The Annual General Meeting will be held at 4 p.m. on Tuesday April
22, 2008, at Scandic Hotel Star, Glimmervägen 5, Lund, Sweden.

An agenda containing the matters that are proposed to be brought
before the Meeting is included in the official notice to attend the
Meeting, which is appended this press release and which will be
published on March 19, 2008 in the newspapers Post- och Inrikes
Tidningar and Svenska Dagbladet.

As will be seen from the notice, inter alia the following proposals
are submitted regarding matters at the Meeting:

* In order to enable the Company to make acquisitions of shares or
  assets in companies with payment (wholly or partly) in own shares
  and/or convertible bonds, the Board proposes that it should be
  authorized to resolve upon an increase of the share capital, with
  deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, with a
  maximum of SEK 4 million by issuing a maximum of 10 million shares,
  which at full exercise is equivalent to a dilution of just below
  9.9 %. The further terms and conditions are set forth in the

*  The Board proposes that the Meeting resolves on an incentive
  programme for management employees of the group by way of issue of
  a maximum of 2.5 million warrants, which entitles to subscription
  for the equivalent number of new shares in the Company during the
  period from 1 January 2011 up to and including 31 May 2011 at a
  subscription price corresponding to 180 % of the average share
  price during the period 1-14 May 2008. The warrants shall be
  subscribed for by a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, which
  shall in its turn transfer option rights on market terms and
  conditions to the management employees. On full subscription and
  full exercise of the warrants the share capital may be increased by
  a maximum of SEK 1.4 million, which is equivalent to approximately
  2.5 % of the present share capital and votes. The further terms and
  conditions are set forth in the notice

* The Board proposes that the Meeting resolves on guidelines for
  remuneration to management in accordance with the Board's proposal,
  which main terms are set out in the notice.

*  The Nomination Committee proposes, as regards the board,
  re-election of Marc Chatel, Jan T. Jørgensen, Eva Maria Matell,
  Lisa Thorsted and Lena Widin Klasén, with Lisa Thorsted as the
  Chairman. Lars Grönberg and Christer Fåhraeus have declined

*  As regards other proposals, please be referred to the appended

* The Swedish version of the company's Annual Report 2007 is finished
  and will be available on the company's website
  www.precisebiometrics.com from March 19, 2008.

For further information, please contact
Thomas Marschall, President & CEO, Precise Biometrics AB.
Telephone +46 46 31 11 00
E-mail investor@precisebiometrics.com

Precise Biometrics AB is an innovative company offering solutions for
fingerprint recognition to prove people's identities. With
top-of-the-line expertise in fingerprint verification, Precise
Biometrics offers fast, accurate and secure authentication of a
person. Our core product Precise BioMatch(TM) integrates into ID and
bank card programs and secure chips, as well as systems for access
control to buildings, computers and networks. We act on a global
market and our technology is licensed to more than 78 million users
all over the world. The Precise Biometrics group has subsidiaries in
Sweden (with group headquarters in Lund), Great Britain, Hong Kong
and USA, and a joint venture agreement in China. Precise Biometrics
is listed on the small cap list at the Nordic Exchange in Sweden
(symbol:PREC). For more information, please visit


Annual general meeting notice PDF Press release PDF