Impact of Wärtsilä's extra dividend on the 2002 stock option scheme

Wärtsilä Corporation COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT 20.3.2008 at 9.00 am

The extra dividend of 2 euros per share approved by Wärtsilä's Annual
General Meeting on 19 March 2008 will reduce the subscription price
of the 2002 stock options as provided by the terms and conditions of
these schemes, by the amount of the extra dividend, i.e. by 2 euros
per share. Thus the subscription price of the Wärtsilä B share under
the under the 2002 options is 5.40 euros. The deduction from the
share subscription price shall be effected as per the dividend record
date, 26 March 2008.

Due to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting to combine the
share series, the references to series B shares in the 2002 stock
option scheme shall change to the reference to company shares on 26
March 2008 when the change has been registered in the Trade register.