NCC to expand University of Skövde and Skövde Business Park for SEK 167 million

NCC to expand University of Skövde and Skövde Business Park for SEK 167 million

NCC Construction has been commissioned to construct new premises for the
University of Skövde and Skövde Business Park. The customer is Kalkstenen
Fastighets AB and the order is valued at approximately SEK 167 million. 

The building will comprise about 11,000 square meters of floor space and will
facilitate the University's expansion in the field of research, while providing
additional premises for business development at Skövde Business Park. 

“Being able to contribute to the improvement of conditions for research and
business development in Skövde will be a stimulating task,” says Mikael Nykvist,
Business Manager of NCC Construction, Region East.  

The project will involve a high degree of prefabrication and, when it is
completed, will provide tenants with a high degree of flexibility in terms of
function and use.

Landscaping work will commence in April and the building is scheduled for
completion in September 2009. The project will employ a total of approximately
70 persons. 

The order will be registered in the second quarter of 2008.

For further information, please contact:
Lovisa Lagerström Lantz, Acting Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, 
+46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70 592 45 46

All of NCC's press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the
Nordic region. NCC had in 2007 sales of fully SEK 58 billion, with 21,000

