Source: DFDS A/S

DFDS had one of its best years ever

Announcement no 04/2008
Copenhagen, 11 March 2008

Annual Report 2007 for the DFDS Group

DFDS had one of its best years ever

DFDS increased its profits by a third to DKK 526 million

In 2007 DFDS managed to make sea transport of trailers, paper, steel,           
containers, new cars and passengers in Northern Europe an even better business  
than it was in 2006. The DFDS Group consequently achieved one of its best       
results ever in 2007, a total pre-tax profit of DKK 526 million. This is 31%    
more than in 2006 and considerably above the expectations at the start of the   
year. Turnover rose by 10% to DKK 8.3 billion.                                  

“We made a good profit in 2007,” says CEO Niels Smedegaard. “Our cash flow is   
strong and we have a solid financial basis.”                               

The first half of the year in particular was marked by strong economic          
conditions, though this was less the case in the second half. Nevertheless,     
DFDS' management expects to be able to maintain the high level of earnings in   
2008 that was achieved in the previous year.                                    

The good result in 2007 was particularly due to the Group's freight-based       
business areas: Ro- Ro Shipping (the largest business area), Container Shipping 
and Terminal Services. Trailer Services also saw a positive development.        

Only Passenger Shipping did not live up to expectations in 2007. DFDS has
therefore implemented a project to streamline operations 
and strengthen the results in this business area, which accounts for 22% of     

“In 2007 we initiated an extensive efficiency-boosting programme,” says Niels   
Smedegaard. “Many specific measures in all business areas will ensure a durable 
and structured process for improving the entire Group's operations. In 2007, we 
also put forward the Group's strategy ‘From Routes to Network', which outlines  
ambitious plans for DFDS.”                                                      

“The first step has been to change the structure to five focused business areas:
Ro-Ro Shipping, Container Shipping, Passenger Shipping, Terminal Services and   
Trailer Services. We have subsequently adjusted the Group management to match   
this structure so that with the financial strength we have achieved, we will be 
in a good position to realise our strategy and reach our growth targets.”       

Yours truly,
DFDS A/S    


Key figures

DKK m                           2005  2006  2007
Revenue                        6.278 7.524 8.310
Operating profit (EBITDA)        890 1.137 1.316
EBITDA-margin               %   14,2  15,1  15,8
Profit before tax                231   402   526
Cash flow from operating         711 1.167 1.264
Total equity                   2.904 3.265 3.653
Equity ratio                %   34,3  32,7  38,0
Return on equity p.a.       %    6,8  11,7  14,5
Return on invested capital       6,0   7,0   8,6
Earnings per share (EPS)   DKK    23    46    52
Dividend per share         DKK   7,5    11    15
Average number of employees    4.215 4.346 4.427

Further information: Niels Smedegaard,   
CEO & President, tel: +45 3342 3400

The DFDS Group operates a leading, sea-based transport network in Northern      
Europe that is based on a fleet of 64 ships: comprising Ro-Ros, combined        
freight/passenger ships and container ships as well as terminals and a trailer  
network linked to the routes. The company has 4,400 employees in 14 countries.  
DFDS is headquartered in Copenhagen and is listed on OMX The Nordic Exchange    