Information regarding the auditor's report for the subsidiary Carnegie Investment Bank AB

Information regarding the auditor's report for the subsidiary Carnegie
Investment Bank AB

Authorized Public Accountant Jan Palmqvist at Deloitte AB has today submitted
his auditor's report for the 2007 financial year to the Board of Directors of
Carnegie Investment Bank AB, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the listed
company D. Carnegie & Co AB (publ).

The auditor recommends that the income statement and balance sheet be adopted
and that the earnings in Carnegie Investment Bank AB be distributed in
accordance with the proposal in the Director's Report.

During 2007, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority ordered Carnegie
Investment Bank AB to pay a penal charge of SEK 50m. Due to the foregoing, the
auditor's report states the following:

“The penal charge issued by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
separately constitutes such damage which can give rise to liability for damages
to the company. However, in order to establish such liability, it is also
required that that the penal charge still remains after final determination of
the company's appeal of the Authority's decision, and also that it can be proved
that the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director
intentionally or through negligence caused the damage. To establish intent or
negligence involves judgements concerning very complex issues which are not
possible to answer within the context of the statutory audit.”

As a result, the auditor neither supports nor opposes that the Annual General
Meeting discharges the former Board members Christer Zetterberg, Hugo Andersen,
Niclas Gabrán, Anders Ljungh, Dag Sehlin and Fields Wicker-Miurin and the former
Board member and CEO Stig Vilhelmson from liability.

However,  the auditor recommends that the current Board of Directors of Carnegie
Investment Bank AB, i.e., the Board members Anders Fällman, Jan Kvarnström,
Björn C. Andersson, Catharina Lagerstam, Mai-Lill Ibsen and Patrik Tigerschiöld
and CEO Anders Onarheim, be discharged from liability. The Annual Report for
Carnegie Investment Bank AB will be available at Carnegie's head office and on
the company's website on Tuesday 25 March.

The auditor's report for the listed company D. Carnegie & Co AB (publ) was
submitted on 4 March 2008, where the auditor Jan Palmqvist recommends that the
Annual General Meeting adopts the income statement and balance sheet for the
parent company and the Group, distributes the earnings in the parent company in
accordance with the proposal in the Director's Report and discharges the members
of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from liability for the
financial year.

For additional information:

Andreas Koch, Head of Communications and IR +46 8-676 86 39.

D. Carnegie & Co AB is required to disclose the information provided herein
pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for
publication at 10:00 on 20 March 2008.

Carnegie is a leading independent investment bank with Nordic focus. Carnegie
provides value-added services in securities brokering, investment banking, asset
management, and private banking, as well as pension advisory services to
institutions, corporations and private clients. Carnegie has approximately 1,100
employees in eight countries and is listed on the Nordic Exchange.

