Annual General Meeting HL Display AB (publ) 2008

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of HL Display AB (publ) was held on
April2, 2008. The submitted annual accounts of 2007 were adopted by
the general meeting.

The AGM resolved that a dividend be paid in the amount of SEK 5.50
(3.50) per share with April 7, 2008 as the record date. Payment by
VPC AB is expected to take place April 10, 2008. The share is traded
without dividend entitlement from April 3, 2008.

Discharge from liability
The AGM granted the Board Members and the Managing Director discharge
from liability for the 2007 financial year.

Board members
The Board members Anders Remius, Gérard Dubuy, Jan-Ove Hallgren, Stig
Karlsson, Åke Modig and Mats-Olof Ljungkvist were re-elected. New
election of Anna Ragén and Lars-Åke Rydh. Anders Remius was
re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
Gérard Dubuy, Managing Director, is not independent in relation to
the company. Anders Remius and Stig Karlsson are not independent in
relation to the company's owners.

Board fees
The AGM resolved that fees be paid to the Board of Directors in the
amount of SEK 1,250,000, divided by 250,000 for the Chairman of the
Board and SEK 150,000 to each Board member that is not employed by
the company. Within the total amount, members of the remuneration
committee and the audit committee can be remunerated with additional
SEK 50,000 per person. Auditors' fees are paid in accordance with
agreement and invoices.

Share split
The AGM resolved to increase the number of shares in the company
through a share split in which 1 old share will entitle to 3 new
shares (4:1). This means that the number of shares in the company
will increase to 30,939,088 of which 3,652,096 of class A and
27,286,992 of class B. The quotient value of the share will be SEK
1.25. The AGM authorized the Board to resolve upon the record date
for the share split.

Stockholm, April 3, 2008

Gérard Dubuy
Managing Director


Annual General Meeting HL Display AB publ 2008