CORRECTION: - BG Capital ehf. / Baugur Group hf.

Correction on Primary insider's holdings after the transaction. 

Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:

Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:
FL Group hf.

Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:

Nafn fruminnherja/Name primary insider:
BG Capital ehf. / Baugur Group hf.

Tengsl fruminnherja við útgefanda/Insider's relation with the issuer:
Hluthafi / Shareholder

Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction:

Tímasetning viðskipta/Time of transaction:

Tegund fjármálagernings/Type of financial instrument:
Hlutabréf / Equities

Kaup eða sala/Buy or Sell:
Sala / Sell

Fjöldi hluta/Number of shares:

Verð pr. Hlut/Price per share:

Fjöldi hluta í eigu fruminnherja eftir viðskipti/Primary insider's holdings
after the transaction: 

Fjöldi hluta sem fruminnherji á kauprétt að/Primary insider's option holdings
after the transaction: 

Fjöldi hluta fjárhagslega tengdra aðila eftir viðskipti/Related parties'
holdings after the transaction: 

Dagsetning lokauppgjörs*/Date of settlement*:

Baugur Group hf. is the sole shareholder of BG Capital ehf.  Financially
related parties holding shares in FL Group are Fjarfestingafelagid Gaumur ehf.,
Eignarhaldsfelagid ISP ehf., Hagar hf. and 101 Capital ehf. Jon Asgeir
Johannesson, Executive Chairman of Baugur Group, is Chairman of the Board of
Directors of FL Group. 

The transfer is for securities purposes only in relation to a financing
transaction. BG Capital ehf. hold the voting rights, right for dividend and
other rights to the shares. BG Capital ehf. holds the right to 4.954.714.787
shares in FL Group.