Announcement General Meeting - Share Serial No. 1015052

Announcement General Meeting - Share Serial No. 1015052

Ordinary General Meeting of Sparekassen Faaborg was held on 10th
March 2008 at 4:30 pm. The agenda of the meeting was in accordance
with the Articles of Association.

  * The Annual Report was adopted.
  * A dividend rate of 25 for 2007 was adopted.
  * 7 members of the Board of Representatives were all re-elected.
  * The auditors were re-elected.
  * Proposal for reduction of the share capital by nominal DKK 4
    mill. to nominal DKK 120 mill. was adopted, and in addition
    hereto consistency amendments of the Articles of Association.
  * Proposal for other amendments of the Articles of Association was
    adopted as well.
  * Proposal for authorization of the Board of Directors to let
    Sparekassen Faaborg purchase own shares at a total of up to 10%
    of the share capital was adopted.

It was informed that Sparekassen Faaborg - as informed by Corporate
Announcement on 6th March 2008 - expects to be able to enter as
income DKK 25.7 mill. as the final settlement for the sale of
Totalkredit shares to Nykredit. The amount is entered as income as a
capital gain. As Sparekassen Faaborg's expected result for 2008 is
BEFORE market value adjustments, depreciations on lending, and tax,
there is made no upward adjustment of the result because of the
capital gain of DKK 25.7 mill.


For further information please contact

Preben Lykkegaard
Managing Director
Phone:+ 45 6361 1801

Sparekassen Faaborg A/S, Faaborg - CVR. nr. 13255504


Announcement General Meeting