The Annual General Meeting of Amanda Capital Plc, held today in Helsinki,       
handled the following matters:                                                  

The Financial Statement of Amanda Capital Group for year 2007 was approved and  
the persons responsible were discharged from the liability for the financial    

Payment of dividends                                                            

According to the proposal of the Board of Directors it was decided that a       
dividend of EUR 0.22 per share and an additional dividend of EUR 0.15 per share 
will be distributed for 22,767,746 shares, all together EUR 8,424,066.02. The   
matching day is 18 March, 2008 and the payment for the dividend is 27 March,    

Composition of the Board of Directors and remuneration                          

The following persons were re-elected to the Board of Directors for the next    
term of office: Peter Fagernäs, Esa Karppinen, Pertti Laine, Petri Niemisvirta  
and Topi Piela. Mr. Esa Karppinen was elected as a Chairman of the Board.       

The Annual General Meeting decided that a remuneration of EUR 1 500 per month   
will be paid to the Chairman of the Board and EUR 1 000 per month will be paid  
to the members of the Board of Directors.                                       


The Authorised Public Accounting Firm Ernst & Young Oy, with Kunto Pekkala, APA,
as the auditor in charge was appointed as auditor of the company.               

The authorisation of the Board of Directors to resolve to acquire and transfer  
the company's own shares                                                        
The Annual General Meeting decided to authorise the Board to resolve to acquire 
and transfer the company's own shares subject to the following provisions:      
The authorization would apply to a maximum of 2,200,000 company's own shares    
which can be acquired in one or more installments with company's unrestricted   
shareholders' equity. The aggregate amount of the acquired shares would be less 
than 10 percent of the total share capital of the company. The shares would be  
acquired for the purposes of developing the capital structure of the company or 
for nullification or to be used in possible incentive and compensation schemes, 
or as a consideration in business acquisitions and other arrangements. The      
shares would be purchased through OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki based on the  
price in the public trading. The purchase price would be paid to the sellers in 
accordance with the rules of OMX and the payment schedule determined by the     
rules of Finnish Central Securities Depository.                                 

It was also decided to authorise The Board of Directors to dispose the company's
own shares (share issue) in one or more installments by a maximum of 2,200,000  
shares. The disposal would deviate from the shareholders pre-emptive right to   
purchase the company's own shares. The Board of Directors decides on the terms  
of the disposal. The shares can be used as consideration in business            
acquisitions and other arrangements in the manner and within the scope          
determined by the Board of Directors. The shares can also be used as a part of  
possible personnel incentive and compensation schemes and for extending the     
shareholder base.                                                               
The authorisation is valid until the next Annual General Meeting, but will      
terminate at the latest on 31 May, 2009.                                        

The Annual Report                                                               

The Annual Report of Amanda Capital Plc for the year 2007 has been published at 
the company's website                                     

Amanda Capital Plc                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki                                                                                                    

The Amanda Group is a private equity management company. Its parent company is  
the first publicly listed private equity fund of funds in Scandinavia. Amanda   
has investments in 24 private equity funds and in four funds of funds under     
Amanda's own management.                                                        

Amanda Group is one of Finland's largest management companies of private equity 
fund investments. It manages several private equity fund portfolios under       
consultancy agreements and six private equity funds of funds with several       
domestic and international institutions as investors. Amanda Group currently has
EUR 2.3 billion of assets under management (original investment commitments)    
with which it has made investments in more than 100 private equity funds in     
Europe, the US, Asia, and Russia.