Preliminary Announcement

G4S plc                                                                         
Preliminary Results Announcement                                                
January - December 2007                                                         

G4S plc, the international security solutions group, today announces its        
preliminary results for the twelve months to 31 December 2007.                  

RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS                                                              

-	Very strong organic turnover growth* of 9.1% (2006: 7.1%)                     
-	Group turnover* up 14.5% to £4,490.4 million (2006: £3,923.2m)                
-	PBITA* up 16.8% to £312.1 million (2006: £267.1 m)                            
-	Margin* improved to 7.0% (2006: 6.8%)                                         
-	Cash flow generation of £276.4 million, 89% of PBITA (2006: 86%)              
-	Adjusted earnings per share increased by 10.7% to 13.4p (2006: 12.1p)         
-	Recommended final dividend up 13.1% to 2.85 pence per share DKK 0.279 (2006:  
2.52p/DKK 0.277)                                                                
(Recommended total dividend up 17.8% to 4.96 pence per share DKK 0.511 (2006:   
4.21p/DKK 0.463)                                                                
-	Process commenced for divestment of security services businesses in France and
-	Announced acquisition of Global Solutions Limited in December 2007            
-	Launched new strategy to drive accelerated growth and development             
-	Excellent all-round performance, particularly in developing markets           

* at constant (2007) exchange rates                                             

Nick Buckles, Chief Executive Officer, commented:                               

“We are extremely pleased with the performance of the business in 2007 and feel 
confident about the further development of the group this year.                 

In developed markets we have achieved a solid result with organic growth of     
around 7% and margins in line with the previous year.  The increased organic    
growth of 17% and improved margins in developing markets has driven an overall  
margin improvement of 0.2% across the group.                                    

We've introduced the investment community to the next phase of our strategy     
which we believe will drive accelerated growth and development for the group and
we have already announced a number of acquisitions which help us drive the      
strategy forward.                                                               

Overall, the outlook for the business is good and we are not expecting the      
recent economic uncertainties to impact our ability to continue to deliver      
strong results in the future.”                                                  

For further enquiries, please contact:                                          
Nick Buckles - Chief Executive Officer			+44 (0) 1293 554400                    
Trevor Dighton - Chief Financial Officer                                        
Debbie McGrath - Group Communications Director                                  
Helen Parris - Director of Investor Relations                                   

Media enquiries:                                                                
Kevin Smith - Citigate Dewe Rogerson			+44 (0) 7973 672649                      

Notes to Editors:                                                               

G4S plc is the world's leading international security solutions group, which    
specialises in assessing current and future risks and developing secure         
solutions to minimise their impact across a wide range of geographic markets and
business sectors.                                                               

G4S is a major provider of risk management and protection to governments and    
major corporate customers around the world and is an expert in all aspects of   
local and international secure logistics.                                       

G4S is the largest employer quoted on the London Stock Exchange with a secondary
stock exchange listing in Copenhagen.  G4S has operations in over 110 countries 
and over 530,000 employees.  For more information on G4S, visit    

Presentation of Results:                                                        

A presentation to investors and analysts is taking place today at 0900hrs at the
London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, London, EC4M 7LS.  A telephone    
dial-in facility is available on +44 (0) 20 7162 0025.  A replay is available   
for seven days after the announcement by dialling +44 (0) 20 7031 4064 and using
access code 786864.                                                             

Annual General Meeting                                                          

The company's annual general meeting will be held in London on 29 May 2008.     

FINANCIAL SUMMARY                                                               


The results which follow have been prepared under International Financial       
Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union (adopted IFRSs).          

Group Turnover                                                                  

| Turnover of Continuing Businesses |               2007 |                2006 |
|                                   |                 £m |                  £m |
| Turnover at constant exchange     |            4,490.4 |             3,923.2 |
| rates                             |                    |                     |
| Exchange difference               |                  - |               113.6 |
| Total continuing business         |            4,490.4 |             4,036.8 |
| turnover                          |                    |                     |

Turnover, at constant exchange rates, increased by 14.5% to £4,490.4 million.   
Organic turnover growth was 9.1%.                                               

| Organic        |  Europe   |   North   |  Developed  |    New    |   Total   |
| Turnover       |           |  America  |   Markets   |  Markets  |           |
| Growth *       |           |           |             |           |           |
| Security       |      6.3% |      7.3% |        6.7% |     17.0% |      8.7% |
| Services       |           |           |             |           |           |
| Cash Services  |     11.6% |    (6.0%) |        9.5% |     17.0% |     10.6% |
| Total          |      7.8% |      6.3% |        7.3% |     17.0% |      9.1% |

* Calculated to exclude acquisitions and disposals, and at constant exchange    

Group Profit                                                                    

| PBITA * of Continuing Businesses  |               2007 |                2006 |
|                                   |                 £m |                  £m |
| PBITA at constant exchange rates  |              312.1 |               267.1 |
| Exchange difference               |                  - |                 7.3 |
| Total continuing business PBITA   |              312.1 |               274.4 |
| PBITA margin                      |               7.0% |                6.8% |

* PBITA is defined as profit before interest, taxation and amortisation of      
acquisition-related intangible assets                                           

PBITA at constant exchange rates increased by 16.8% to £312.1 million.  The     
PBITA margin was 7.0%.                                                          

Cash Flow and Financing                                                         

| Cash Flow                         |               2007 |                2006 |
|                                   |                 £m |                  £m |
| Operating cash flow               |              276.4 |               234.4 |
| Operating cash flow / PBITA       |                89% |                 86% |

Operating cash flow, as analysed on page 21, was £276.4 million in the period,  
representing 89% of PBITA.  Net cash invested in acquistions was £132.1 million.
Net debt, as analysed on page 20, at the end of the period was £804.9 million   
(2006: £672.8m).                                                                

Adjusted Earnings per Share                                                     

| Adjusted Earnings per share |         2007 |        2006 at |           2006 |
|                             |           £m |       constant |             £m |
|                             |              | exchange rates |                |
|                             |              |             £m |                |
| PBITA from continuing       |        312.1 |          267.1 |          274.4 |
| operations                  |              |                |                |
| Interest (before pensions)  |       (58.7) |         (37.0) |         (39.9) |
| Tax                         |       (69.7) |         (65.8) |         (67.1) |
| Minorities                  |       (13.4) |         (13.4) |         (13.4) |
| Adjusted profit             |        170.3 |          150.9 |          154.0 |
| attributable to             |              |                |                |
| shareholders                |              |                |                |
| Average number of shares    |      1,275.2 |        1,268.3 |        1,268.3 |
| (m)                         |              |                |                |
| Adjusted EPS (p)            |        13.4p |          11.9p |          12.1p |

Adjusted earnings per share, reconciled to basic earning per share on page 19,  
increased by 10.7%, or by 12.6% at constant exchange rates.                     


BUSINESS ANALYSIS                                                               

Security Services                                                               

|      Turnover      |       PBITA        |       Margins       |   Organic    |
|         £m         |         £m         |                     |    Growth    |
|   2007   |  2006   |  2007   |   2006   |   2007   |   2006   |     2007     |
| * At         |                                                               |
| constant     |                                                               |
| exchange     |                                                               |
| rates        |                                                               |
| Europe *     | 1,671 | 1,534 | 109.9 | 101.2 |      6.6% |   6.6% |   6.3%   |
|              |    .3 |    .1 |       |       |           |        |          |
| North        | 1,043 | 970.8 |  61.5 |  58.2 |      5.9% |   6.0% |   7.3%   |
| America *    |    .8 |       |       |       |           |        |          |
| New Markets  | 788.7 | 589.2 |  63.4 |  45.3 |      8.0% |   7.7% |  17.0%   |
| *            |       |       |       |       |           |        |          |
| Total        | 3,503 | 3,094 | 234.8 | 204.7 |      6.7% |   6.6% |   8.7%   |
| Security     |    .8 |    .1 |       |       |           |        |          |
| Services *   |       |       |       |       |           |        |          |
| Exchange     |     - | 106.7 |     - |       6.8 |                           |
| differences  |       |       |       |           |                           |
| At actual    | 3,503 | 3,200 | 234.8 |     211.5 |                           |
| exchange     |    .8 |    .8 |       |           |                           |
| rates        |       |       |       |           |                           |

The security services business continued its strong performance with good       
organic growth of 8.7% and margins improving to 6.7%.                           


|     Turnover      |        PBITA        |       Margins        |   Organic   |
|        £m         |         £m          |                      |   Growth    |
|  2007   |  2006   |   2007   |   2006   |   2007   |   2006    |    2007     |
| * At constant    |                                                           |
| exchange rates   |                                                           |
| UK & Ireland *   | 593.0 | 539.7 |  48.4 |  44.1 |  8.2%  |  8.2%  |  6.0%   |
| Continental      | 1,078 | 994.4 |  61.5 |  57.1 |  5.7%  |  5.7%  |  6.5%   |
| Europe *         |    .3 |       |       |       |        |        |         |
| Total Europe *   | 1,671 | 1,534 | 109.9 | 101.2 |  6.6%  |  6.6%  |  6.3%   |
|                  |    .3 |    .1 |       |       |        |        |         |

Organic growth in Europe was 6.3% compared to 5% in the same period last year.  
Margins were maintained at 6.6%.                                                

There was good organic growth of 6.0% in the UK & Ireland and margins remained  
strong at 8.2%.  Customer retention rates in the security business were high at 
around 95% and there were a number of significant contract wins in the year.  A 
new contract to assist passengers with restricted mobility at London Gatwick    
Airport will commence in April 2008.  Good growth continues in the electronic   
monitoring contract and Parc prison at Bridgend continues to expand.            

A number of acquisitions were made in the region aimed at increasing the        
expertise of the group in key sectors in line with the group strategy.  The     
acquisition of GSL was announced in December 2007 and this should complete      
within the first half of 2008.                                                  

The Netherlands had a strong year, increasing revenue and achieving very strong 
margins.  The company successfully retained the Schipol airport contract for a  
further 5 years.  Capability-building acquisitions were made in the fire and    
safety training sector consolidating its market leading position as a safety and
security solutions provider in the country.                                     

In the Baltics, growth was over 20% and margins improved significantly on the   
prior year due to strong price increase programmes across all services and the  
completion of large systems installation projects at Tallinn Airport, Riga Port 
and for the Lithuanian Customs Service.                                         

There was good growth and strong margins in Denmark despite the business        
incurring significant re-branding costs.  Growth in Belgium was slow, but there 
was a significant improvement in margins from the systems business and through  
performance management improvements across the business.                        

In Sweden, margins were negatively impacted by restructuring and the loss of the
Arlanda contract in February although there were some good contract wins in the 
second half of the year.  2007 was a consolidation year focusing upon           
strengthening the management team, right-sizing the company and developing a    
solid platform to execute the new strategy.                                     

In Romania the business achieved excellent growth, largely as a result of the   
outsourcing of a wide range of security-related services by the Romanian Post   

In Greece, business performance improved compared to the prior year as a result 
of improved control of labour costs.  The difficult labour environment in the   
country has now stabilised.  New contract wins in the security systems business 
in Israel early in 2008 will add to the good organic growth achieved in 2007.   

North America                                                                   

|     Turnover      |        PBITA        |       Margins        |   Organic   |
|        £m         |         £m          |                      |   Growth    |
|  2007   |  2006   |   2007   |   2006   |   2007   |   2006    |    2007     |
| * At constant    |                                                           |
| exchange rates   |                                                           |
| North America *  | 1,043 | 970.8 |  61.5 |  58.2 |  5.9%  |  6.0%  |  7.3%   |
|                  |    .8 |       |       |       |        |        |         |

Organic growth in North America was strong at 7.3% overall and margins were     

In the United States overall organic growth was solid at around 6%, with around 
9% growth in the commercial sector, largely due to the start up and expansion of
the Mexican border control contract which is performing well.                   

There were significant contract bidding and start up costs in the government    
sector in the last quarter of 2007, which meant that margins were held at prior 
year levels.  The government business won significant contracts towards the end 
of the year which will flow through in 2008.                                    

In Canada organic growth was strong and margins were maintained at prior year   
levels despite a difficult pricing environment and tight labour markets.        

New Markets                                                                     

|     Turnover      |        PBITA        |       Margins        |   Organic   |
|        £m         |         £m          |                      |   Growth    |
|  2007   |  2006   |   2007   |   2006   |   2007   |   2006    |    2007     |
| * At constant    |                                                           |
| exchange rates   |                                                           |
| Asia *           | 268.9 | 221.9 |  22.9 |  17.6 |  8.5%  |  7.9%  |  17.0%  |
| Middle East *    | 177.9 | 115.9 |  14.2 |  10.1 |  8.0%  |  8.7%  |  19.7%  |
| Africa *         | 183.9 | 139.7 |  16.0 |  11.3 |  8.7%  |  8.1%  |  15.2%  |
| Latin America &  | 158.0 | 111.7 |  10.3 |   6.3 |  6.5%  |  5.6%  |  16.6%  |
| Caribbean *      |       |       |       |       |        |        |         |
| Total New        | 788.7 | 589.2 |  63.4 |  45.3 |  8.0%  |  7.7%  |  17.0%  |
| Markets *        |       |       |       |       |        |        |         |

In New Markets, organic growth was strong at 17% and margins increased by 0.3%  
to 8.0%.                                                                        

Organic growth in Asia was 17% and margins improved to 8.5%.  In Hong Kong the  
business performed strongly as a result of focusing on key market segments and  
improved opportunities from combined security systems and manned security       

Macau continued to grow very strongly along with the regions increasing         
reputation as a venue for conferences, events and exhibitions, resulting in     
increased security spend for both permanent contracts and event security        

India continued to perform well with excellent growth of around 28% and strong  
margins.  G4S is the second largest private employer in India and we have       
recently won contracts for security at four airports in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad
and Cochin.                                                                     

In the Middle East, organic growth was very strong at 19.7% and margins were at 
8.0%, driven by the continuing economic boom in the region coupled with a surge 
in tourism.                                                                     

In Saudi Arabia the acquisition and integration of al Majal earlier in the year 
means that G4S is now the market leading security company in the Kingdom.       

We entered four new countries in the region in 2007 - Mauritius, Mauritania,    
Cambodia and Sri Lanka.                                                         

In Africa organic growth was 15.2% and margins improved strongly to 8.7%.  In   
South Africa the business is improving largely as a result of increasing        
efficiency in the operations.                                                   

The business in Kenya performed very well this year with good growth and a      
strong profit performance.  Despite the recent political turmoil in Kenya the   
security services business has won significant new contracts in the first month 
of 2008.                                                                        

Elsewhere in Africa, Botswana, DRC, Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia all performed
well as a result of strong organic growth.                                      

In the Latin America & Caribbean region growth was strong at 16.6% and margins  
improved to 6.5%.                                                               

Argentina improved significantly from 2006 through a targeted effort to increase
cost recovery from customers and from an expansion into the security of gas and 
oil facilities within the southernmost part of the country.                     

In Chile we reported our first full year of results from the acquisition made in
late 2006 where the acquired company performed well.  Guatemala continues to    
post strong margins despite increased competition and the continued shortage of 

The various businesses within Colombia performed extremely well in comparison to
2006.  The improved security situation and increased market share within our    
various markets contributed to a strong result.                                 

Cash Services                                                                   

|      Turnover      |       PBITA       |       Margins        |   Organic    |
|         £m         |        £m         |                      |    Growth    |
|   2007   |  2006   |  2007   |  2006   |   2007    |   2006   |     2007     |
| * At         |                                                               |
| constant     |                                                               |
| exchange     |                                                               |
| rates        |                                                               |
| Europe *     | 706.3 | 629.7 |  77.4 |  68.4 |   11.0%   | 10.9%  |  11.6%   |
| North        |  78.0 |  83.0 |   0.6 |   1.9 |   0.8%    |  2.3%  |  (6.0)%  |
| America *    |       |       |       |       |           |        |          |
| New Markets  | 202.3 | 116.4 |  29.7 |  16.1 |   14.7%   | 13.8%  |  17.0%   |
| *            |       |       |       |       |           |        |          |
| Total Cash   | 986.6 | 829.1 | 107.7 |  86.4 |   10.9%   | 10.4%  |  10.6%   |
| Services *   |       |       |       |       |           |        |          |
| Exchange     |     - |   6.9 |     - |      0.6 |                            |
| differences  |       |       |       |          |                            |
| At actual    | 986.6 | 836.0 | 107.7 |     87.0 |                            |
| exchange     |       |       |       |          |                            |
| rates        |       |       |       |          |                            |

The Cash Services business continued its very strong first half performance with
organic growth of 10.6% and margins of almost 11%.  Organic growth in Europe was
excellent at 11.6% with strong margins of 11%.                                  

In the UK & Ireland region there was solid revenue growth and positive margin   
enhancement as a result of strong performances in the ATM and cash management   
businesses.  In the last quarter of 2007, the UK business won a substantial     
contract with HBOS for out of hours bank branch servicing and it continues to   
win business from competitors as they cope with operational issues.  In Ireland 
there was good growth and margins should improve in 2008 due to the             
implementation of a post office outsourcing contract.                           

There was slow growth but strong margins in the Netherlands as a result of      
strong operational controls.  The implementation of the Swedbank ATM management 
contract contributed to substantial revenue growth and strong margins in Sweden.

In Belgium there was good growth in ATMs and cash management, largely from      
expanding existing customer contracts.  In the Czech Republic and Hungary there 
was solid revenue growth and improving margins.                                 

The implementation of the post office outsourcing contract in Romania has driven
extremely strong growth and margin improvements.  Further phases of this project
will be implemented in 2008.  The successful introduction of the euro in Cyprus 
and Malta contributed to strong growth and margin development.                  

In North America there was negative organic growth in Canada and margin         
performance was affected by the loss of two significant contracts.  A new CEO   
joined the business in 2007 and is already beginning to have a positive impact  
on the business.                                                                
Organic growth in New Markets was very strong at 17.0% with margins improving to
14.7%.  There were excellent results across the region in Asia, Middle East,    
Africa and Latin America.                                                       

Cash outsourcing opportunities are beginning to develop in Malaysia and         
Indonesia as financial institutions and central banks are focusing on their core
services and driving efficiencies in the cash cycle.  In Hong Kong pricing      
pressure remains in the market, but there are opportunities for growth from the 
deployment of self service terminals in the banking sector.                     

In the UAE, the business has extended its cash management offer into credit card
management and distribution services and has been awarded the contract for      
distribution of the new national ID cards in India.  In Thailand, a new         
state-of-the-art cash centre has allowed the business to expand rapidly.        

G4S entered the cash services market in South Africa in the first quarter of    
2007 through the acquisition of Fidelity Cash Management.  The business is      
performing well with good growth, particularly in the ATM sector, and strong    

There was very strong organic growth in Kenya as a result of further outsourcing
in the financial services sector.  The introduction of new technology has       
provided our business with a unique competitive advantage in the market.        

The continued improvement of the internal security situation within Colombia has
resulted in increased economic activity and movement of funds within the        
country.  Accordingly, the cash services business has benefited greatly from the
increased activity during the whole of 2007.                                    

OTHER FINANCIAL ISSUES                                                          

Acquisitions & Disposals                                                        

The group invested £132m in acquisitions in the year.  The largest of these were
Fidelity Cash Management Services PTY in South Africa and al Majal Service      
Master LLC, a facilities management business, in Saudi Arabia.  The only        
significant divestment made in the year was G4S Cash Services (France).  The    
proceeds from disposals amounted to £8m.  £65m of liabilities for acquisitions  
has been recognised in respect of put options held by minorities.               

In December 2007, we announced that we had reached agreement to acquire Global  
Solutions Ltd (GSL) subject to approval from the relevant competition           
authorities.  We are expecting the transaction to be approved in the first half 
of this year.  Integration planning has gone well and we expect the acquisition 
to be earnings enhancing in 2008.                                               

A process has commenced for the divestment of our remaining businesses in France
and Germany and therefore they have been treated as discontinued items for the  
purposes of this results announcement.  These businesses are considered to be   
sub-scale and with our focus on delivering the new group strategy in 2008, the  
funds released will be used to bring additional capabilities into the group.    
The combined businesses generated revenues of £256m in 2007.                    

Financing & Interest                                                            

During 2007, the lending banks exercised their options to extend the term of the
group's £1billion multicurrency revolving credit facility to 28 June 2012. The  
margin continues at 0.225% over LIBOR.  An additional £87m facility with another
bank on the same terms was added on 1 February 2007.                            

On 1 March 2007 the group completed a US$550m private placement of notes, which 
mature at various dates between 2014 and 2022 and bear interest at rates between
5.77% and 6.06%.                                                                

On 7 March 2008, the group signed committed bank facilities amounting to £300m. 
These facilities expire on 31 December 2008 although the group can exercise an  
option to extend the facilities to 30 June 2009.  The margin is 0.35% over      
LIBOR.  The purpose of these facilities is to provide the group with headroom   
whilst assessing options in the capital markets.  The group does not expect to  
drawdown on these facilities.                                                   

The group has other short-term committed facilities of £30m and uncommitted     
facilities of £411m.                                                            

As of 31 December 2007, net debt was £804.9m representing a gearing of 72%.  The
group has sufficient borrowing capacity to finance current investment plans.    

Net interest payable on net debt was £57.4m. This is an increase of 36% over the
2006 cost of £42.1m, due principally to the rising costs of borrowing and the   
increase in the group's average gross debt.                                     

The group's average cost of gross borrowings in 2007 was 5.7% compared to 4.7%  
in 2006.  The cost, based as at 31 December 2007, was 5.7% compared to 5.2% at  
31 December 2006.                                                               

Also included within financing is net other interest costs of £1.3m and net     
income of £5.0m (2006: net income of £1.0m) in respect of movements in the      
group's retirement benefit obligations.                                         


The effective tax rate for the year on adjusted earnings was 27.5%, compared to 
28.6% in 2006.  The group believes that this rate is sustainable going forward. 

Retirement benefit obligations                                                  

The group's funding shortfall on funded defined retirement benefit schemes, on  
the valuation basis specified in IAS19 Employee Benefits, was £138m before tax  
or £99m after tax (2006: £226m and £158m respectively).  The main schemes are in
the UK.  The latest full actuarial valuations were undertaken at 5 April 2006 in
respect of the Securicor scheme and 31 March 2007 in respect of the Group 4     

The valuation of gross liabilities was broadly unchanged from 2006, with the    
charge of the year's finance cost being offset by an increase in the appropriate
AA corporate bond rate from 5.2% to 5.8%.  The value of the assets held in the  
funds increased by £74m during 2007, assisted by additional company             
contributions of £26m.                                                          

The group believes that, over the very long term in which retirement benefits   
become payable, investment returns should eliminate the deficit reported in the 
schemes in respect of past service liabilities.  However, in recognition of the 
regulatory obligations upon pension fund trustees to address reported deficits, 
the group anticipates that additional cash contributions will continue to be    
made at a level similar to that in 2007.                                        


The directors recommend a final dividend of 2.85p per share (DKK 0.2786).  This 
represents an increase of 13.1% on the final dividend for 2006.  The interim    
dividend was 2.11p per share (DKK 0.2319) and the total dividend, if approved,  
will be 4.96p per share (DKK 0.5105), representing an increase of 17.8% on the  
total dividend for 2006.                                                        

The proposed dividend cover is 2.7 times (2006: 2.9 times) on adjusted earnings,
further analysis of which is on page 19.  This is in accordance with the group's
reaffirmed intention to reduce dividend cover to around 2.5 times by 2008.      

REVIEW AND OUTLOOK                                                              

We are extremely pleased with the performance of the business in 2007 and feel  
confident about the further development of the group this year.                 

In developed markets we have achieved a solid result with organic growth of 7.3%
and margins in line with the previous year at 7.1% - demonstrating that even in 
tough economic environments, the underlying performance across our developed    
markets businesses is robust and reliable.                                      

The increased organic growth of 17% and improved margins in developing markets  
has driven an overall margin improvement of 0.2% across the group.  Developing  
markets continue to grow at significant rates and with our unique position and  
experience of operating in these markets we are well-placed to continue to drive
forward the performance of our businesses in these countries.                   

We have introduced the investment community to the next phase of our strategy   
which we believe will drive accelerated growth and development for the group.   
The strategy focuses on taking greater responsibility for managing risk on      
behalf of our customers - extending from our core capabilities to develop total 
risk management and secure outsourcing solutions across our service range and   

In order to achieve this, we need to invest in building our own capabilities and
expertise by continuing to share best practice, by developing our senior        
management population and by acquiring businesses or individuals who bring      
unique expertise to the organisation.  We have already announced a number of    
acquisitions which help us drive the strategy forward, the most significant     
being Global Solutions Ltd (GSL).                                               

Overall, the outlook for the business is good and we are not expecting the      
recent economic uncertainties to impact our ability to continue to deliver      
strong results in the future.  Our business model is robust and defendable and  
our future strategy will build upon our key strengths to deliver enhanced       

11 March 2008                                                                   

G4S plc                                                                         
Unaudited preliminary results announcement                                      
For the year ended 31 December 2007                                             

Consolidated income statement                                                   
For the year ended 31 December 2007                                             

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
|                                                   | Note |                   |
|                                                   | s    |                   |
| Continuing operations                             |      |         |         |
| Revenue                                           | 2    | 4,490.4 | 4,036.8 |
|                                                   |      |         |         |
| Profit from operations before amortisation of     |      |         |         |
| acquisition-related intangible assets and share   |      |         |         |
| of                                                |      |         |         |
|   profit from associates                          |      | 309.1   | 271.6   |
| Share of profit from associates                   |      | 3.0     | 2.8     |
| Profit from operations before amortisation of            | 312.1   | 274.4   |
| acquisition-related intangible assets (PBITA)   2        |         |         |
| Amortisation of acquisition-related intangible    |      | (41.6)  | (36.0)  |
| assets                                            |      |         |         |
| Profit from operations before interest and        | 2, 3 | 270.5   | 238.4   |
| taxation (PBIT)                                   |      |         |         |
| Finance income                                    | 6    | 92.6    | 79.5    |
| Finance costs                                     | 7    | (146.3) | (118.4) |
| Profit before taxation (PBT)                      |      | 216.8   | 199.5   |
| Taxation:                                         |      |         |         |
| - Before amortisation of acquisition-related      |      | (71.1)  | (67.4)  |
| intangible assets                                 |      |         |         |
| - On amortisation of acquisition-related          |      | 14.9    | 10.8    |
| intangible assets                                 |      |         |         |
|                                                   | 8    | (56.2)  | (56.6)  |
| Profit after taxation                             |      | 160.6   | 142.9   |
| Loss from discontinued operations                 | 4    | -       | (33.0)  |
| Profit for the year                               |      | 160.6   | 109.9   |
| Attributable to:                                  |      |         |         |
| Equity holders of the parent                      |      | 147.2   | 96.5    |
| Minority interests                                |      | 13.4    | 13.4    |
| Profit for the year                               |      | 160.6   | 109.9   |
| Earnings per share attributable to equity         | 10   |         |         |
| shareholders of the parent                        |      |         |         |
| For profit from continuing operations:            |      |         |         |
| Basic                                             |      | 11.5p   | 10.2p   |
| Diluted                                           |      | 11.5p   | 10.2p   |
| For profit from continuing and discontinued       |      |         |         |
| operations:                                       |      |         |         |
| Basic                                             |      | 11.5p   | 7.6p    |
| Diluted                                           |      | 11.5p   | 7.6p    |
| Dividends declared and proposed in respect of the | 9    |         |         |
| year                                              |      |         |         |
|                                |    2007 |   2006 |      |         |         |
| Interim                        | 2.11p   | 1.69p  |      | 27.0    | 21.4    |
| Final                          | 2.85p   | 2.52p  |      | 36.3    | 32.3    |
| Total                          | 4.96p   | 4.21p  |      | 63.3    | 53.7    |

Consolidated balance sheet                                                      
At 31 December 2007                                                             

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
|                                                   | Not |                    |
|                                                   | es  |                    |
| ASSETS                                            |     |         |          |
| Non-current assets                                |     |         |          |
| Goodwill                                          |     | 1,332.4 | 1,175.6  |
| Other acquisition-related intangible assets       |     | 219.9   | 220.6    |
| Other intangible assets                           |     | 31.3    | 22.2     |
| Property, plant and equipment                     |     | 400.9   | 354.9    |
| Investment in associates                          |     | 10.2    | 7.3      |
| Trade and other receivables                       |     | 69.4    | 49.9     |
| Deferred tax assets                               |     | 84.2    | 115.7    |
|                                                   |     | 2,148.3 | 1,946.2  |
| Current assets                                    |     |         |          |
| Inventories                                       |     | 57.1    | 49.5     |
| Investments                                       |     | 73.2    | 73.7     |
| Trade and other receivables                       |     | 885.0   | 798.3    |
| Cash and cash equivalents                         |     | 381.3   | 307.5    |
| Assets classified as held for sale                | 11  | 130.9   | -        |
|                                                   |     | 1,527.5 | 1,229.0  |
| Total assets                                      |     | 3,675.8 | 3,175.2  |
| LIABILITIES                                       |     |         |          |
| Current liabilities                               |     |         |          |
| Bank overdrafts                                   |     | (109.9) | (97.5)   |
| Bank loans                                        |     | (80.6)  | (70.1)   |
| Obligations under finance leases                  |     | (16.2)  | (13.6)   |
| Trade and other payables                          |     | (845.7) | (710.2)  |
| Current tax liabilities                           |     | (18.0)  | (26.3)   |
| Retirement benefit obligations                    |     | (47.3)  | (42.2)   |
| Provisions                                        |     | (23.6)  | (41.3)   |
| Liabilities associated with assets classified as  | 11  | (78.3)  | -        |
| held for sale                                     |     |         |          |
|                                                   |     | (1,219. | (1,001.2 |
|                                                   |     | 6)      | )        |
| Non-current liabilities                           |     |         |          |
| Bank loans                                        |     | (729.1) | (830.3)  |
| Loan notes                                        |     | (290.4) | -        |
| Obligations under finance leases                  |     | (46.0)  | (42.5)   |
| Trade and other payables                          |     | (38.7)  | (1.0)    |
| Retirement benefit obligations                    |     | (120.1) | (208.3)  |
| Provisions                                        |     | (33.9)  | (38.7)   |
| Deferred tax liabilities                          |     | (75.0)  | (81.7)   |
|                                                   |     | (1,333. | (1,202.5 |
|                                                   |     | 2)      | )        |
| Total liabilities                                 |     | (2,552. | (2,203.7 |
|                                                   |     | 8)      | )        |
| Net assets                                        |     | 1,123.0 | 971.5    |
| EQUITY                                            |     |         |          |
| Share capital                                     |     | 320.2   | 320.0    |
| Share premium and reserves                        |     | 766.9   | 615.2    |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of the      | 12  | 1,087.1 | 935.2    |
| parent                                            |     |         |          |
| Minority interests                                |     | 35.9    | 36.3     |
| Total equity                                      |     | 1,123.0 | 971.5    |

Consolidated cash flow statement                                                
For the year ended 31 December 2007                                             

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
|                                                   | Not |                    |
|                                                   | es  |                    |
| Profit before taxation                            |     | 216.8   | 199.5    |
| Loss before taxation from discontinued operations |     | (0.3)   | (31.6)   |
| Adjustments for:                                  |     |         |          |
| Finance income                                    |     | (92.6)  | (79.5)   |
| Finance costs                                     |     | 146.3   | 118.4    |
| Finance costs attributable to discontinued        |     | 3.3     | 3.0      |
| operations                                        |     |         |          |
| Depreciation of property, plant and equipment     |     | 91.1    | 82.8     |
| Amortisation of acquisition-related intangible    |     | 41.6    | 36.0     |
| assets                                            |     |         |          |
| Amortisation of other intangible assets           |     | 8.5     | 7.4      |
| Impairment of other intangible assets             |     | -       | 2.5      |
| Profit on disposal of property, plant and         |     |         |          |
| equipment and intangible assets other than        |     |         |          |
| acquisition-related                               |     | (14.4)  | (1.6)    |
| (Profit)/loss on disposal of discontinued         |     | (12.0)  | 14.0     |
| operations                                        |     |         |          |
| Share of profit from associates                   |     | (3.0)   | (2.8)    |
| Equity-settled transactions                       |     | 4.1     | 5.0      |
| Operating cash flow before movements in working   |     | 389.4   | 353.1    |
| capital                                           |     |         |          |
| Increase in inventories                           |     | (9.6)   | (6.9)    |
| Increase in receivables                           |     | (69.7)  | (17.7)   |
| Increase/(decrease) in payables                   |     | 84.1    | (13.5)   |
| Decrease in provisions                            |     | (36.7)  | (47.6)   |
| Cash generated by operations                      |     | 357.5   | 267.4    |
| Tax paid                                          |     | (66.2)  | (70.3)   |
| Net cash flow from operating activities           |     | 291.3   | 197.1    |
| Investing activities                              |     |         |          |
| Interest received                                 |     | 24.9    | 11.5     |
| Cash flow from associates                         |     | 1.0     | 2.7      |
| Purchases of property, plant and equipment and    |     | (134.5) | (93.2)   |
| intangible assets other than acquisition-related  |     |         |          |
| Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and       |     | 25.5    | 10.7     |
| equipment and intangible assets other than        |     |         |          |
| acquisition-related                               |     |         |          |
| Acquisition of subsidiaries                       |     | (151.6) | (96.7)   |
| Net cash balances acquired                        |     | 11.6    | 3.5      |
| Disposal of subsidiaries                          |     | 7.9     | 9.9      |
| Purchase of investments                           |     | (0.3)   | (21.8)   |
| Own shares purchased                              |     | (3.1)   | (3.1)    |
| Net cash used in investing activities             |     | (218.6) | (176.5)  |
| Financing activities                              |     |         |          |
| Share issues                                      |     | 0.9     | 9.1      |
| Dividends paid to minority interests              |     | (3.8)   | (3.0)    |
| Loan to minority interests                        |     | (13.3)  | -        |
| Dividends paid to equity shareholders of the      |     | (59.3)  | (49.8)   |
| parent                                            |     |         |          |
| Proceeds on issue of loan notes                   |     | 280.6   | -        |
| Repayment of revolving credit facilities with     |     | (280.6) | -        |
| proceeds from issue of loan notes                 |     |         |          |
| Other net movement in borrowings                  |     | 140.4   | 95.1     |
| Interest paid                                     |     | (79.9)  | (59.3)   |
| Net cash flow from hedging financial instruments  |     | (4.3)   | 11.8     |
| Repayment of obligations under finance leases     |     | (4.6)   | (8.4)    |
| Net cash flow from financing activities           |     | (23.9)  | (4.5)    |
| Net increase in cash, cash equivalents and bank   | 13  | 48.8    | 16.1     |
| overdrafts                                        |     |         |          |
| Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at the |     | 210.0   | 205.1    |
| beginning of the year                             |     |         |          |
| Effect of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on   |     | 11.9    | (11.2)   |
| cash held                                         |     |         |          |
| Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at the |     | 270.7   | 210.0    |
| end of the year                                   |     |         |          |

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense                         
For the year ended 31 December 2007                                             

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Exchange differences on translation of foreign    |     | 37.4    | (42.6)   |
| operations                                        |     |         |          |
| Change in fair value of net investment hedging    |     | (19.0)  | 11.6     |
| financial instruments                             |     |         |          |
| Change in fair value of cash flow hedging         |     | (7.0)   | 1.1      |
| financial instruments                             |     |         |          |
| Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined retirement    |     | 64.7    | (33.4)   |
| benefit schemes                                   |     |         |          |
| Tax on items taken directly to equity             |     | (14.0)  | (1.4)    |
| Net income/(expense) recognised directly in       |     | 62.1    | (64.7)   |
| equity                                            |     |         |          |
| Profit for the year                               |     | 160.6   | 109.9    |
| Net recognised income                             |     | 222.7   | 45.2     |
| Attributable to:                                  |     |         |          |
| Equity holders of the parent                      |     | 209.3   | 31.8     |
| Minority interests                                |     | 13.4    | 13.4     |
| Net recognised income                             |     | 222.7   | 45.2     |

Notes to the preliminary results announcement                                   

1)  Basis of preparation and accounting policies                                

A resolution was passed at the 2007 Annual General Meeting, held on 31 May 2007,
to change the company's name from                                               
Group 4 Securicor plc to G4S plc.  The primary statements and selected notes in 
this preliminary results announcement do not constitute the company's financial 
statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 for the  
years ending 31 December 2007 or 2006. The notes included in this announcement  
are in some cases summaries of those included in the statutory accounts.        
Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006 have been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified  
and did not contain any statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.  

The preliminary results announcement for the year ended 31 December 2007 has    
been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as 
adopted by the European Union (adopted IFRSs) at 31 December 2007. Details of   
the accounting policies applied are those set out in the 2006 Annual Report and 
Accounts. The financial statements will be delivered to the Registrar of        
Companies in due course.                                                        

The comparative income statement for the year ended 31 December 2006 has been   
re-presented for operations qualifying as discontinued during the current year. 
Revenue from continuing operations has been reduced by £316.8m and PBT has been 
reduced by £0.5m compared to the figures published previously.  In addition, the
comparative balance sheet as at 31 December 2006 has been restated to reflect   
the completion during 2007 of the initial accounting in respect of acquisitions 
made during 2006. Adjustments made to the provisional calculation of the fair   
values of assets and liabilities acquired amount to £4.7m, with an equivalent   
increase in the reported value of goodwill.                                     

2)  Segmental analysis                                                          

The group operates in two core product areas: security services and cash        
services.  The group operates on a worldwide basis and derives a substantial    
proportion of its revenue and PBIT from each of the following geographical      
regions: Europe (comprising the United Kingdom and Ireland, and Continental     
Europe), North America, and New Markets (comprising the Middle East and Gulf    
States, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia Pacific).             

The current management structure of the group is a combination of product area  
and geography, within which the larger businesses generally report by product   
area. The group's primary segmentation is therefore by business segment and its 
secondary segmentation is by geography.                                         

Segment information for continuing operations is presented below:               

Segment revenue                                                                 

|            |            |            |             |       2007 |       2006 |
|            |            |            |             |         £m |         £m |
| Revenue by business  |                                                       |
| segment              |                                                       |
| Security Services    |        |        |        |        |         |         |
|       UK and Ireland |        |        |        |        | 593.0   | 539.7   |
|   Continental Europe |        |        |        |        | 1,078.3 | 985.4   |
|    Europe            |        |        |        |        | 1,671.3 | 1,525.1 |
|    North America     |        |        |        |        | 1,043.8 | 1,049.9 |
| Middle East and Gulf |        |        |        |        | 177.9   | 125.5   |
| States               |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Latin America and    |        |        |        |        | 158.0   | 117.7   |
| the Caribbean        |        |        |        |        |         |         |
|       Africa         |        |        |        |        | 183.9   | 152.6   |
|       Asia Pacific   |        |        |        |        | 268.9   | 230.0   |
|    New Markets       |        |        |        |        | 788.7   | 625.8   |
| Total Security       |        |        |        |        | 3,503.8 | 3,200.8 |
| Services             |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Cash Services        |        |        |        |        |         |         |
|    Europe            |        |        |        |        | 706.3   | 628.8   |
|    North America     |        |        |        |        | 78.0    | 85.3    |
|    New Markets       |        |        |        |        | 202.3   | 121.9   |
| Total Cash Services  |        |        |        |        | 986.6   | 836.0   |
| Total revenue        |        |        |        |        | 4,490.4 | 4,036.8 |

Notes to the preliminary results announcement (continued)                       

2)  Segmental analysis (continued)                                              
|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Revenue by geographical market                           |                   |
| Europe                                                   | 2,377.6 | 2,153.9 |
| North America                                            | 1,121.8 | 1,135.2 |
| New Markets                                              | 991.0   | 747.7   |
| Total revenue                                            | 4,490.4 | 4,036.8 |
PBITA by business segment20072006£m£mSecurity Services      UK and              
Ireland48.444.1      Continental Europe61.556.5   Europe109.9100.6   North      
America61.562.7      Middle East and Gulf States14.210.9      Latin America and 
the Caribbean10.36.3      Africa16.012.5      Asia Pacific22.918.5   New        
Markets63.448.2Total Security Services234.8211.5Cash Services   Europe77.467.8  
North America0.61.8   New Markets29.717.4Total Cash Services107.787.0Total PBITA
before head office costs 342.5298.5Head office costs (30.4)(24.1)Total          
PBITA312.1274.4PBITA by geographical marketEurope187.3168.4North                
America62.164.5New Markets93.165.6Total PBITA before head office                
costs342.5298.5Head office costs(30.4)(24.1)Total PBITA 312.1274.4              
|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Result by business segment                               |                   |
| Total PBITA          |        |        |        |        | 312.1   | 274.4   |
| Amortisation of               |        |        |        | (41.6)  | (36.0)  |
| acquisition-related           |        |        |        |         |         |
| intangible assets             |        |        |        |         |         |
| Total PBIT                    |        |        |        | 270.5   | 238.4   |
| Security Services    |        |        |        |        | 215.4   | 195.4   |
| Cash Services        |        |        |        |        | 85.5    | 67.1    |
| Head office costs    |        |        |        |        | (30.4)  | (24.1)  |
| Total PBIT           |        |        |        |        | 270.5   | 238.4   |

Notes to the preliminary results announcement (continued)                       

3)  Profit from operations before interest and taxation (PBIT)                  

The income statement can be analysed as follows:                                

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Continuing operations                                   |                    |
| Revenue                                                 | 4,490.4 | 4,036.8  |
| Cost of sales                                           | (3,485. | (3,158.0 |
|                                                         | 4)      | )        |
| Gross profit                                            | 1,005.0 | 878.8    |
| Administration expenses                                 | (737.5) | (643.2)  |
| Share of profit from associates                         | 3.0     | 2.8      |
| PBIT                                                    | 270.5   | 238.4    |

Included within administration expenses is the amortisation charge for          
acquisition-related intangible assets.                                          

4)  Discontinued operations                                                     

Operations qualifying as discontinued in the current year primarily comprise:   
G4S Cash Services (France) SAS, disposed of on                                  
2 July 2007; the security services businesses in France, which principally      
include Group 4 Securicor SAS; and the security services businesses in Germany, 
which principally include G4S Sicherheitsdienste GmbH and G4S Sicherheitssysteme
GmbH, Berlin.  The disposal of the security services businesses in both France  
and Germany is still in progress.                                               

Additionally, operations qualifying as discontinued in the prior year primarily 
comprise the German cash services business of                                   
G4S Geld-und Wertdienste GmbH, where terms were agreed for divestment on 22     
December 2006, and the business and assets of Cognisa Transportation, Inc,      
disposed of on 28 December 2006.                                                

5)  Acquisitions                                                                

The group undertook a number of acquisitions in the year.  The total fair value 
of net assets acquired amounted to £38.4m which included the recognition of     
£37.2m of acquisition-related intangible assets, generating goodwill of £179.2m,
satisfied by a total consideration of £217.6m, of which £151.6m has been paid in
the year.                                                                       

Principal acquisitions in subsidiary undertakings include the purchase of       
controlling interests in: Fidelity Cash Management Services (PTY) Ltd, in South 
Africa; al Majal Service Master LLC, a facilities management business in Saudi  
Arabia; and in RIG - PR Ltd, a specialist police recruitment agency in the      
United Kingdom.  In addition, the group increased its interests in Israel and   

In December 2007, the group announced the acquisition of the entire share       
capital of Global Solutions Ltd (GSL) for a total consideration of £355m payable
in cash on completion.  GSL is an international leader in the provision of      
support services for governments, companies and public authorities.  The        
acquisition is subject to approval from the European Commission and the South   
African Competition Commission.  The acquisition is expected to complete        
following the receipt of such approvals in 2008.                                

6)  Finance income                                                              

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Interest income on cash, cash equivalents and           | 12.4    | 9.9      |
| investments                                             |         |          |
| Other interest income                                   | 2.9     | 2.4      |
| Expected return on defined retirement benefit scheme    | 77.3    | 67.2     |
| assets                                                  |         |          |
| Total finance income                                    | 92.6    | 79.5     |

Notes to the preliminary results announcement (continued)                       

7)  Finance costs                                                               

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Interest on bank overdrafts, loans and loan notes       | 66.5    | 49.6     |
| Interest on obligations under finance leases            | 3.3     | 2.4      |
| Other interest charges                                  | 4.2     | 0.2      |
| Total group borrowing costs                             | 74.0    | 52.2     |
| Finance costs on defined retirement benefit obligations | 72.3    | 66.2     |
| Total finance costs                                     | 146.3   | 118.4    |

8)  Taxation                                                                    

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Current taxation expense                                | (60.0)  | (57.0)   |
| Deferred taxation credit                                | 3.8     | 0.4      |
| Total income tax expense for the year                   | (56.2)  | (56.6)   |

The total income tax expense for the year includes amounts attributable to the  
UK of £8.4m (2006: £16.8m), which includes a £1.7m credit resulting from the    
deferred tax movement arising from the reduction in the UK corporation tax rate 
from 30% to 28%.                                                                

9)  Dividends                                                                   
|            Pence |               DKK |              2007 |              2006 |
|        per share |         per share |                £m |                £m |
| Amounts recognised as distributions  |         |         |         |         |
| to equity holders of the parent in   |         |         |         |         |
| the year                             |         |         |         |         |
| Final dividend for the year ended 31 | 2.24    | 0.2435  | -       | 28.3    |
| December 2005                        |         |         |         |         |
| Interim dividend for the six months  | 1.69    | 0.1863  | -       | 21.5    |
| ended 30 June 2006                   |         |         |         |         |
| Final dividend for the year ended 31 | 2.52    | 0.2766  | 32.0    | -       |
| December 2006                        |         |         |         |         |
| Interim dividend for the six months  | 2.11    | 0.2319  | 27.3    | -       |
| ended 30 June 2007                   |         |         |         |         |
|                                      |         |         | 59.3    | 49.8    |
| Proposed final dividend for the year | 2.85p   | 0.2786  | 36.3    |         |
| ended 31 December 2007               |         |         |         |         |
The proposed final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting. If so approved, it will be paid on 6 June 2008 to shareholders 
who are on the register on 2 May 2008. The exchange rate used to translate it   
into Danish Kroner is that at 10 March 2008.                                    


Notes to the preliminary results announcement (continued)                       

10)  Earnings/(loss) per share attributable to equity shareholders of the parent

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| From continuing and discontinued operations             |         |          |
| Earnings                                                |         |          |
| Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of   | 147.2   | 96.5     |
| the parent                                              |         |          |
| Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares (net of    | 0.2     | 0.3      |
| tax)                                                    |         |          |
| Profit for the purposes of diluted earnings per share   | 147.4   | 96.8     |
| Number of shares (m)                                    |         |          |
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares              | 1,275.2 | 1,268.3  |
| Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares            | 1.5     | 5.4      |
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the      | 1,276.7 | 1,273.7  |
| purposes of diluted earnings/(loss) per share           |         |          |
| Earnings per share from continuing and discontinued     |         |          |
| operations (pence)                                      |         |          |
| Basic                                                   | 11.5p   | 7.6p     |
| Diluted                                                 | 11.5p   | 7.6p     |
| From continuing operations                              |         |          |
| Earnings                                                |         |          |
| Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of   | 147.2   | 96.5     |
| the parent                                              |         |          |
| Adjustment to exclude loss for the year from            | -       | 33.0     |
| discontinued operations (net of tax)                    |         |          |
| Profit from continuing operations                       | 147.2   | 129.5    |
| Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares (net of    | 0.2     | 0.3      |
| tax)                                                    |         |          |
| Profit from continuing operations for the purpose of    | 147.4   | 129.8    |
| diluted earnings per share                              |         |          |
| Earnings per share from continuing operations (pence)   |         |          |
| Basic                                                   | 11.5p   | 10.2p    |
| Diluted                                                 | 11.5p   | 10.2p    |
| From discontinued operations                            |         |          |
| Loss per share from discontinued operations (pence)     |         |          |
| Basic                                                   | -       | (2.6)p   |
| Diluted                                                 | -       | (2.6)p   |
| From adjusted earnings                                  |         |          |
| Earnings                                                |         |          |
| Profit from continuing operations                       | 147.2   | 129.5    |
| Adjustment to exclude net retirement benefit finance    | (3.6)   | (0.7)    |
| income (net of tax)                                     |         |          |
| Adjustment to exclude amortisation of                   | 26.7    | 25.2     |
| acquisition-related intangible assets (net of tax)      |         |          |
| Adjusted profit for the year attributable to equity     | 170.3   | 154.0    |
| holders of the parent                                   |         |          |
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares (m)          | 1,275.2 | 1,268.3  |
| Adjusted earnings per share (pence)                     | 13.4p   | 12.1p    |
|                                                         | 4p      |          |

In the opinion of the directors the earnings per share figure of most use to    
shareholders is that which is adjusted. This figure better allows the assessment
of operational performance, the analysis of trends over time, the comparison of 
different businesses and the projection of future earnings.                     

11)  Disposal groups classified as held for sale                                

Disposal groups classified as held for sale as at 31 December 2007 primarily    
comprise the assets and liabilities associated with the security services       
businesses in France, which principally include Group 4 Securicor SAS, and the  
security services businesses in Germany, which principally include G4S          
Sicherheitsdienste GmbH and G4S Sicherheitssysteme GmbH, Berlin.                
Notes to the preliminary results announcement (continued)                       

12)  Summary reconciliation of equity attributable to equity holders of the     

|                     |  Share |        |        |  Share  |         |         |
|                     | capita | Reserv |  Total | capital | Reserve |   Total |
|                     |      l |     es |        |         |       s |         |
|       2007 |       2007 |       2007 |       2006 |       2006 |        2006 |
|         £m |         £m |         £m |         £m |         £m |          £m |
| At beginning of     | 320.0  | 615.2  | 935.2  | 317.2   | 625.0   | 942.2   |
| year                |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Net recognised      |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| income attributable |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| to equity           | -      | 209.3  | 209.3  | -       | 31.8    | 31.8    |
| shareholders of the |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| parent              |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Shares issued       | 0.2    | 0.7    | 0.9    | 2.8     | 6.3     | 9.1     |
| Dividends declared  | -      | (59.3) | (59.3) | -       | (49.8)  | (49.8)  |
| Own shares          | -      | (3.1)  | (3.1)  | -       | (3.1)   | (3.1)   |
| purchased           |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Equity-settled      | -      | 4.1    | 4.1    | -       | 5.0     | 5.0     |
| transactions        |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| At end of year      | 320.2  | 766.9  | 1,087. | 320.0   | 615.2   | 935.2   |
|                     |        |        | 1      |         |         |         |

13)  Analysis of net debt                                                       

A reconciliation of net debt to amounts in the consolidated balance sheet is    
presented below:                                                                

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Cash and cash equivalents                               | 381.3   | 307.5    |
| Investments                                             | 73.2    | 73.7     |
| Net debt included within disposal groups classified as  | (1.5)   | -        |
| held for sale                                           |         |          |
| Bank overdrafts                                         | (109.9) | (97.5)   |
| Bank loans                                              | (809.7) | (900.4)  |
| Loan notes                                              | (290.4) | -        |
| Fair value of loan note derivative financial            | 14.3    | -        |
| instruments                                             |         |          |
| Obligations under finance leases                        | (62.2)  | (56.1)   |
| Total net debt                                          | (804.9) | (672.8)  |

An analysis of movements in net debt in the year is presented below:            

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Increase in cash, cash equivalents and bank       |     | 48.8    | 16.1     |
| overdrafts per consolidated cash flow statement   |     |         |          |
| Purchase of investments                           |     | 0.3     | 21.8     |
| Increase in debt and lease financing              |     | (135.8) | (86.7)   |
| Change in net debt resulting from cash flows      |     | (86.7)  | (48.8)   |
| Borrowings acquired with subsidiaries             |     | (22.9)  | (2.5)    |
| Net additions to finance leases                   |     | (10.3)  | (19.6)   |
| Movement in net debt in the year                  |     | (119.9) | (70.9)   |
| Translation adjustments                           |     | (12.2)  | 55.4     |
| Net debt at the beginning of the year             |     | (672.8) | (657.3)  |
| Net debt at the end of the year                   |     | (804.9) | (672.8)  |
Non GAAP measure - cash flow                                                    

The directors consider it is of assistance to shareholders to present an        
analysis of the group's operating cash flow in accordance with the way in which 
the group is managed, together with a reconciliation of that cash flow to the   
net cash flow from operating activities as presented in the consolidated cash   
flow statement.                                                                 

Operating cash flow                                                             
For the year ended 31 December 2007                                             

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| PBITA before share of profit from associates (group     | 309.1   | 271.6    |
| PBITA)                                                  |         |          |
| Depreciation and amortisation of intangible assets      | 99.6    | 92.7     |
| other than acquisition-related                          |         |          |
| Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment and | (14.4)  | (1.6)    |
| intangible assets other than acquisition-related        |         |          |
| Movement in working capital and provisions              | (8.9)   | (45.8)   |
| Net cash flow from capital expenditure                  | (109.0) | (82.5)   |
| Operating cash flow                                     | 276.4   | 234.4    |

|                                 2007 |                                  2006 |
|                                   £m |                                    £m |
| Reconciliation of operating cash flows                  |                    |
| Net cash flow from operating activities per             | 291.3   | 197.1    |
| consolidated cash flow statement                        |         |          |
| Net cash flow from capital expenditure                  | (109.0) | (82.5)   |
| Add-back cash flow from exceptional items and           | 1.8     | 25.3     |
| discontinued operations                                 |         |          |
| Add-back additional pension contributions               | 26.1    | 24.2     |
| Add-back tax paid                                       | 66.2    | 70.3     |
| Operating cash flow                                     | 276.4   | 234.4    |


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