DFDS A/S - main business of the Annual General Meeting

Announcement no 07/2008
                                                       Copenhagen, 10 April 2008

DFDS A/S - main business of the Annual General Meeting                          

The Annual General Meeting of DFDS A/S was held today the 10 April 2008 where   
the annual report and distribution of profits for 2007 were approved.           

The proposals submitted according to the agenda were approved.                  

The following were re-elected as board of directors: Director Ivar Samrén, Chief
Accountant Jill Lauritzen Melby, Managing Director Ingar Skaug and Group        
Director Anders Moberg, Group Director Lene Skole and Group Manager Vagn        

Amendment of the Articles of Association was approved regarding §14 by inserting
new sentence after 2nd comma; ”by a member of the board of directors and a      
member of the Executive Board jointly.” The full wording of §14 reads: “The     
company shall be bound by the signatures of the Board of Directors respectively,
and by the joint signatures of the Chairman and another member of the Board of  
Directors or a Director, by a member of the Board of Directors and a member of  
the Executive Board jointly, or by two Directors jointly.”                      

General guidelines for the Company's remuneration of the Board of Directors and 
the Executive Board were approved, and the following wording will be included in
the Articles of Association, Article 11, par. 3 “Guidelines for remuneration of 
the Board of Directors and the Executive Board have been adopted, including     
incentive schemes, cf. the Danish Companies Act, Article 69b, par. 2. The       
guidelines will be accessible on the Company's homepage”.                       

Furthermore, the board was authorised - until the next AGM - to acquire shares  
in the company worth up to a total of 10% of the nominal value of its share     
capital, as per the Danish Public Limited Companies Act, Section 48. The price  
must not deviate by more than 10% from the buying price quoted at the time of   
the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.                                                  

No other significant information was divulged at the annual general meeting.    

After the AGM a constituent board meeting was held, where Ivar Samrén was       
re-elected as chairman and Vagn Sørensen was re-elected vice-chairman in the    

Yours sincerely,                                                                
DFDS A/S                                                                        

Chr. Merrild                                                                    
Chief Financial Officer