A Cool Book of Poetry Just for Men -- Author Abel Rymer Rhymes One-of-a-Kind Poems for Good, Trusty Adults Only

MAYFIELD, Utah, March 20, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- A rare poetic treat for men comes your way as Xlibris releases Peter, a collection of quirky one-of-a-kind poems written by Abel Rymer. Read on and enjoy this cool book of poetry just for men!

Peter is a fascinating anthology of poems -- lusty poetry that adults, particularly men will enjoy. Rymer cleverly rhymes short lines that tell a story infused with humor and a lot of lust. Its story follows the antics of a male body part from youth through a very active life and into an inactive old age. It is written as a fantasy for mature readers and should never be considered as a pattern for real life activities. Take your time and enjoy each line. Smile or laugh out loud as you turn each page. Peter is now available for your reading pleasure. You can purchase a copy online at Xlibris.com or by visiting your local book retailer today. This cool book of poetry contains sexual innuendos and adult content, which is not suitable for minors.

                         Peter * by Abel Rymer
                    Publication Date: April 5, 2007
         Trade Paperback; $21.99; 291 pages; 978-1-4134-9655-0
         Cloth Hardback; $31.99; 291 pages; 978-1-4134-9656-7

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, contact the publisher at (888) 795-4274 x. 7836. Tearsheets may be sent by regular or electronic mail to Marketing Services. To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at (610) 915-0294 or call (888) 795-4274 x.7876.

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