IC Companys new CEO


31 March 2008

Niels Mikkelsen new CEO of IC Companys A/S
and Chris Bigler appointed member of the Executive Board

Niels Mikkelsen, who comes from a position as Nordic Country  Manager
for Esprit de Corp, replaces Henrik Theilbjørn as CEO of IC  Companys
A/S. Chris Bigler has been appointed member of the Executive Board.

As part of IC Companys A/S' continuing ambition to expand and develop
its own distribution channels,  the Board of  Directors has taken  on
Niels Mikkelsen, 43, as  CEO. Niels Mikkelsen  joins the company  not
later than  1 August  2008, at  the same  time as  the previous  CEO,
Henrik Theilbjørn, resigns from his position.

In this connection CFO Chris Bigler, 38, has been appointed member of
the Executive Board.

Hereafter, the Executive Board of IC Companys A/S consists of:

Niels Mikkelsen, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Mikkel Vendelin Olesen, Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Chris Bigler, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

CEO Henrik  Theilbjørn,  who  has  been in  charge  of  an  extensive
turnaround since 2004,  supports the Board's  decision to  strengthen
the management with  a sales and  marketing oriented chief  executive
officer. He says:"I am  pleased  to see  the  progress  and growth  created  and  that
earnings have reached a  satisfactory level. I  agree that after  the
very significant internal and external tightening we have implemented
during the last  three years,  it is  the right  thing to  do for  IC
Companys A/S to get a man on board, who has documented experience  in
working  with  several  distribution  platforms  and  not  least   in
streamlining the platforms".

IC Companys A/S' new CEO, Niels Mikkelsen, says:"I look forward to continuing the positive work that has been carried
out since  2004.  In  IC Companys  A/S,  a  particularly  interesting
platform has been created in order to support future development  and

Chairman of the Board, Niels Martinsen, says:"In the Board of Directors, we are pleased to welcome Niels Mikkelsen
to IC  Companys  A/S.  We  expect  that  he  will  bring  the  needed
experience  and  leadership  to  the  company  that  the   continuous
implementation of our strategy requires - not least in regard to  the
significant task of expanding  our distribution platforms and  hereby
ensure the future growth and effectiveness in IC Companys.

At the same time,  we would like to  thank Henrik Theilbjørn for  the
satisfactory turnaround effort, he has made for the company".

About Niels Mikkelsen
Niels Mikkelsen (born 1964) comes from a position at Esprit de  Corp,
Denmark, that last year experienced growth of 27 per cent reaching  a
turnover of DKK 18 billion and an EBIT margin of 21 per cent.

Since 1998, Niels Mikkelsen has  been responsible for the Nordic  and
Baltic countries,  where he  has generated  a significant  growth  in
turnover as well as in earnings.

From 1996 to 1998, Niels Mikkelsen worked for InWear Group (today  IC
Companys A/S), most recently as Country Manager for Denmark.

About Chris Bigler
Chris Bigler (born 1970) is a state authorised public accountant  and
has been employed with IC Companys A/S since 2002.

Chris Bigler has been CFO since 2004 and has today the responsibility
for  finance,  administration,  Risk  Management,  Treasury,   Shared
Service, Investor Relations as well as IT.

For further information about  this announcement, please contact  the
undersigned at +45 40 14 66 22.

IC Companys A/S

Niels Martinsen
Chairman of the Board of Directors

 This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions. the
                    Danish version shall prevail.

IC Companys A/S - Raffinaderivej 10 - DK 2300 Copenhagen S - tel. +45
3266 7788 - fax +45 3266 7703 - CVR no. 62 81 64 14 ho@iccompanys.com
                        - www.iccompanys.com


IC Companys new ceo