the period until
May 31, 2009. 
The AGM proposed to amend article 13 of the Articles of Association to:

“The Board of Directors shall be deemed to have a quorum when more than half of
its members are present. Resolutions shall be considered adopted if carried by
a simple majority. In case of a tied vote the Chairman - or the Vice Chairman -
shall have the casting vote.” 

The proposal was carried unanimously.
To FIH's Board of Directors was re-elected: 
	President and CEO of Confederation of Danish Industry
	Hans Skov Christensen
	The Executive Chairman of the Board of Kaupthing Bank hf.
	Sigurdur Einarsson
	Managing Director Hans Ejvind Hansen
	Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nielsen & Nielsen A/S
 	Svend-Aage Nielsen
	Managing Director and CEO of Kaupthing Bank hf.
	Hreidar Már Sigurdsson
	Chairman of the Danish Employers' Confederation
	Jørgen Vorsholt

In addition to this the Board of Directors consists of 3 members elected by the
Deloitte Revisionsaktieselskab and Grant Thornton Revisionsaktieselskab were
re-elected as auditors. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Yours sincerely

Hans Skov Christensen	


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