Agenda for Annual General Meeting of Capinordic A/S

This text has been prepared in Danish and in English. In case of discrepancies,
the Danish text will prevail. 

Company Announcement No. 6/2008  

9 April 2008

Agenda for Annual General Meeting of Capinordic A/S
Thursday 17 April 2008 at 2 pm at Bojesen A/S, Axelborg, Vesterbrogade 4A, 1620
Copenhagen V, Denmark 

1. Presentation of chairman of the meeting
2. Submission of the audited 2007 Annual Report for approval, including
discharge of the Company's Management from liability 
3. Resolution on distribution of profit or cover of loss
4. Proposals from the Supervisory Board
 a. Authority to increase the share capital
 b. Authority to issue share options
 c. Authority to buy back treasury shares
 d. Authority to distribute dividends on account
 e. Amendment of Article 11(2) of the Articles of Association of the Company on
notices convening general meetings through a national newspaper 
5. Adoption of general guidelines for incentive programmes for Management
6. Election of Supervisory Board
7. Election of auditors
8. Any other business

The share capital of the Company amounts to fifty-nine million four hundred
forty-five thousand one hundred and thirty Danish kroner (DKK 59,445,130)
divided into shares of a nominal value of DKK 0.50 each and registered with VP
Securities Services (Værdipapircentralen), corresponding to one hundred and
eighteen million eight hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and sixty
(118,890,260) shares in denominations of DKK 0.50. The share capital has been
fully paid up. Each nominal share amount of DKK 0.50 entitles the holder to one
vote at general meetings.  Please direct any questions concerning dividends and
shareholders' exercise of financial rights to Capinordic Bank A/S, Strandvejen
58, P.O. Box 69, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark. 

The voting rights of shares acquired by transfer are conditional upon the
shareholder having had the shares registered in the Register of Shareholders or
having notified and proved his acquisition not later than the date preceding
the notice convening the general meeting in the electronic information system
of the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. 

Admission cards for the Annual General Meeting may be ordered until 14 April
2008 by written request to Capinordic A/S, P.O. Box 69, Strandvejen 58, 2900
Hellerup, Denmark, for the attention of Katrine H. Schlichtkrull. The request
must include information on VP account No. or name and address of the owner of
the custody account. Any advisors to the shareholders must also obtain
admission cards for the Annual General Meeting by written request stating their
names by the same time limit. A proxy form for the Annual General Meeting may
be downloaded from the Company's website, 
The Agenda and the audited 2007 Annual Report signed by the Executive and
Supervisory Boards, as well as complete proposals, will be available for
inspection at the Company's offices at Strandvejen 58, 4th floor, 2900
Hellerup, Denmark, from 9 April 2008 and on the Company's website, 

Copenhagen, April 2008
Supervisory Board

For further information, please contact: 
Lasse Lindblad, CEO
+45 8816 3000,
+45 4094 0708

