BankInvest II, Delisting of ex dividend units with effect from 4 April 2008

Surveillance Copenhagen

Copenhagen 1 April 2008

The Fund Market

Delisting of ex dividend units

The UCITS fund BankInvest II                                       
• Sub-fund ”Lange Danske Obligationer ex udbytte”                  
• Sub-fund ”Lange Danske Obligationer Pension & Erhverv ex udbytte”
• Sub-fund ”Kreditobligationer ex udbytte”                         
• Sub-fund ”Højrentelande, lokalvaluta ex udbytte”                 

Said shares are to delist. Last day of trading is 3 April 2008

BankInvest I's Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 3 April 2008 after which 
time the ex dividend units will be integrated with the ordinary units in the    
relevant sub-funds, cf. the fund's disclosure 20 December 2007 and 8 January    

                  1.                             2. 
ISIN Code     DK0060110476                  DK0060110559 
Name          BankInvest Lange Danske       BankInvest Lange Danske Obligatiner 
              Obligationer ex udbytte       P&E ex udbytte 
Submarket     Investeringsforeninger        Investeringsforeninger 
Submarket     Obligationer                  Obligationer 
Order Book ID 51675                         38139 
Order Book    BAILDOX                       BAILPEX 
Currency      DKK                           DKK 
                  3.                             4. 
ISIN Code     DK0060110633                  DK0060110716 
Navn          BankInvest Kreditobligationer BankInvest Højrentelande,
              ex                            ex 
              udbytte                       udbytte 
Delmarked     Investeringsforeninger        Investeringsforeninger 
Delmarkedsli-              Obligationer                  Obligationer 
Order Book ID BAIKROX                       BAIHOJLOKX 
Order Book    38140                         38118 
Valuta        DKK                           DKK 

For yderligere information kontakt: Jeppe Møller Nielsen, Surveillance, tlf. 33 
93 33 66                                                                        

The Nordic Exchange

OMX NORDIC EXCHANGE COPENHAGEN A/S. P.O. Box 1040. DK-1007 Copenhagen K.        
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