Profit of the Group of JSC Grindeks in 2007 - 7, 1 million lats

Non-audited financial results are evidence, that the Group of JSC “Grindeks”
worked successfully during last year - net profit, related to the shareholders
of the holding company, in 2007 amounted to 7.1 million lats, which is by 8 %
more than in 2006.  In 2007 turnover of the Group amounted to 51.5 million
lats, which is by 9.3 million lats or 22% more than during the same period in

Chairman of the Board of JSC “Grindeks” Janis Romanovskis denoted, that the
positive financial results, shown during 2007, confirm the development of the
Company in accordance with its chosen strategic aims. „Significant investments
are our utmost guarantor in the development - almost 9 million lats in 2007.
The unique in the Baltic States Analytical and Scale-up Laboratory Completed is
certified at international level, the production of disposable ready-made
medications is continued, and the building of modern waste water purification
equipment is started. The growth of JSC “Grindeks” medications sales` volume in
existent markets is uninterruptedly continuous; moreover, we started the
registration of various medications in the perspective markets, such as China
and Turkey”. 

JSC “Grindeks” is the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States. Its
main fields of action are: research, development and manufacturing of brand
products, generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients. JSC “Grindeks”
specializes in the heart and cardiovascular, CNS and anti-cancer medication
therapeutic groups. JSC “Grindeks” Group consists of four subsidiary companies
in Latvia, Estonia and Russia and of representatives and representative offices
in fourteen countries. JSC “Grindeks” products are exported to more than 40
countries and its export comprises more than 92% of the total turnover. The
main markets are: the Baltic States, Russia and CIS countries, Japan, the USA.
JSC “Grindeks”shares are listed in the Official List of Riga Stock Exchange. 

Further information:
Laila Klavina
Head of the Communications Department
JSC “Grindeks”
Phones: +371 67083370, +371 29256012


grindeks_audited annual report 2007.pdf