Minutes of extraordinary general meeting 30 March 2008

Published to OMX The Nordic Exchange via Company News Service 30 March 2008

Today, an extraordinary general meeting was held in Landic Property Bonds VII
(Stockholm) A/S (former name Keops EjendomsObligationer VII (Stockholm) A/S).
The total share capital was present. 

The new Supervisory Board consists of 

-	Gunnar Már Petersen (Chairman)
-	Michael Sheikh and
-	Klaus T. W. Lund.

The proposal for amendment in the articles of association was adopted, which
means that the company has changed its name to 

Landic Property Bonds VII (Stockholm) A/S and as secondary name
Keops EjendomsObligationer VII (Stockholm) A/S (Landic Property Bonds VII
(Stockholm) A/S. 


Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary Klaus T.
W. Lund on telephone +45 3378 40 00. 

