Source: Grindeks

Respectable USA Research Center has chosen oxytocin produced by Grindeks

JSC Grindeks and Wake Forest University School of Medicine - one of America's
most distinguished Research Centers - concluded a contract on supply of active
pharmaceutical ingredient oxytocin for the project of new anaesthetic
scientific research. 

The subject of the above mentioned scientific research is innovative approach
to spinal anaesthesia, i.e. creation of new combined anaesthetic with its
further application in surgery, which, in scientists' estimation, will make
possible to reduce post-surgical neuropatic pain. The project will be started
with pre-clinical research, and, within the space of nearly two years, clinical
research will be carried out. 

Vitālijs Skrīvelis, Director of Grindeks Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Business Unit, laying special emphasis on the global level of high quality and
marketability of active pharmaceutical ingredients produced by Grindeks, says:
”The contract on oxytocin supply concluded between Grindeks and respectable USA
Research Centre, has resulted from purposeful activities ensuring products
quality and preparing documentation, whereupon the product we are manufacturing
had been admitted the most qualitative to be chosen for research project to
implement. Currently, Grindeks is highly demanded high-quality active
pharmaceutical ingredients producer and supplier to more than 30 countries,
including USA which is one of the most particular about quality from every
country around the world”. 

James C. Eisenach, III Professor of Anesthesiology, and Director of the Center
for the Study of Pharmacologic Plasticity in the Presence of Pain of Wake
Forest University School of Medicine stresses: “Our centre chose Grindeks
because of their history of producing high quality oxytocin that meets rigorous
standards in Europe and the USA”. 

Wake Forest University School of Medicine is a leading research center in the
U.S. in the study of pain and analgesia, and internationally recognized in the
study of drug administration by the spinal route in the treatment of chronic
pain. It has been supported by the National Institutes of Health in the USA for
20 years for preclinical, clinical introduction, and clinical trials of
analgesic drugs administered by the spinal route. 

Grindeks is the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States. Its main
fields of action are research, development and manufacturing of brand products,
generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). 
Grindeks is carrying out successfully API promotion both on existing and new
markets, whereupon API exports had reached 5.4 million euro in 2007, which is
by 1million euro or 22% more than in 2006. Oxytocin is one of the most demanded
Grindeks API. Exporting it, Grindeks has gained 35% of the world market. Market
position strengthening and footholds gaining in new markets are being
advantaged by international certificates proving the quality of oxytocin, such
as Certificate on production conformity with Good Manufacturing Practice,
Certificate of Suitability which is facilitating registration of the product in
any and all countries where Europe pharmacopoeia is applicable, as well as Food
and Drug Administration conclusion affirming conformity with USA quality

Grindeks specializes in the heart and cardiovascular, CNS and anti-cancer
medication therapeutic groups. A range of Grindeks's products covers a
successful combination of original products and generics, with the original
products Mildronate® and Ftorafur® and more than 100 forms of effective and
safe generics included therein. 
Grindeks concern consists of four subsidiary companies in Latvia, Estonia and
Russia as well as ten representative offices. Products of the company are
exported to more than 40 countries. Main markets are the Baltic States, Russia
and CIS countries, Japan, USA. Grindeks shares are listed in the Official List
of Riga Stock Exchange. 

Laila Klaviņa
Head of the Communications Department
JSC “Grindeks”
Phones: +371 67083370, +371 29256012