Re: the draft resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders

1. Pursuant to AB Lietuvos Dujos Board of Directors Resolution as of 12 March
2008, the  General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Lietuvos Dujos is convened at 
10:00 h on Wednesday, 16 April 2008, at the Head Office of AB Lietuvos Dujos,
Aguonų St 24, Vilnius, (Conference Hall on the second floor).

On 2 April 2008, the Board of Directors of AB Lietuvos Dujos approved the
following draft  resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and hereby
presents them tothe General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Lietuvos Dujos: 

1.1. When approving AB Lietuvos Dujos Consolidated and Parent Company's
Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2007 and AB Lietuvos Dujos
Consolidated Annual Report for 2007, to take note of the opinion presented in
the Independent auditor's report tothe shareholders of AB Lietuvos Dujos. 
1.2. To approve AB Lietuvos Dujos Consolidated Annual Report for the Year 2007.
1.3. To approve AB Lietuvos Dujos Consolidated and Parent Company's Financial
Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2007.
1.4. To approve the Profit (Loss) appropriation of AB Lietuvos Dujos for 2007:

I. Retained earnings (loss) of the previous financial year 
   at the end of the current year                LTL 0           (EUR 0) 
II. Net profit (loss) for the current year       LTL 103,766,480 (EUR
III. Total profit (loss) to be appropriated      LTL 103,766,480 (EUR
III.1. Appropriation of profit to the legal 
       reserve                                   LTL 5,188,324   (EUR 1,502,642)
III.2. Appropriation of profit to the 
       corporate business development reserve    LTL 48,499,156  (EUR
III.3. Appropriation of profit for dividends     LTL 50,000,000  (EUR
III.4. Appropriation of profit for annual payments 
       to the members of the Board of Directors  LTL 79,000      (EUR 22,880)
       (LTL 17,000 (EUR 4,924) for each:Chairman of 
       the Board of  Directors and Deputy Chairman of 
       the Board of Directors,
       LTL 15,000 (EUR 4,344) for each :
       other members of the Board of Directors) 
IV. Retained earnings (loss) at the end of the current
year to be carried forward to the following 
financial year                                    LTL 0           (EUR 0)

1. 5.Complying with the requests by the members of the Board of Directors
Stephan Kamphues and Dr Eike Benke to recall them from the positions of the
members of the Boardof Directors  and elect new members of the Board of
Directors Dr Achim Saul and Marcus A.Söhrich instead. 
1.6. To fix the remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors.
1.7. To approve the new wording of the Bylaws of AB Lietuvos Dujos.

2.The dividends to be paid out for the Year 2007 proposed by the Board of
Directors to the general meeting of shareholders: LTL0.107 (EUR0.031) per share
with par value of LTL1. 

3.As provided by law, the draft resolutions of the General Meeting of
Shareholders as well as supplementary information will be made available to the
shareholders of the Company from 6 April 2008, on working days from 14:00
to16:00 h at the Head Office of the Company, Aguonų St 24, Vilnius,tel. (+370
5) 2360135, 2360216. 

Contact person:
Jolita Butkienė
Manager, Group of External Relations, Strategic Development Division
tel. +370 5 236 01 35


annual_report_2007_en.pdf conf_resp_persons_en.pdf final_ifrs ld en 2007 03 06.pdf governance_code_en.pdf new_bylaws_edit_en.pdf resolution_remuneration_board_members_ en.pdf