Vacon's Year 2007 Annual Report and Summary of Year 2007 Releases published

Vacon Plc, Stock Exchange Announcement, March 12, 2008 at 2 p.m.:

Vacon has today published its Annual Report 2007 in Finnish and
English. The report is available as flash paper version as well as
PDF files on the company web site at

You can order the printed version of the report from the company's
website under Investors > Order Annual Report or by sending an email
to The printed reports will be mailed to the
shareholders starting today.

In addition, Vacon has published an annual summary of all its stock
exchange releases and stock exchange announcements during the
financial year 2007. This can be found at Vacon's website at, under the Media Center > Releases >Summary.

Vacon in brief:
Vacon was established in 1993 from a passion to develop and produce
AC drives globally. It is a matter of honour for Vacon to offer
customers efficient, reliable and easy to use means for improving
process control and saving energy and costs. Vacon's solutions
represent clean technology. They can be used to control the speed of
electric motors used by industry and municipal engineering, and in
power generation using renewable energy. Vacon provides AC drives in
the power range 0.25 kW - 5 MW. Revenues in 2007 totalled EUR 232.2

Further information:
Johanna Koskinen, Investor Relations, +358 (0)40 8371 528, email

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
Main media
Financial Supervision Authority


Vacon Annual Report 2007 Vacon Financial Statements 2007