A Good Year in a Changing Market

•	In 2007, Nordicom realised a pre-tax result of DKK 292.1 million (2006: DKK
583.8 million), which is a par with the expected result. The result af-ter
taxation comes to DKK 257.2 million, of which the cash amount comes to DKK
140.4 million. 

•	Cash-flow from operating activities comes to DKK 303.2 million (2006: DKK
354.6 million) 

•	Group equity carries a pre-tax interest of 22.7 % p.a.  

•	Turnover was reduced to DKK 755.1 million, from 919.4 million in 2006.

•	A dividend of DKK 14.0 per share, corresponding to a total dividend of DKK
43.8 million is proposed by the board of directors. 

•	Nordicom maintains previous expectations of a pre-tax result in the level of
approximately DKK 300 million.


arsregnskabsmeddelelse 2007 uk.pdf