Stora Enso CEO Jouko Karvinen's message at Annual General Meeting

“The year 2007 was a challenging year for Stora Enso. The financial performance 
of the Company was burdened by extremely high fibre costs and further weakening 
of the US dollar. Nevertheless, we were able to maintain our earnings per share 
excluding non-recurring items and forest valuations year on year. We took       
several decisive actions to tackle the challenges the Company faces: we divested
our North American operations, we responded proactively to the rapidly rising   
cost of imported wood fibre and we continued to invest in low-cost fibre in     
emerging markets,” said CEO Jouko Karvinen.                                     

“Our objective is to become strategically independent of Russian roundwood      
imported into Finland. Our starting point was that in 2006 a third of the wood  
processed in Finland was imported. Not a single one of our integrated pulp and  
paper mills had to curtail production because of fibre shortage in 2007, and we 
will expect to be able to keep them running through 2008 and beyond.            

“We are also planning an investment at our Imatra Mills that will enable us to  
use short and long fibre flexibly to minimise our costs. We may exercises       
temporary production curtailments at our smaller line in Enocell pulp mill and  
our Sunila joint-venture pulp mill based on our marginal wood costs. However, we
have not made any decision on permanent pulp capacity reductions at the         
moment.In case the proposed Russian wood duty is imposed in full in early 2009  
and persists we will need to consider our options. A compromise on Russian wood 
duty would be an up-side for Stora Enso.                                        

“Our planned and announced restructurings, mainly in Finland and Sweden, are    
proceeding well in line with plans. With our partners, we have developed new    
business ideas to provide alternative employment. The restructuring has affected
1 453 employees. However, 293 of them have been or will be offered employment by
a new employer at the affected mill sites, 154 have external employment         
opportunities, 140 have been offered redeployment within Stora Enso and 268 are 
retiring. In eight weeks we have found solutions for 855 of the employees       
affected, and we are still striving to find solutions for the other 598.        

At the Annual General Meeting, CEO Jouko Karvinen also gave an overview of the  
Company's strategy in growth markets in Latin America, Russia and China, and    
reported on the growth opportunities in bioenergy and innovations in various    
types of consumer packaging, such as intelligent pharmaceutical packaging,      
fibre-based disc packaging and paint cans.                                      

In his closing remarks CEO Karvinen said, “I appeal to all our stakeholders to  
support the Company in the current challenging environment and help us find     
concrete re-employment for the remaining personnel affected by our restructuring

For further information, please contact:                                        
Kari Vainio, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, tel. +44 77    
9934 8197                                                                       
Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial          
tel. +358 2046 21242                                                                                                                                                               

STORA ENSO OYJ                                                                  

p.p.	Jussi Siitonen		Jukka Marttila