JSC Utenos trikotažas sales for 1 quarter 2008

JSC „Utenos trikotažas“ company sales of the first quarter of 2008 reached 30,6
mill ( 8,9 mill.EUR). LTL and was by 5,0% higher than of the same period in
2007. Company sales exceeded by 0.7 mill. LTL(0,2 mill.EUR) the forecast
reported in 28th February 2008. This is the first quarter with sales growth
reported after the four quarters of decrease. 

The company significantly increased sales of ecological products which has
specific production process and technology requirements. JSC „Utenos
trikotažas“ plans to further develop its production of ecological products, and
expand co-operation with customers, requiring higher quality and sophisticated

Managing Director 
Of AB “Utenos trikotažas”  Gintaras Pileičikas