Establishment of new consultancy company

OMX Nordic Stock Exchange, Copenhagen
Nikolaj Plads 6                      
DK-1007 Copenhagen K                 

1 April 2008

Stock exchange announcement no 8/2008

Establishment of new consultancy company

On 1 April 2008, Lokalbanken, DiBa Bank, Skælskør Bank, Totalbanken and Carsten 
Stig Nielsen jointly establish a new company under the name of MatchPoint       
Virksomhedsmægler A/S.                                                          

The Company is established with a share capital of DKK 10m. Lokalbanken and the 
other three banks each hold 22.5%, whereas Carsten Stig Nielsen, who is employed
as the Company's CEO, holds 10% of the shares.                                  

The object of MatchPoint is to render strategic and financial consultancy in    
connection with acquisition and sale of companies, mergers, succession, funding,
preparation for stock exchange listing and admission for stock exchange listing.
The target group primarily constitutes small and medium-sized companies.        

Lokalbanken's participation in the establishment of the jointly-owned company   
will not influence expectations for the Bank's results for this year.           

For further information, please contact Lokalbanken's Commercial Manager, Steen
Hirschsprung, at Tel +45 4840 3810.                                            

Yours faithfully

Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s
Executive Board               

Bruno Riis-Nielsen

This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event 
of any inconsistencies the Danish version shall apply.                          

   Slotsgade 36
  3400 Hillerød
Tlf.: 4840 3000


selskabsmeddelelse nr8_2008_uk.pdf