General Meeting of shareholders is held on April 29, 2008.

General Meeting of shareholders of “Linas” AB (company code 147689083) will be
held on April 29, 2008, at 12:00 a.m., at the premises of “Linas” AB,
S.Kerbedžio 23, Panevėžys. 

Registration of the participants from 11:00 a.m. till 11:45 a.m.

General meeting is held according to the initiative of company's members of
Board, acting the decision of members of Board dated March 28, 2008. 

The accounting date of the General Meeting is April 22, 2008.

Suggested agenda of the meeting:
1.Report of company's auditor.
2.Consolidated and company's annual financial accountability documents
confirmation and introduction of company's consolidated annual report. 
3.Company's profit appropriation for year 2007. 
4.Election of audit company.

In General Meeting of the shareholders have the rights to participate and vote
persons who were company's shareholders at the end of accounting date of
shareholders meeting (April 22, 2008), personally or their authorized persons,
or persons with whom voting rights transferring contract is signed. 

All persons who are participating in General Meeting of shareholders and have
the right to vote have to present document certifying person identification.
Representative of shareholder for the meeting has to present the original of
authorization of indicated form and content. 

Shareholders is able to come to “Linas” AB, address S.Kerbedžio 23, Panevėžys
starting April 18, 2008 and to acquaint with company's documents related to the
agenda of the meeting, including the projects of the decisions of the meeting. 

Lilijana Pūriene
“Linas” AB director
Tel.: +370 45 506157