Changes in Ahlstrom's Corporate Executive Team

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 19.03.2008

Ahlstrom Corporation reorganizes the responsibilities of its
Corporate Executive Team (CET) as a consequence of the appointment of
Risto Anttonen as CEO of Ahlstrom as from February 28, 2008. The
following changes will become effective as from today, March 19,

Corporate Purchasing will be transferred from Risto Anttonen to
Senior Vice President Diego Borello, who also continues as Senior
Vice President, Innovation and Technology.

The management of Ahlstrom's sales network in the Asia-Pacific region
will be transferred from Risto Anttonen to Senior Vice President
Laura Raitio, who will thus have the responsibility of Ahlstrom's
sales network in its entirety. Laura Raitio will also take over the
responsibility of Human Resources from Senior Vice President Gustav
Adlercreutz, and continues as Senior Vice President, Marketing.

Gustav Adlercreutz, Senior Vice President, Administration, General
Counsel, will take over Business Development from Laura Raitio on top
of his other duties.

Tommi Björnman, Senior Vice President of the Glass Nonwovens Business
Area, will take the responsibility of Ahlstrom's Performance
Excellence program in addition to his other tasks.

The other responsibilities of the CET members will remain unchanged.

Ahlstrom has also agreed with its former President and CEO Jukka
Moisio that he is free to take on his new position outside Ahlstrom
as from April 1, 2008.

Further information:

Ahlstrom Corporation
Risto Anttonen
Tel. +358 10 888 4166

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
Main media

Ahlstrom in brief

Ahlstrom is a global leader in the development, manufacture and
marketing of high performance fiber-based materials. Nonwovens and
specialty papers, made by Ahlstrom, are used in a large variety of
everyday products, such as filters, wipes, flooring, labels, and
tapes. Based upon its unique fiber expertise and innovative approach,
the company has a strong market position in several business areas in
which it operates. Ahlstrom's 6,500 employees serve customers via
sales offices and production facilities in more than 20 countries on
six continents. In 2007, Ahlstrom's net sales amounted to EUR 1.8
billion. Ahlstrom's share is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange
Helsinki. The company website is