Alm. Brand Bank A/S - Notice of the annual general meeting 2008

Alm. Brand Bank A/S                               

Notice of the annual general meeting                                            

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Articles of Association, notice is hereby given    
that the annual general meeting will be held at 4 p.m. on 15 April 2008 at Alm. 
Brand Huset, Midtermolen 7, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø.                               

Business to be transacted:                                                      
Presentation of the annual report for approval and a resolution to discharge the
Board of Directors and the Management Board from liability                      

Resolution on the distribution of profit or covering of loss, as the case may   
be, in accordance with the approved annual report                               
Resolution to amend Articles 1 and 8 of the Articles of Association             
	Article 1: Deletion of the secondary name “Alm. Brand Henton Bank A/S (Alm.    
Brand Bank A/S)”                                                                
	Article 8: Addition of a resolution to discharge of the Board                  
of Directors and the Management Board from liability as part of 	the agenda for 
the annual general meeting                                                      

Election of members to the Board of Directors, see Article 11.                  

Appointment of auditors                                                         
Any other business                                                              

The agenda and the complete proposals as well as the annual report for 2007 will
be available for inspection by the shareholders at the company's offices at     
Midtermolen 7, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø as from today's date.                       

                            Copenhagen, 2 April 2008                            

                             The Board of Directors                             

Annual general meeting of Alm. Brand Bank A/S to be held at 4 p.m. on 15 April  
2008 at Alm. Brand Huset, Midtermolen 7, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø.                  

                               COMPLETE PROPOSALS                               

                           by the Board of Directors                            
                           the annual general meeting                           

Re agenda item 1: Presentation of the annual report for approval and a          
resolution to discharge the Board of Directors and Management Board from        

The Board of Directors proposes that the annual report be approved.             
The Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors and the Management  
Board be discharged from liability (not included in the Articles of             

Re agenda item 2: Resolution on the distribution of profit or the covering of   
loss, as the case may be, in accordance with the approved annual report         
The Board of Directors proposes that the profit for the year be carried forward 
to next year.                                                                   

Re agenda item 3: Resolution to amend Articles 1 and 8 of the Articles of       
The Board of Directors proposes that the secondary name “Alm. Brand Henton Bank 
A/S (Alm. Brand Bank A/S)” be deleted from Article 1.                           
The Board of Directors proposes that the following be added in Article 8(1):    
“and a resolution to discharge the Board of Directors and the Management Board  
from liability” in order that Article 8(1)(i) will read: “Presentation of the   
annual report for approval and a resolution to discharge the Board of Directors 
and the Management Board from liability”.                                       

Re agenda item 4: Election of members to the Board of Directors, see Article 11 
The company's Board of Directors consists of four members elected by the        
shareholders in general meeting and two members elected by the employees. The   
members elected by the shareholders in general meeting are elected pursuant to  
Article 11(2) of the Articles of Association for terms of one year, and they are
eligible for re-election. No alternates are elected for such Board members.     

All Board members elected by the shareholders in general meeting are thus up for
election, and they all offer themselves for re-election.                        

The Board of Directors proposes that the following Board members be re-elected: 

Mr Christian N.B. Ulrich                                                        
Mr Jørgen Hesselbjerg Mikkelsen                                                 
Mr Christian Hjorth-Andersen                                                    
Mr Søren Boe Mortensen                                                          

Pursuant to section 49(6) of the Danish Public Companies Act, we have made      
information available about the above-mentioned four persons' other             
directorships in other Danish public limited companies in the overview of the   
Board of Directors' directorships in the company's 2007 annual report, to which 
we refer.                                                                       

Re agenda item 5: Appointment of auditors                                       
The Board of Directors proposes that Deloitte, Statsautoriseret                 
Revisionsaktieselskab be re-appointed.                                          

Re agenda item 6: Any other business                                            
There will be no business to be transacted under this item of the agenda which  
can be resolved by the general meeting.                                         

                            Copenhagen, 2 April 2008                            

                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

