- Press release concerning shares in Skipti hf.

Following Kaupthing Bank's announcement on 19 March 2008 of its decision not to
collect payment for the subscriptions received in the Skipti hf. offering and
to cancel all subscriptions which remain unpaid before 4 p.m. on 26 March 2008,
3 subscribers have notified Kaupthing Bank hf. that they do not intend to pay
for their subscriptions and these subscriptions have therefore been cancelled.
Kaupthing Bank hf. holds 1,795,375,635* shares in Skipti hf., which represents
24.37% of Skipti hf.'s total share capital. 

* 150,602,409 shares, which represent 2.04% of the total share capital of
Skipti hf., were registered to Kaupthing Bank due to forward contracts with
clients who have cancelled their subscriptions. The shares are now owned by
Kaupthing Bank.